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Supporting notdan Create Content & Stay Free


 USD $10,000


 USD $1,079

Campaign created by Daniel H

Campaign funds will be received by Daniel H

Supporting notdan Create Content & Stay Free

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Heya E-Pals! It’s your best fiend @notdan here! I’m going to tell you a quick story about what’s been happening in my life since September of 2022, and ask for your financial assistance in helping me to continue creating new and interesting projects, like more Live Stream Content, helping Re-Build HTP.LIVE v2, and also most importantly, use the funds/financial love towards KEEPING ME THE F*CK OUT OF PRISON.

Would you like to hear a story about my life for the past 7 months? I don't give a shit, I'm still going to tell you about it!

At the end of September 2022, I was charged with two series felonies that relate to pew-pews / The Second Amendment in the State of California. 

I was not threatening anyone, being violent, or doing anything other than minding my own business cleaning my vehicle. 


While I was cleaning, whoever was watching over the site must have seen me do something that looked strange (I really am unclear on this still..) but it wasn't related to the pew-pew or the police would have responded MUCH more different than they did, IMO. Anyways, they were apparently called and the Local Bored-As-Hell™ Police arrived on the scene, and proceeded to turn a very calm, sane situation into a completely insane situation. 

And so, I am now currently engaged in an EXTREMELY COSTLY LEGAL BATTLE FOR MY FREEDOM. It's taking it’s toll on me in a bunch of ways: Mentally, Financially, Relationship, Mentally, Anxiety, Also did I mention mentally? I can't go to my office at work without spontaneously crying anymore, because a massive police operation that descended upon me the very next day, when I came to work. The reason? -- [Sorry, but I had to remove the rest of this due to this being an active, on-going case.] Let's just say, my anxiety attacks are so debilitating that I can’t work, let alone continue moving on with my life, which almost ended in May 2021 after the car crash which you may already be familiar with (See the YouTube Video from Mountain View Officer's AXOM Camera). My husband Joe is amazing, and continues to be the light of my life, but this is obviously putting a massive strain on him as well, due to the stress of worrying about me and what is going to happen to our lives at any given moment. 

Soooo... If you’ve been wondering why I have been so negative lately, you finally have some detailed answers.

Hiring a good, competent law firm is not cheap. At all. I can't disclose how much I'm paying because it's considered confidential information, but to get an idea of a LOW ESTIMATE, here's an excerpt from Clio Trends Report:

"According to the Clio 2022 Legal Trends Report, the average attorney hourly rate was $313.00 in 2022. You may pay more or less depending on the kind of service you need, where you live and which attorney you hire."

Trust me when I say this: One hour goes *very* fast on cases like this, and that I wish my rate was as low as the "average". I'm not sure how much detail I can divulge here due to Attorney-Client privilege rules, so please bare with my while I try to find the appropriate balance here.

I'm going to be as open as I possibly can about this case, but I have to protect myself and my defense first and foremost. One slip-up could afford the prosecution the option to begin using shady technicalities, and from my personal experience so far, I'd rather err on the side of caution.

As of writing this, I have sunk around $40,000 of my life savings into attorneys and fighting this case, a case which I believe is largely being used to make a political statement and use me to make an example out of me, much like the DOJ has done with so many, including Ross Ulbricht. Luckily, I do not believe I will face anything quite as horrific as Ross is facing, but it’s hard to convey they feeling of being stalked by the legal system until you’re on the receiving end.

These legal bills are on top of the financial bleeding from the car wreck, which came out to be close to $100,000 of my life savings. BYEBYE GETTING A HOUSE/AMERICAN DREAM!! Treatment for a shattered ankle and arm aint cheap. In case you haven’t guessed, there’s not much left of me: Financially or otherwise. I’m running pretty thin, and could really use some help. I’m not the type of person to ask for something like this, but I don’t really have many other options any more.

GoFundMe has decided I'm banned from their platform because I dared to ask for money for legal related things, and since they wanted to de-platform right-wingers, they had to de-platform everyone apparently. Who knows, who cares.. but I'll never use or recommend GoFundMe to anyone ever. 

Anyways, if you are able, I would be extremely thankful if you can donate any amount, or even just send a cool DM on Twitter or wherever. If you'd rather donate via other platforms or crypto, go to So many of you have been so awesome throughout the past months. I know I haven't talked about it publicly to very many people until now, but it's not exactly a fun topic to keep talking about. :/

Regarding the financial help: It doesn't feel right just accepting money without giving back to the communities, so I’m willing to try and provide some things in return. Full disclosure here: These psychological issues that have popped up during this time has made it hard, and almost just plain impossible for me to focus on any tasks or projects for large amounts of time anymore. I hate that my life has been so thoroughly destroyed, but I have to hold out hope that it'll get better with time. 

I’d like to try and rebuild HTP.LIVE (The PeerTube project that got killed by a bunch of massive failures beyond my control) and some of the other small projects I had running before my life got destroyed by the car crash, the anxiety/insomnia issues, this legal bullshit - take your pick. When I "joke" on Twitter that I'm "cursed", now you know that I'm not joking and I truly feel like something evil has attached itself to me and won't let go until I'm dead.

If you don't like me or don't want to help with my situation, please consider donating to The Sentencing Project or similar jail reform funds instead. The Prison System in the USA is in desperate need of reform. People are treated worse than dogs at the SPCA in jails in California.

TL;DR: I am really pretty fucked at the moment, and could some help in any way to keep me out of jail, something that the local police forces and prosecution seems to really want, for whatever reason. Something I kept hearing on the footage provided to me is “this guy is weird” because of the hacker/infosec gear that I had in my truck. I guess being “weird” is now a crime in California, of all places. Go figure.

My Stance on Law Enforcement Officers & The Department of Justice
I want to take a moment and make my stance on Law Enforcement Officers and the Dept of Justice clear: While some of the jokes I make on social media, the content I produce, and even this webpage may seem like I'm completely against the police, that sentiment is simply not true. I take no issue with police officers conducting their jobs in a manner consistent with the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor. I do, however, take issue with abusive police and other agents of the DoJ.

It's the Police and Members of The Department of Justice whom insist on betraying their integrity, character, and most importantly the Public's Trust that I find highly offensive, and so should you. Law Enforcement officers should never be given a free pass to be unethical, even for "small things" - like flipping on their cruiser's emergency lights to get through a red light, or parking illegally on break because it's closer. Those small, but very visible infractions erode trust in the Public's Eye and shouldn't be tolerated. Further, Officers or DoJ staff who engage in manufacturing narratives or evidence are the most egregious offenders of breaking the Oath of Honor, and usually end up causing irreparable damage to the communities they swore to Protect & Serve.  

Recent Donations
Robert Gonzales
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Hope this helps Danno!! Come back to Buffalo soon!!

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago


$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago


$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Sending you lots of big hugs.

Anonymous Giver
$ 69.00 USD
1 year ago

Hang in there and stay positive

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Hey, I hope this makes a little bit of difference. Hang in there!

bingus mcdingus (dotbin)
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

hi notdandandan, i know it's a small donation because i don't have much monies but i really like the stuff you do and i hope for the best. xoxoxo much love from brazil


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