USD $9,000
USD $540
Campaign funds will be received by David Nichols
Note: See the update at the bottom of my story but do read my story if you are new here.
My name is David Nichols. I am 77 years old. I live on Social Security and a part-time job at The Home Depot in Cottonwood, Arizona. I live with my ex-wife, Cheryl, in a Social Security partnership. She is 80 years old and, I have to admit, that her memory is not as good as it should be. Also, she doesn't get around very well, her knees are bad. She has a hard time getting up the three steps into our RV. She can 't walk fast and she is one of those old ladies you see in Wal Mart, or other stores, in the electric shopping carts. Luckily, I am still strong and vigorous and don't have such problems. Further, she only gets $900 a month. Not nearly enough to live on. Between the two of us we are getting by, but just barely. We live in an old (1984) motor home that has some issues but is serviceable for now.
Due to Cheryl's desire to decorate and make our space unique, she had too much stuff outside around our RV and the RV park manager had been on her for months to "declutter." Cheryl resisted, including some arguments with the manager. Finally, he'd had enough and sent us a certified letter saying that he would not renew our month-to-month lease and we had until February 1st to leave. (It is actually the 8th, as we didn't receive the notice until January 8th). This old RV hasn't been started in 8 years. I have my doubts about it starting now and I'm not a mechanic and don't have the tools to do any work on it, if needed. But even if we got it running, there is no RV park that will allow it in. It's too old and it's a bit shabby from weathering. We were going to rely on out son, Cameron, to help us. He's a mechanical whiz.
I should say was a mechanical whiz. Cameron died suddenly on or about Saturday, January 11, 2025, maybe later on Sunday. He was homeless, living in another old RV, camping in "dispersed camping", near Prescott, Arizona. A friend of his who knew where he was camping went out to find out why he wasn't answering his phone. He found my son dead. The Sheriffs Deputies who showed up figured he'd been dead for at least a day, maybe more. That was on Monday, January 13th. My son's friend called me at work to inform me of my son's death.
I had been supporting Cameron with money to buy food (he'd just finally been able to get food stamps), gasoline for his RV and his Jeep, propane, drinking water, cigarettes (he was a heavy smoker) and various other things that he needed from time-to-time. Cameron had broken his back twice in his life. The first time was when he was 12 years old and fell from Thumb Butte, in Prescott. He fell over 100 feet and landed on a steep slope, which saved his life as he bounced and slid a further 100 feet or so. He had back pain ever since then. But he was lucky. His friend, who had caused them both to fall, sustained an extremely severe head injury and was never mentally aware after that and, in fact, may have passed away.
Then, in his late forties, my son was trying to pick up the tongue of a trailer that wouldn't budge and he put in extra effort and his back shattered again. He had been in severe back pain ever since even after an operation from which he woke up screaming in pain. The pain medication he was prescribed only lessened the pain but did not eliminate it. He applied for disability and, without going into a long explanation as to why, he was denied. He had recently renewed his claim and, if granted, the three of us were going to pool our money to get us a house to live in, an owner carry situation if possible. That dream died with the death of my son.
So now, Cheryl and I are faced with having to leave this RV park, which is affordable and the age of our RV is not an issue, to finding one that will accept this old RV, highly unlikely if not impossible given the fact that almost all, if not all, RV parks won't accept anything 10 years old or older unless they are in near pristine condition, which this one is not. The rents for a one-bedroom apartment around here is in the neighborhood of $1,200 per month and higher, which will be out of our reach since we would have to pay first, last, and deposit. We just don't have the money. But, without having to help out my son, now that he has passed, We should just be able to afford the rent. Then there is the cost of the cremation for our son. The best quote I could get is $1,400. Again, we just don't have the money.
We are trying to raise enough money to pay for the cremation and to pay first, last, and deposit on the cheapest apartment we can find. I've check Catholic Charities and St. Vincent de Paul, but all the subsidized and elderly housing places have two to three year waiting lists. We are trying raise that money, $1,400 for the cremation and approximately $2,700 to get into an apartment. Then there are moving costs and paying to have our old RV towed to some "boneyard," and other ancillary cost. Cheryl is still hoping to move this old RV to some park that will accept it but I have no hope of that happening. And, even then, there will be first, last, and deposit to pay. I checked with the least expensive RV Park in the area and it would take almost $1,000 to move in...upon approval of our RV; photos of all four sides. And, as I've said, it's old and shabby.
Basically, Cheryl and I are literally facing living on the streets at this point in our lives. Not a fun thought. And shameful that rents are so high as to keep old people from renting apartments.
Now, as to our cars. We have two, a 1999 Lexus that a dear friend sold to us cheap. It has some transmission problems but not severe and it's a good car. The other car, the one I use to drive to work, is a 2004 PT Cruiser. It has 350,000+ miles on it and much worse transmission problems. It is nearly at the end of its useful life and could go at anytime. Therefore, I am asking for enough money to replace that car before it completely breaks down. I have seen PT Cruisers, with relative low mileage (130,000 to 150,000) going for between $2,800 and $3,800. But even another type of car or an older but serviceable pick-up truck or a small SUV would be fine.
Anyway, that's were we are. There is one other cost I might have to incur. My son had three old and to me, useless, RVs. (The one he was living in was ordered towed by the police.) He had dreams of working again in his profession. He was an excellent HVAC installer and technician, but his constant pain kept him from working. Then, he would tell me, I'm going to fix up those old RVs and use one and sell the others. I am paying storage for them and will try to sell or, if necessary, give them away. But they are not able to be started without some mechanic working on them. A carburetor and battery for one and a fuel pump and maybe something else for the other. They may have to be towed. If I can't sell or give them away (and I'm talking about $1,000 OBO) then I will have to have them towed. I don't know how much that will be. I haven't yet talked to any towing companies. One of the RV's is a 1991 Bounder, 40 feet long.
So that's my story, every bit of which can be verified if necessary. I hope and pray that enough people will see this request and be able to help me reach my goal of $9,000, and reach it as soon as possible. Because of our son's death and general circumstances, the RV park manager is willing to give up more time but he is adamant that we have to go.
May God bless you and keep you in His Grace. Amen.
Update: February 4, 2025. We finally got all the money needed to finalize my son's care: cremation. That was $1493. Most of the money came from my brother and his church and my sister and her best friend. But we did receive a great boost from donations to my campaign. We still have the move/new place to live and another, dependable, car goal to go. Love and thanks to all who have helped up. So, $9,000 - $1,500 = $7,500. Anyone in Arizona who might have an older but dependable vehicle to donate would be a total blessing.
God bless!!
I love you guys take care of each other
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