Campaign funds will be received by Naomi Olivier
Please see the July 2024 Update. Thank you.
Dear friends,
As many of you are aware, on 17th March 2023, our sister Naomi lost her husband, Duane. Duane's passing was sudden and unexpected and the family were already dealing with significant stressors. Naomi has supported and loved Duane as a husband, father and teacher of God's Word in South Africa, London and Australia.
Naomi's adult children have ongoing care needs and Naomi cannot work and provide adequate care at the same time.
As Duane's gift was primarily teaching and not administration, the family is now at risk of losing their purpose built home, and Naomi has limited capacity to work. To lose their home at this time would place them in a position of immense vulnerability. Further details are not possible due to the need for privacy around her three adult children.
In assisting Naomi, we have been contacted by friends of the family all around the world who are asking for a central portal where they may support Naomi and the children going forward.
Every gift in love, regardless of magnitude, is most welcome and is directed towards the family's needs. We invite you to share in the bearing of this burden.
We look forward to the time when, in the words of the book of Revelation ”He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, no crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Yours in Christ,
Stephen Farr and David Farr (Naomi's brothers)
Update November 2023
Dear Friends
It is with trepidation that I have to acknowledge the weight of our situation. Two truths remain, God is kind and we are human. God's kindness has not changed but my human capacity is being challenged. I have had to make the decision to take time off work to recover my strength in order to have a more sustainable chance of providing for myself and my children, all of whom have difficulties that limit and prevent them from working. I am only able to work part time and I have no income protection if I don't work. I will be incredibly grateful for any help over November while I take time off to recover and attend to outstanding tasks and needs within my family. We are still reeling from the impact of Duane's loss.
With my sincerest gratitude
July 27th, 2024
My children and I are incredibly grateful to all those who have supported us in prayer and financially. We are faced with an enormous challenge going forward as our needs remain the same, but my capacity as sole carer and parent is being eroded by the overall weight of our situation. I am less able to work because of the impact of everything from the last 5 years or more and its cumulative effects. I am working part time and managing the home all the other supports necessary for disability services, pain management and medical needs. Our family has experienced significant trauma over a lengthly period culminating in the sudden unexpected death of Duane. The combination of complex grief, neurodiversity and health issues has resulted in reduced overall capacity for my children, and I am facing burnout.
I have taken a month to rest at home and to try to recover but have no provision for income if I am unwell. I have been informed that it will probably take me about 6 months to a year to recover fully and I am supposed to pace myself, reducing stress and work. I am truly so grateful for everyone who has reached out since we lost Duane. I am trusting God with my family's journey and with our hearts. I am hoping to help others in the future as we unpack our experience and make sense of it. Please consider your continued support over the next chapter of our journey as we rebuild capacity, resilience and independence. I have a profound sense of being alone, but am not lonely. It's impossible to describe our daily life but each day is a gift towards a life with more compassion and grace. I have had moments of real fear for the first time that I will burnout completely and reduce my capacity more permanently. I want to recover well so that I can work long term. My aim is for our family to be able to support ourselves financially but this is not possible yet.
I am acutely aware that God is with us. I have seen His provision from the most unlikely places. Please pray for my children, for their hearts and minds. Please pray for my heart that I will remain steadfast. Please pray for my physical and mental health, that I will recover my resilience and be able to care for my family. One day, we will be together with Jesus where there will no longer be any need for any answers to any questions. We will be free and at peace. Until then, we live with care, paying attention to God's priorities for our lives. Thank you so much for reading my update. It's as raw as I am feeling today, but I have found that God is so amazing that I feel overwhelmed, exhausted, afraid and sad but I have hope and a purpose and plans to help others from our experience. Yours in Christ Naomi
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