USD $700
USD $250
Campaign funds will be received by Carey Turner
As many of you know, I was laid off from my previous job of 8 years. Ironically, I was informed about the layoff the same week another manager congratulated me on reaching that milestone. I will miss this job and the good people I worked with.
But the thing I frequently daydreamed about while sitting at my desk was being back on the road, driving a truck again. I missed the change of scenery. The changing landscapes. The adventures. Except for the Northeast. No one misses that.
I realized that finding a job similar to my last one, with comparable pay and experience requirements, was going to be very difficult. So I decided to pursue getting my CDL again, with the dream of eventually owning my own truck. But the journey will not be simple.
Being laid off at possibly the worst time of the year, even after studying and earning my Commercial Driver’s License Permit, the next available date for me to start was January 3rd, 2024. However, I was accepted, and I look forward to orientation. Here’s what I’m looking at, pay-wise, over the next few months:
Phase 1: Orientation (3 Days)
The first 3 days of orientation will be interrupted by a weekend. I will have a meal card for three meals a day at the Prime terminal. To be honest, I’m not sure if the meal card covers the weekend days.
Phase 2: CDL Test Preparation (2-4 Weeks)
After orientation, I will be paired with a trainer who will prepare me for the actual CDL test. This phase will last 2-4 weeks. During this time, the trainer will drive while I observe, and I’ll drive while they sit shotgun. During this training, I’ll receive a $200-a-week meal allowance, which is essentially a loan that will later be deducted from my pay.
Once I’m assessed as ready, I will return to the terminal in Springfield for some final preparation before taking my CDL test. If I pass, I’ll graduate to the next phase.
Phase 3: Team Driving (30,000 Miles Minimum)
During this phase, I will receive guaranteed minimum pay as long as I remain available for dispatch. I’ll be paired with another trainer and move into their truck as a team driver. I’ll be required to complete a minimum of 30,000 miles as a team driver before I’m promoted to my own truck. This phase could go longer if they feel it’s necessary.
During this time, my cats will be checked on twice a week to ensure they have food, clean litter, and fresh water. They’re easier to care for than Maggie Mae.
I am confident in my ability to complete this training quickly and successfully. However, here’s the rub: during the month of January, while I’m in the first two phases of training, Maggie will need to stay at a local pet boarding facility. This location is run by a sweet local family, and Maggie genuinely enjoys her time there playing with the other dogs.
Unfortunately, this is not cheap, and there really isn’t a more affordable option. The purpose of this GiveSendGo campaign is to help offset the cost of Maggie’s care while I go through training during those initial weeks when I’m earning no pay. During this time, I’ll still need to make my car payment, phone bill, electric bill, water bill, and internet bill. There will also be other expenses.
My family is already helping with some of these costs, but I don’t want to burden them with everything. By my calculations, if I paid all my bills on time in January and February, plus Maggie Mae’s boarding expenses, I’m looking at a $2000 deficit, even if I manage to collect 2 weeks of unemployment.
Aside from this campaign, I also have two wish lists—one at Walmart and one at Amazon. If you’re able to help in any way, whether through a donation or by sharing this campaign, I would truly appreciate it. And Maggie will too.
Because eventually, she gets to go on the longest “car ride” of her life. Her absolute favorite thing is car rides, and I know she’ll make a very good Trucker Dog.
Carey S. Turner
For God so loved 🥰 the World Jn3.16-17. Merry Christmas Agape Love 💕
Praying for you, God bless you and stay safe!
January 1st, 2025
Onyx was taken to the vet for her Diarhea. And she tested positive for coccidia. Her medicine, in 3 doses was $29.00. All in all it was about $125.00 for her vet visit. The last dose of her medicine is today. And she already seems to be doing better.
I gave the tour of the house, cats and chores to the two young kids who will be checking on the cats twice a week, while I am gone. I am glad they will be able to take care of the cats while I am gone, and I get to give them some money when I start getting paid again. I am hoping this will help them and their parents. I hope to be able to be generous when the time comes.
Tomorrow I will drop Maggie off at boarding. I am going to have a hard time with this. It will be the longest we have been apart from each other. And it will not be easy for me.
At this point, I only lack for food on the trip to Springfield. And for the one unavoidable bill, which is my car payment in mid January, the 12th. I had two payments moved to the end of my loan. By Friday afternoon I should be well on my way to completing the first day of orientation.
I will try to post updates as often as possible. Thank you for all your support and prayers.
December 25th, 2024
Merry Christmas everyone. I just want to say Merry Christmas to everyone. This Christmas is about being grateful for what we have. I have a orientation day. I know I have a chance for a good job in my future. And I know I have family and friends who support me.
I have a duffel bag, toiletries bag, sleeping bag, dog food, cat food and food to last me. Onyx might have to go to the vet if her diarrhea does not go away. I dewormed all the cats and Maggie Mae on Monday. But, Onyx still has loose stools. I am hoping she just needs a dose of something to clear it up. I will post an update about that when I know. But, otherwise, I think everything is set. Praise God.
December 19th, 2024
I picked up prescriptions today. The price was lower than the initial quote. I do not know for certain, but, I believe they discounted some to their costs. There are hand written adjustments made to the tags. Either way, I am very grateful.
December 17th, 2024
Thank you so much for the donations so far. I am blessed so much by God thru family, friends and strangers. The most pressing expense right now is my prescription refills, and this should be covered.
The next big expense is my phone bill. I wish it was not a contract now that I am unemployed. But when I gave in to it, I didn't think I was going to be unemployed. They had just sent me a brand new $3400 work laptop. But, anyway, thank you all so much.
December 16th, 2024
Thank you very much, Anonymous. I woke this morning to your generous donation. And is much appreciated. I am grateful to God that I can get thru this time with God, Family and Friends.
December 15th, 2024
This is the requirements directly from the documentation I was sent upon being invited to Orientation.
You will be required to obtain a minimum of 30,000 team miles with a Prime Trainer after obtaining your Class A CDL.
Sign an agreement to drive for Prime for one year in orientation (unless coming in with your CDL).
As long as you drive for Prime for one year, you pay nothing to Prime Inc. for the training program.
Go out on the road for 2 to 4 weeks with a CDL Instructor to help you develop the skills needed to pass the CDL Exam.
During this time, you will not be paid by Prime. You will be able to take an interest-free loan of up to $200 per week. This money is intended for meals only (not to send home to pay bills).
Once you become a company driver after obtaining your CDL, we will deduct $25 per week until you have paid back the borrowed amount.
Return to Prime to take the Class A CDL Exam which will test you on your driving, backing, and inspection skills.
After passing CDL Exam, you will be required to obtain a minimum 50,000 team miles with a Prime Trainer.
You will be paid a minimum of $900/week as long as you are available for dispatch.
Once you obtain 30,000 training miles, you will be eligible for upgrade review.
Upgrading into your own truck is based on safety, service, and truck availability.
This is still the cheapest and most direct way to obtain your CDL in the state of Missouri. When I was looking at the schools, one was telling me nearly $11,000, and then, going to driver for Werner to work that money off. My old school was telling me $5500. And I would also be signing a contract if they found me a company.
With Prime, I am getting real experience in modern equipment, and in the third phase, I am even getting paid. That, and the option to lease a truck and even lease to own a truck with a program designed to help you succeed. Yes, there is always people who had a bad experience here or there, you have to look past that.
My first trucking company was PAM Transport out of Tontitown, Arkansas. They were a terrible company. But, I was successful there. I was successful for the 18 months I worked for them. I received safety awards, jacket and ring. Eventually, I went to a better company with better pay and a better truck. But, I earned my upgrade.
I am sort of starting over, and that is fine. It has been 12 years. I am fine to start over. But, my starting pay at Prime will be much better than what it was 20 years ago when I started with Prime. I remember during training being very hungry, with PAM.
Anyway, I just wanted to share more information before I started really sharing this campaign. Thank you. Peace, Love and Biscuits.
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