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Our Parental Rights

Monthly Goal:

 USD $8,000

Total Raised:

 USD $150

Raised this month:

 USD $0

Campaign created by Brooke Westlake

Campaign funds will be received by Brooke Westlake

Our Parental Rights

Any donation of $50 will receive "There Are Only Two Genders" T-shirt. There Are Only Two Genders T-shirt Order Form Go this this form after your donation to put in your information so we can send you your t-shirt! 

We are in a time of battle for our children and women. They are coming for them, and we must speak up. We are tackling 2 goals here. The "Trans-agenda" in our schools, and the "Covid-19" case that became new case law by the Nevada Supreme Court.  

Transagenda: Our public education systems are in fact indoctrinating children K-12. They are affirming them to believe they are born in the wrong bodies, to use pronouns and new names, and the worst part is they are doing this by not including parents on purpose. Public Schools have found themselves in litigation because of such policies that were put in place without the parents or community knowledge. Also, alarming are the companies who have been hiring "transgender" men to wear "Woman Face" to influence and endorse such companies and products.  They are removing parental rights and WCSD SUED: Gender Affirming Policy 5161 WCSD-Removed Parental Rights now more legal cases have been coming forward on how they groom the children WCSD "Brave Space" Indoctrination Program in Schools

COVID-19 Vaccine: In the State of Nevada, the Nevada Supreme Court has now made new dangerous case law in regard to children and parents who shared 550 custody and the Covid-19 vaccine.  In September of 2023, 6 out of the 7 Nevada Supreme Court Justices signed a court order to force a child, now age 13 to be COVID-19 "vaccinated" based on a "Recommendation", not "Medically" required. This is the first time a case like this was brought forth and now the mother who is defending her children is moving forward to have this case appealed by SCOTUS. Kelley Vs. Kelley The mother is also working on drafting 2024 laws and policies that will be presented in the 2025, Nevada Legislation created in Nevada so that parents in a 550 situation will not be subject to dangerous case law that should have never been created.  The data on children becoming vaccine injured and long-term effects are coming to light. Hear more from leaders speaking the truth: COVID Vaccines: Congress Finally Hears the Truth-By TOM RENZ

We have to rise together or put the leaders in place that will rise for us, women and children. OPR is rasing funds for the following: Parents who are standing up for their parental rights, a book on Transgender-Agenda, Legal funds for SCOTUS and Legislation change regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine on children in shared 550 custody. 

Parents know what is best for their children, women need to be protected in schools and children do not need to be vaccinated with COVID-19. Please help us as we continue this battle and file lawsuits against school districts who have removed parental rights. 

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We encourage you as a parent or legal guardian, to contact the school district where your child or children are attending to find out what your parental rights are as a parent/guardian. Most school boards and superintendents across the United States have passed gender policies that block a parent's right. 

How and why are they doing this? Most of these school boards and schools are claiming they don't have these private policies, but as we found out firsthand, they do, and they are illegal. We encourage you to get copies of any policies in place that share the same narrative. The narrative that the parents and guardians do not have a right to know if their child is being groomed or transitioned into a transgender child. 

Quote taken directly from Washoe County School Districts, Administrative Regulation 5161 Gender Identity & Gender Non-Conformity Students. (Please note, this was passed in 2015 and revised in 2019).

"5. Rights and Protections 

ii. Staff shall not disclose information that may reveal a student's transgender or gender non-conforming status to others including, parents/guardians or other staff members, unless there is a specific "need to know," they are legally required to do so, or the student has authorized such disclosures.

iii. Staff must be mindful of the confidentiality and privacy rights of students when contacting parents/guardians so as to not reveal, imply or refer to a student's actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression."

PLEASE Note: Doctors are coming forward and sharing the long-term effects of hormone blockers and the damage they cause to a young person's developing body. This includes, genitality not fully developed for males and when they are adults, they will have a that will not work. Spinal issues in women. Infertility in both males and females. None reversable features of the opposite sex when taking hormones to become the opposite sex. Voice changes that will be none reversable. For "gender reassignment surgery" patients are left at the mercy of doctors care the rest of their lives. Many have unexplained infections and heart issues. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

David Williams
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

I Stand With you for parental rights. No government should should be able to determine what's best for our family. Responsible Parents have their children's best interest in mind. Giving children vaccines have been proven to be detrimental for children . Changing genders is Demonic at best and we need to pray for people who are struggling with gender identity instead of affirming them.


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