Paton Green Recovery


 USD $8,000


 USD $6,925

Campaign created by Genna Green

Campaign funds will be received by Caleb Green

Paton Green Recovery

Hello! We are so thankful for everyone who has prayed, donated, and encouraged us as we have walked through these past few years of health issues with Paton. For those who are new to this story here is the VERY brief overview:

-Paton was diagnosed with migraines at age 4

-At age 8, he began having neurological issues, along with fatigue and pain. 

-As we worked with doctors to rule out serious causes for that, Paton experienced back-to-back viral infections and then eye surgery. 

-Paton then woke up in May of 2023 completely altered. We assumed it was a migraine and would shortly pass (like they always had), but this one went on two days. Then three. Then weeks, and then months. He gradually became entirely bedbound, stopped talking, was so weak he couldn't even sit for more than a few minutes. Light, sound, and touch became unbearable. He lost entire portions of his memory and essentially stopped interacting with others. Along with those things, his mental health took a drastic turn. We watched our little boy slowly fade away. 

It has been a very long, very scary season.

-In March 2024, we begged the doctors to admit him, and try anything they could to help our boy. We eventually finished a serious of medications that "broke" his 10 month long migraine, which allowed Paton’s body to start reacting positively to other therapies. However, it never explained all the other things that had happened before and after that initial crash. 

We have rejoiced in the many ways God has answered our prayers since then and given Paton some relief. However, we continue with many unanswered questions, and a whole host of health issues we are STILL working to resolve.

Which brings us to the point of this fundraiser:

We are currently in Georgia at an alternative health clinic where Paton is set to receive two weeks of focused therapies. The goal of this is to try and recalibrate his brain. If that sounds weird, I apologize, it is a little weird! We are fairly certain some of Paton's lingering struggles stem from faulty connections in his brain, and in order to heal, he essentially needs to reroute around any areas that have been damaged or impaired. 

The various costs of this trip include:

-Clinic costs

-Travel and accommodations (We are 8rs away from the family, Caleb is flying in and out to help with the long drives, clinic visits twice daily, Airbnb in a SAFE location, etc).

-Food and incidentals for the full two weeks (our diet is rather strict)

-Follow-ups with doctors and their recommended protocols

Every little bit will be a blessing to us, and even if you cannot give, the messages and prayers lift our spirits so much. Truly. Thank you for walking alongside our family. We couldn't do it without you!

Recent Donations
Emily Nurnberg
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

I speak healing over Paton Green in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, by the stripes of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Paton is healed

In honor of Liam
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

My prayers to Paton.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

Continues prayers

Robert Breaud
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Grayson and Paula Hughes
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Paton!

$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for your recovery

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Lifting your family up in prayers.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Paton and your family

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago


Michael Marcavage
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

May the Lord uplift Paton, heal him from his pain, and grant him comfort through each struggle and strain.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

We are praying!

Johnny Brekeen
$ 200.00 USD
2 months ago

Jo Frith
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Paton and all involved

Carlos PARRA
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

May God help us in this time, bless the family with your presence dear Lord.

Don Litchfield
$ 30.00 USD
2 months ago

Continuing to pray

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you all


Update #2

November 21st, 2024

Hello! We are closing out Day 9 of our treatment here and to say Paton is excited to be nearly done understatement. ;)

I asked friends on Facebook for questions I could answer here, so here we go!

1. What is the treatment?

Simply put, we are stimulating various nerves/sensory regions of the brain. It's called MST, or "multi sensory therapy". The goal is to engage and strengthen his limbic and vestibular systems, specifically. He has a combination of movement, light, various frequencies (through headphones) and olfactory stimulation, all at the same time.Each session is 30 minutes, and we do that twice daily at the clinic, along with a few other things. It's not physically taxing (which is a blessing, because he still has limited stamina) but it is VERY mentally fatiguing. He has to rest for a while after every session. It's very much a brain workout!

2. How does it work?

It works by stimulating his limbic and vestibular systems, which can help his nervous system process input and respond appropriately. Basically, his body and brain treat everything as A VERY BIG DEAL and so his system always feels like its on HIGH ALERT...which is exhausting in every way possible, and makes his very sensitive to the world around him. This is intended to strengthen his resilience and allow his senses to give him appropriate levels of information without it taxing his nervous system. It's kind of like learning what information to pay attention to, instead of taking in 100% of the world all the time. 

3. How long will it last?

It's not a precise thing, unfortunately. The main bulk of help should be around 60-90 days, as the brain forms new neural connections. It's intended to be a bit of a system reset but ALSO to pave the way for future supports. There's a lot of things we've tried that have been unhelpful, but may now be more effective. 

4. How is Paton responding?

Paton is responding well, better than we thought. The clinic director is a father himself and he has been very kind and supportive to Paton, including some tough love when Paton needed to push through sessions. It really is a brain workout, which means lots of ups and downs emotionally, and lots of physical rest. A lot of headaches too. But that's ok! We were warned ahead of time to expect it be very challenging, and we can do hard things. 

We are also asking many, many questions, networking with other providers, and hashing through Paton's case on a daily basis. He is a very complicated little person and has many factors that make his case tricky, but we have had some really great conversations that confirmed many of our suspicions and some new things to look into. Please continue to pray for him, for us, and for connections and conversations to happen while we are here. It's increasingly clear that God wanted us here, so we are resting in that and trusting in the long term potential benefit of all of this. 

Paton. Can. Heal. ♥️

Update Update #2 Image
First Few Days

November 17th, 2024

Well, we've made it to Day Five of this current treatment protocol. It's been quite the whirlwind!

For those who feel like they maybe missed a few updates, you didn't-this has all come up very suddenly and we took the leap as a family. 

We spoke with the clinic director about Paton's case on Saturday. We requested to be put on their schedule on MONDAY. They emailed us back and offered to squeeze us in before the holidays, if we could arrive and *start* treatment on WEDNESDAY. The drive is roughly 9 hours, so that meant we had to leave the next morning. Could we pull it off? It didn't feel like it, but we managed to cram the (borrowed, thanks mom and dad) van with everything we would need for a full two weeks away from home. 

We arrived in Atlanta Tuesday evening, with Caleb dropping us off at the Airbnb and immediately heading to the airport so he could fly back and continue work. It was quite the day! On Wednesday morning, we realized the lodgings we had secured were not going to be ok for half a month, so we scrambled, found a new place, booked it, loaded the vehicle back up...and finally made it to the clinic for our first assessment and visit. After we completed that round, we made it back to our NEW place...which was a far better choice and honestly, such an answer to prayer. The hosts are incredible and even offered to set up a wheelchair ramp for us, which made me about cry.

Each day, we have two appointments at the Brainvive clinic. (I know, I know, the name sounds a little sketchy, but their attention and support for Paton have been incredible.) They tweak what happens a little each day based on how his system is responding, but it is, in short, a very intense workout for his brain! So far, he is handling each session better than we hoped, though there are tears by the last ten minutes every time. It's hard work, healing a broken brain. We rest when he needs to, eat when he's able, and wheel down to the park if he feels up to it. Rinse and repeat. 

Thank you for giving, and thank you for reaching out to encourage us. When I asked Caleb if he thought this whole giant expenditure was worth it, he simply replied, "It's our boy. We do whatever possible to make him better." And I think that about sums it up. However, we couldn't do it without you. You guys are making this possible, so again, thank you. 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.