Parents and Kids Together


 CAD $12,000


 CAD $3,870

Campaign created by Jojo Ruba

Campaign funds will be received by Jose Ruba

Parents and Kids Together

Support Parents and Kids Together (PAKT)

Alberta's government plans to pass Canada's first law protecting underage children from being transitioned to another gender. The law will ensure parents know what their children are being taught at school about gender and sexuality and that parents are involved in any life-altering decisions their children face. Biological females will also be protected from having to compete in sports with biological males. Most Albertans agree with these common sense laws.

However, opponents of these proposed laws are already calling the laws dangerous and the provincial government, hateful. Some of these groups are using tax money from the federal government to fund their campaign.

It is critical that Albertans let our government know that these laws must be passed. This is why Parents and Kids Together (PAKT) was formed. We’re a coalition of ordinary Alberta parents, kids and families who believe kids are best protected by their parents. In fact, we believe children have a fundamental right to be supported by their parents and so no one should keep secrets from them about their kids. In the rare case that a parent may not care for their child, laws are already in place to protect that child.

Unlike our opponents, we don’t get any public money. This is why we need your support. Your donation will fund a rally to encourage our provincial government to pass these laws. To organize this event, we need to mobilize Albertans to attend by printing postcards and placards, producing on-line content on our website and social media pages, flying in experts who were formerly transgender as well as medical experts who will speak about the importance of these laws. Albertans need to hear these stories this November.

Please help us organize this rally so that our elected officials know that the vast majority of Albertans support this legislation. Find out more about us and the event at

Recent Donations
L Hou
2 months ago

Yvonne Demoskoff
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

May the Lord continue to renew your strength, and keep you going stronger, Jojo

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

My wife and I attendend the messages this evening at Brideland Campus and were deeply touched by what both ladies had to say. We trying to help and navigate the very challenging water of "identity" with a family member and this was very helpful. We would like to contribute to the expenses that the ladies incurred to come to Calgary Jerry and Reneyah Diener

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

As discussed. DS

Karin Litzcke
2 months ago

Appreciate you bringing Faith to Alberta.

Nancy Dundas
2 months ago

Murray Lytle
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

Thank-you for having the courage to protect children. History will show that transgender idealogy was very misguided and harmful to children. Research shows 90 percent of kids who show gender dysphoria have resolved it by the time they are 18. What if you have already cut off body parts and sterilized them?

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

Thank you for doing such important work!


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