USD $15,000
USD $3,470
Campaign funds will be received by Kathy O'Brien
I am sharing my two friends' need—Andy and Kathy O’Brien.
Andy is a retired butcher (UK and US), having done it for 52 years! A Brit who loves his tea, and is very brave for all that he has gone through over the past six years. Kathy and I met while we were in college in Phoenix: I was preparing to be a teacher, and Kathy was pursuing a career as a missionary teacher that took her to Edinburgh, Scotland, Liverpool, England (where she met and married Andy) and now ministering in Tucson, Arizona. We lost contact for a number of years, but our paths met once again via Facebook. Our friendship has been a huge blessing to me ever since! Today, my heart is burdened once again for my friends; that is what I would like to share with you here.
Six years ago, health challenges for Andy began. Major surgeries and procedures, unending doctor/specialist visits, unexpected hospital trips and stays, co-pays and the never-ending rise in medication costs—all these medical challenges have scaled up drastically for Andy and Kathy. The O’Briens (as others) have taken a financial hit in this.
Their challenge is immense, but I love how they walk by faith, knowing that our God will provide for them. Kathy says this: “Together with God, we can do this! There isn’t one set of circumstances that God doesn’t lead us to that He hasn’t already come up with the needed resources for. God has always been our Jehovah Jireh—our Provider—and He has been more than gracious to Andy and me over our 34 years of marriage. Faithful is the only way to describe our God! Over and over again, faithful to the end, He is the Provider of everything we need. We trusted Him then, we trust Him now, and we will no doubt have the opportunity to trust Him once again. Together with God, we can do this!”
On December 11th, Andy was rushed to the hospital and admitted for sepsis due to an infection in his blood. Many tests have been run. Many questions are to be answered, and many discoveries need to be made to know the next steps in Andy’s care.
I am posting this appeal in order to help encourage and provide for them. Please pray for Andy and Kathy. They are strengthened by our prayers! I hope that some of you will read the O’Briens’ story and maybe will join me in helping them. I know our prayers can open heaven’s throne to God’s power to produce another miracle of God’s grace and faithfulness! “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much!” (James 5:16). I’m eager to see how our God answers our prayers!
I would like to set a goal of raising $15,000 to help relieve Andy and Kathy O’Brien’s financial stress that comes with the seemingly never-ending medical bills. Would you join me to assist them? Please give what God lays on your heart to give; let’s watch our Jehovah Jireh bless them! (Genesis 22:14) And if you can or cannot donate at this time, please give them the gift of your prayers. I agree with Kathy: “Together with God, we can do this!”
Praying for you both in this journey. Praying for health, wisdom, peace, and rest in your Heavenly Father.
Praying that your needs will be met this month. Praying that doctors testing and observations will lead to better outcomes. Much love.
Here's looking at you kid.
I'm praying for you two and for this GiveSendGo project as your needs grow! May the LORD impress on new pray-ers to pray and new givers to give.
Praying for you guys.
Continued prayers for you both. M@L Smith
We pray that God will be with you both as He guides you through this difficult time.
Praying that this next week will bring improvement to Andy’s condition.
Praying for you. May the Lord bless you!
Lifting you up in prayer.
Praying for you, Andy. Mercy and peace to both of your hearts today.
God is more than FAITHFUL! Praying for you as God leads you through this journey.
With all our love. Every blessing Mal and Dot xxxx
Praying forGod's will and for both of your strength Love you both
March 6th, 2025
This message might be a little long and that's because my heart is a little heavy right now. I feel the need to rally our prayer warriors to cover us with some mighty strong prayer support. As most of you know already Andy is in the midst of his three-months test cycle for health checkups. These always set me a little on edge only because each time they either reveal something new or something that's worsened. This time is no exception. Andy still has one major test to complete the cycle and that's an endoscopy (on the 18th) to check on the esophagus. His blood work results are all in and his numbers reflect that most have worsened while some remain stable. We are still awaiting results of the bone marrow study. Wednesday Andy had his MRI to check on the liver. Late Wednesday afternoon we received our copy of the results. You don't need a medical degree to realize that the news is not good, reflecting that Andy's liver disease may have moved into the next stage. That was confirmed Thursday morning when PCP's office called us. She ordered yet more blood work to check on his tumor markers (now done!) and PCP wants to see us in the office Monday morning to discuss the full details of the MRI and set the next steps before us. Would you join us in prayer for God's peace to surround our hearts this weekend and that He will graciously prepare us for the news from the PCP on Monday.
March 6th, 2025
February 18th, 2025
Today was Andy's appointment with his new hematologist!
Whew! Two hours later! We really like Dr. Abdelaziz! He is Egyptian! He is a Christian! He is a Liverpool Football fan, so he and Andy hit it off really well! He was ready to see this new patient of his, having studied Andy's records thoroughly. He had questions for us. He answered questions from us. Gave great explanations that were very understandable. We liked that he took a couple of obstacles moving forward off the table for us. He did confirm the prognosis as the rest of the Dr. team have already laid out. A whole bunch of blood was taken today for new types of testing. An appointment was set for Thursday, Feb 27th for a bone marrow study to be done. We are headed toward getting more answers to Andy's anemia problem and how it fits in with his liver disease! Today, we praise God for this new doctor added to Andy's team! Go, Team Andy!!
Upcoming appointments: Feb 25 with Infectious Diseases—Feb 27 Bone Marrow Testing—March 5 MRI to check on liver progress (especially that lesion!)—March 17 Follow-up with Hematologist—March 18 Endoscope to check on esophagus issues.
Prayer Requests: (1) Andy would start having more good days than bad ones! (2) More energy, better appetite, less nausea, greater ability to breathe well, and restful sleep. (3) Jehovah Jireh would continue to show us His faithfulness in providing for our financial needs right now! (4) The results of all these upcoming tests and appointments are in God's loving hands. We are at peace with whatever His will reveals!
Thanks to all who are bearing us up through prayer! Your strength in us is awesome! And the answers to prayer have been mind-blowing! God is SO good! All the time!!
February 1st, 2025
Praises and Answers to Prayers!
As of January 29th, Andy is now finished with his at home IV antibiotic treatment. He is so happy to have that pic line out of him! He is still very weak, fatigued, and in pain—still experiencing good days and bad days—yet, I'm starting to see him with a little more desire to "putter" around the house (most in the kitchen!) even though it tires him out greatly! Due to the fact they were unable to find out the source of his blood infection, he will need to be on oral antibiotics for the rest of his life so that the infection and sepsis doesn't come creeping back on him. The next two months will bring a lot of appointments our way as he goes through his "three-month check-up cycle" with doctors performing various tests and procedures (Cardiologist and Hematologist in February - Gastro and PCP in March). We always brace ourselves for these "check-ups" for they usually reveal something new or something that has worsened in Andy's health journey. Even still, we ask God to reveal to Andy's doctor what needs to be revealed and to prepare us for whatever those results will be.
We also praise God, our Jehovah Jireh, for His faithful ways of providing our needs. We got the news that all of the expenses with the "home nursing" for the past six weeks has been totally covered! Every day during January one or two gifts were delivered at the house, through mail delivery, or donated through our GSG campaign, which has enabled us to pay each and every medical bill received thus far from this past hospital stay. Praise God, for family, friends, and even strangers who are being the hands and feet of Jesus, who are praying daily for us, and who are providing money for bills, groceries for our table, practical help with tasks at home, and tons of cards that encourage our hearts and bring smiles to our faces. For all of you—we say, "Thank you!!"
January 21st, 2025
Several Updates that include multiple prayer requests: (1) Andy is coming to the end of his at Home IV Antibiotic treatments, with a completion date set for 1/27. Praise is that he has been tolerating these mega antibiotics fairly well. Prayer is that his "inflammation/infection markers" are still registering high. They have come down from what they were in the hospital, but they are not yet down to normal levels that the Infectious Disease Doctor would like to see. We need to pray that these come down! (2) Andy is struggling daily with a lack of energy, extreme fatigue, lack of appetite due to increasing nausea, shortness of breath, low grade fevers, out of control blood sugar levels and all over body pain. It's hard to know if these symptoms are continuous from the anemia, liver disease, blood infection, or something new. We pray God will give us and the doctors wisdom in what needs to be done for him moving forward. (3) The medical bills from his last hospital trip are beginning to trickle in (I'm still making payments on the other three hospital trips we had during 2024). Our savings and emergency backup funds are gone! And everyone wants their payments NOW! We are praying that our Jehovah Jireh (who sees every one of these bills) will step in and help provide for us so we can pay all our medical bills on time. (4) It will soon be time for our next "three-month check-up cycle" (mid-Feb through mid-March). Those appointments are already made. We are praying that God will be preparing both Andy and I for these intense weeks of appointments, tests, and procedures. We also ask that God would reveal what needs to be revealed, and that His perfect will would be accomplished in Andy's life. Thank you, our friends and strangers alike, for holding us up to the throne of God. Your prayers carry us through some very difficult days!
January 7th, 2025
There are certain things that I dislike about the medical world. The cost of insurance and medical procedures. The uncertainty of diagnoses. The lack of bedside manner from some healthcare professionals. The waiting for test results. And having to decide between medicines and groceries.
There I was today, in front of the Pharmacist picking up 7 of Andy's 28 daily medications. One floored me. Last month I was told I had hit "the donut hole" and had to pay full price. Ugh! Happily, the insurance companies have done away with "the donut hole" this new year BUT they didn't do away with rising their prices on some medications. This one medicine (a must have right now for Andy's diabetes) is $7.50 per pill. Doctor had ordered a 90-day supply, and the insurance company wanted some $675. Ugh! "I cannot do that!" Let's try a thirty-day supply—still an UGH! from me. What about Good RX and another prescription savings plan? The pharmacist and I checked—not covered. Of course not! I'll be talking to his doctor about this new medication. 5 of the medications I picked up had zero copay (thank you, God, for that!), and two meds I had to pay for. I left the Pharmacy $292.68 poorer! And groceries? Well, they will have to wait!
We do have some praises: (1) Andy is starting to respond to the antibiotic regime (4 syringes of "joy juice" every eight hours for another 4-6 weeks!). His appetite is slowly returning. He is starting to "putter" around the house a little. He cooked a meal for us the other night—totally wiped him out, but he loved being in the kitchen again! Please continue in prayer with us that his weekly blood work might start to show improvement. Also, his kidney and liver functions need a little "touch" from the Master Physican. (2) Saturday, January 4th, my family laid my dad to rest at a graveside service. Dad was a singer in a Barbershop Quartet for years. As a surprise to everyone, my sister arranged for his group to sing at his service. "Amazing Grace" was one of dad's many favorite hymns. And in honor of dad's love for baseball, they closed the service with a rousing rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game!" Dad would have LOVED that!
The "God of all Comfort" has been, and daily is, surrounding Andy and I with His presence! His comfort is "whasome!" as one of my little students used to say. God's comfort very often comes with whispers of His promises. Here's my favorite promises for times such as these: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand" Isaiah 41:10. The God of all Comfort is faithful to keep every promise whispered. And our Jehovah Jireh is faithful to provide our every need in this journey of trusting Him!
December 27th, 2024
I trust everyone reading this site had a Merry Christmas with your family and friends, and that you are looking forward to a Happy New Year! (I still want to know what happened to 2024 - it sped by so very fast!). Our Christmas was different, not very merry, and just weird on so many levels! But we tried our best to focus on the reason for the season. In our hearts, we rejoiced at the birth of our dear Savior, Jesus Christ, and realized, once again, just how very special He is to our hearts!
December 11th, my hubby, Andy, was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. He was diagnosed with sepsis due to an infection in his blood. A team of nine different doctors ran tests, scans, and procedures from head to toe and every inch in between, looking for the source of the infection. One was not found. A few tests had to be aborted as they were impossible to complete due to his complications from his liver disease. They were able to identify the kind of bacteria involved and started him on the correct antibiotic treatment. After 11 days in the hospital, the Saturday before Christmas, I brought him home. Just because he came home doesn't mean that he is well (he is still considered critical); he is not better (prognosis is not a pretty picture); and he is not even okay (extreme weakness, lack of appetite, and great fatigue) but he was able to come home for Christmas! He is currently undergoing a regime of antibiotic treatments (through a pic line) every eight hours for a duration of 6-8 weeks. This infection is affecting his other health issues—chronic anemia, progressing liver disease, esophageal injury, diabetes to name just a few. A Nurse Practioner told Andy the other day, "Sir, you have to realize just how critically ill you are right now. Your body is fighting a major war within, and you are currently losing the battle!" Andy needs our prayer support and encouragement to get through this battle with his health! Healing will happen either here on earth or in heaven—that's all up to God's plan for him! And we totally trust God's plan!
On the Sunday before Christmas (22nd) and two days after his 92nd birthday, my (Kathy's) dad passed away after an extended illness and hospice journey. The doctors told us that he would never stand on his feet nor walk again (not on this earth!) but on the day of his passing my dad got to walk on the streets of gold in heaven. He got to meet his Savior. He was reunited with Mom, his mom and dad and siblings, and so many friends who met him there. Whenever I get sad that he is no longer with us, I just think of all the beauty he sees, all the conversations he is having, and all the worshipping of God that is taking place. Those thoughts make me smile! From where I'm standing on this old earth, heaven is looking sweeter every day!
A special thanks to all who have read this campaign site, who have prayed for us, who are encouraging us in spectacular ways, who are the hands and feet of Jesus to our needs—we say a gigantic heartfelt THANK YOU!! Family, friends, and strangers alike, we THANK YOU!! You help to make this journey of ours a little brighter! God bless us one and all.
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