Campaign funds will be received by Ogden Valley Smart Growth
Ogden Valley Smart Growth is a 509(a)(2) any donations can be deducted - effective May 8, 2024.
We are against the recent and continued actions consisting of, but not limited to the rezoning of AV-3 (Agricultural) land to Form Based Zoning and the accelerated development of Ogden Valley. These changes threaten to disrupt the unique character of Ogden Valley and allow commercial property in residential areas. We urge our Weber County Commissioners to listen to the voice of the people and reverse their Eden Crossing decision, which will only increase commercial zoning in residential neighborhoods. We urge them to work together with the majority voice of the permanent residents in supporting the recent successful incorporation efforts.
Please consider donating to this effort. As we use legal means in opposition against the New Town Eden Project, and amendments to the current Street Regulating Plan and the zoning changes.
as a reminder The Ogden Valley Planning Commissioners have already...
DENIED this request (ZTA2023-03) on May 23, 2023: Amending the Form-Based Village Zoning Ordinance to adjust the New Town Eden Street Regulating Plan.
DENIED the appeal to the above request on Nov. 11, 2023: Amending the Weber County Zoning Map, rezoning approximately 20 acres of land at approximately 5204 East HWY 166, from AV-3 Zone to the Form Based Zone.
We oppose the Form Based Zoning (FBZ) for the Eden Crossing parcels (and Ogden Valley)
We oppose the Eden Crossing Development which includes:
3 story apartment building/strip mall/shopping plaza
100 room hotel
192 condos
58 townhomes
37,000 SF retail space, another grocery store and another bank
Please contact our County Commissioners to deny any future requests to:
rezone AV-3 (Agricultural) land to Form Based Zoning.
Help us preserve and keep the rural nature of Ogden Valley by donating to this fund. If you write an email or letter to the Weber County Commissioners. Don't forget to say "add to public record".
2380 Washington Blvd Suite #360
Ogden, Utah 84401
James H. “Jim” Harvey
Gage Froerer
Sharon Bolos
801- 399-8589
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