Help Support The Murdock Family


 USD $7,500


 USD $1,285

Campaign created by Heather Williamson

Campaign funds will be received by Kelly Murdock

Help Support The Murdock Family

Hi there! My name is Heather Williamson and I'm organizing this Give-Send-Go fundraiser on behalf of my uncle, Kelly Murdock. Thank you for taking the time to read his story. He is pictured above. ♥

My Uncle Kelly plays a pivotal role in the Murdock Family. He helps care for my grandparents, Joseph and Dorothy Murdock, who are in their 80's, in too many ways to count. My grandpa was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and my grandma broke her hand earlier this year and has a hard time doing the things she was able to do before. Kelly cooks and cleans for them. He takes them to their doctor appointments and to the store. He runs errands for them, shops for them, does yard maintenance, helps them with their vehicles and anything he can to make sure they are well-cared for.

Not only does Kelly care for my grandparents, he also helps take care of his granddaughter, Nevaeh. Nevaeh is in high school, so Kelly takes her to and from school and the bus stop. He takes her shopping, to high school events and helps her live a socially-fulfilling life.

Aside from doing all this, Kelly plays a supporting role in the lives of his girlfriend, Hazel and her two beautiful children who live in the Philippines. He reads to her young daughter nearly every single night via Skype and visits with her older son to provide a father figure, no matter the distance between them. They hope to live together in the United States as soon as legally possible.

My Uncle Kelly also helps my family of four, my sister's family of five as well as my mom and her husband with anything we could possibly need. He assists us with construction projects around our homesteads and helps us with hunting, fishing and gardening in our journey to become self-sufficient. He is also a source of emotional and spiritual support for us all.

Kelly is gentle and quiet in his demeanor but his acts of kindness are LOUD. They speak volumes about the LOVE he has for not only his family, but anyone who is in need.

If you know Kelly, you know he has a heart that desires to serve the Lord by doing kindness for others. If you need it and he owns it, he will gladly give it to you and neither ask nor expect anything in return. In fact, he'd rather you pay the kindness forward.

Such a kind man, one who has done so many things for those around him, truly deserves the support of his community and those who love him.

Kelly has suffered with severe back pain since he was in his late 20's. Due to many injuries and dislocations over the years, some sustained on the job, coupled with a family history of collagen-related disorders his back pain has always been a source of immense struggle and sadness for him.

Kelly was recently diagnosed with severe and serious Cervical Stenosis, Spinal Stenosis, Cervical Spondylosis and Radiculopathy. His back pain is burning, sharp, and shooting. He endures painful neuropathy. The pain is brought on by simple things such as using the stairs, sneezing, coughing and even just walking. This has led him to have a reduced quality of life and has diminished his ability not only to care for himself, but those around him whom he loves so dearly. Pain is a fearsome opponent to face every day.

Praise God - wonderfully talented doctors are scheduled to operate on Kelly's back in January! (Update- Kelly underwent surgery last week, but due to complications with the spinal cage shifting, he must have surgery AGAIN this week to correct the cage.) His road to recovery will be long, painful and incredibly expensive. He has not been, and will not be able to work for at least a year. He will have months of physical therapy. His bills will easily reach tens of thousands of dollars.

In order to help relieve some of the financial burden that he and the immediate Murdock family face, I have organized this Give-Send-Go. My goal is to raise $7,500 with that amount increasing as, with your help, we hopefully surpass it.

We chose Give-Send-Go because it's a Christian organization who allow as much as 100% of the proceeds to benefit those who need it directly. 

We have chosen for 1% to be directed back to Give-Send-Go to support their mission.

99% of what you donate today will directly benefit Kelly and The Murdock Family.

Let's show Kelly Murdock and The Murdock Family that we love and support them. Any amount of money helps, as it all adds up. We truly appreciate every single dollar they receive and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. God Bless you and yours. Much love to all.

'For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.' John 3:16

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
24 days ago

Sheldon Jody Thompson
$ 500.00 USD
25 days ago

We’re praying you find comfort, healing and are able to find the strength to continue on. Love and miss you all! Love, Jody Sheldon and Family!

Abeyta Family
$ 35.00 USD
1 month ago

We will send more but we have to do it in increments. Love you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Feel better soon, Kelly. We love you very much and we're praying for your speedy recovery.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you very much I was worried they said I have to undergo a 2nd surgery in a few days but faith and prayers kept me safe " By Kelly Murdock

Cody Truesdell
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Sydney Truesdell
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you. Love you!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you I appreciate it and it all helps along with the prayers" By Kelly Murdock

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

This isn’t much but I know your situation Kelly. Will continue to pray for you

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Any amount is appreciated and so are all the prayers thank you very much " By Kelly Murdock

Williamson Family
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

We love you so much! You got this! God is with you always. ♡ Love, Heather, Matt, Jace & Jax "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Response from Campaign Owner:

"To my beloved family thank your for caring ,sharing , and all your love and support " By Kelly Murdock


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