CAD $1,232
Campaign funds will be received by Masaru Horie
Hi, My name is Masaru Horie, a Christian Japanese living in BC Canada.
I am voluntarily producing visual tools for Gospel Evangelism in Japan.
There aren't many options for visual tools for evangelistic works in Japanese. For example, the distribution of Christian movies in Japan is significantly limited due to the short demand. Due to the shortage of demand, only 1 or 2 Christian movies are distributed in Japan yearly. As a result, missionaries in Japan have to struggle to prepare many materials by themselves.
Even though they know many good Christian movies produced in North America, they can not share them with Japanese people in Japan because these movies are not translated/subtitled in Japanese. When they make flyers it is not easy to find free Christian illustrations.
The purpose is to assist all Christian workers with visual materials, videos and illustrations.
I am currently running 3 volunteer projects.
1. ChristianCliparts.net (https://christiancliparts.net/)
For free Christian illustrations and toon videos
2. Japanese subtitle production on Christian movies
Currently, working on the Christian TV drama "7th Street Theater"
3. A Guy with Bible (https://christiancliparts.net/bibledude/)
Animation video series introducing the sermons of English-speaking teachers, like Charles Spurgeon, CS Lewis, John MacArthur, John Piper and more... I make them concise to 5 min animation videos in Japanese.
The main page to reach all these projects is this (http://mmbox.com/)
I believe these materials will assist all evangelistic workers and missionaries in Japan in many ways and occasions. I also accept requests from them.
Would you please consider supporting these projects to equip all the Christian soldiers in Japan?
私は堀江 正(ほりえ まさる)と申します。カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州に住む日本人クリスチャンです。
1.ChristianCliparts.net (https://christiancliparts.net/)
2. キリスト教映画の日本語字幕制作
現在、キリスト教テレビドラマ「7th Street Theater」を制作中。
3. 聖書なおっさん (https://christiancliparts.net/bibledude/)
チャールズ・スポルジョン、CS・ルイス、ジョン・マッカーサー、ジョン・パイパーなど、英語を話す教師の説教を紹介するアニメーションビデオシリーズ。これらの素晴らしい説教を 日本語で5分程度のアニメーション動画にまとめています。
これらすべてのプロジェクトにアクセスできるメイン ページは、こちら (http://mmbox.com/) です。
これらの資料は、日本のすべての伝道者と宣教師にとって、さまざまな方法や機会に役立つと信じています。 リクエストも受け付けております。
For the Gospel propagation in Japan, I appreciate that you are making effort in Japanese saving in volunteers.
July 24th, 2024
The Japanese subtitle for the Christian TV drama "7th Street Theater" episode 22 "Jamie's Brother (Part 2)" and a movie "Another Perfect Stranger" are up now. キリスト教TVドラマ「七番街シアター」第22話 「ジェイミーの兄 後編」と映画「パーフェクト・ストレンジャー2」の日本語字幕をアップいたしました。
June 28th, 2024
The Japanese subtitle for the Christian TV drama "7th Street Theater" episode 21 "Jamie's Brother (Part 1)" is up now. キリスト教TVドラマ「七番街シアター」第21話 「ジェイミーの兄 前編」の日本語字幕をアップいたしました。
June 6th, 2024
Japanese evangelism animation video series "A Guy with Bible" episode 46 "The day UFOs disclose themselves (Nephilim Part 6)" is now up and available.日本語福音伝道アニメーションビデオシリーズ "聖書なおっさん 第46 話 UFOが自己開示する日(ネフィリム パート6)" をアップしました。
May 22nd, 2024
Japanese evangelism animation video series "A Guy with Bible" episode 45 "The name to repel aliens(Nephilim Part 5)" is now up and available.日本語福音伝道アニメーションビデオシリーズ "聖書なおっさん 第45 話 エイリアンを撃退する御名(ネフィリム パート5)" をアップしました。
March 22nd, 2024
The Japanese subtitle for the Christian TV drama "7th Street Theater" episode 19 "An Actor's Big Chance" (Part 3)" and episode 20 "An Actor's Big Chance" (Part 4)" are up now. キリスト教TVドラマ「七番街シアター」第19話 「俳優の大チャンス その3」と第20話 「俳優の大チャンス その4」の日本語字幕をアップいたしました。
March 7th, 2024
March 7th, 2024
February 2nd, 2024
I added Japanese subtitles to "The Perfect Stranger," a masterpiece by Christian film director and actor Jefferson Moore. At first, I was reluctant to see the setting in which Jesus Christ appears as a human being in modern times, so I started watching it with low expectations, but this is a wonderful Christian movie that dispels my fears and allows the viewer to empathize with the main character's emotions.
Also, clear answers will be given to unbelievers who have doubts about Christianity, so please take a look.
今回はクリスチャン映画監督であり俳優のジェファーソン・ムーアの代表作と言える作品 "The Perfect Stranger" に日本語字幕をつけました。最初はイエス・キリストが人間として現代に現れる設定に抵抗を感じ、あまり期待しないで観始めましたが、その不安を吹き飛ばすような展開で、観る人を主人公の感情と同調させてくれる素晴らしいクリスチャン映画です。
January 18th, 2024
January 13th, 2024
A clipart of " The Throne Room of Heaven" is added!https://christiancliparts.net/viewillust.php?id=w24001
January 6th, 2024
December 25th, 2023
December 15th, 2023
December 15th, 2023
December 8th, 2023
December 5th, 2023
December 1st, 2023
November 28th, 2023
November 28th, 2023
November 9th, 2023
October 26th, 2023
October 6th, 2023
English follows Japanese
I added subtitles to "Time Changer", a movie written and directed by Rich Cristiano.
Personally, I think this movie is one of the best Christian movies ever. Because it perfectly explains the reasons for many of the social problems that are currently occurring around the world. It shows us the reason for the devastation in America's liberal cities such as San Francisco. Another noteworthy thing about this movie is that while regular movies tend to become "outdated" when they get old and become unsuitable for the current situation, this movie is completely the opposite. The closer you watch it to the end days, the more the impact it has becomes stronger. This movie was made in 2002, more than 20 years ago, but if you watch it today, the impact on you will be even stronger than it was then. Please watch and experience it for yourself.
リッチ・クリスティアーノ監督・脚本作品 "Time Changer"に字幕をつけました。
October 6th, 2023
September 16th, 2023
September 16th, 2023
September 5th, 2023
August 31st, 2023
August 31st, 2023
August 31st, 2023
August 25th, 2023
A clipart of a Torah Scroll is added at ChristianCliparts.net!🙂
August 23rd, 2023
Though we understand that the Bible is the Word of God, what role does it actually play in your life? Many Christians will be shocked by the ending. Please watch.
August 16th, 2023
August 2nd, 2023
August 2nd, 2023
The Japanese subtitle for the Christian TV drama "7th Street Theater" episode 10 "Shelley Part 2" is up now.
The reason I love this drama is that they always prioritize prayer as their final solution to any difficult issues and problems. That is the privilege of Christians and the most powerful and the best solution all the time.
七番街シアター シーズン1 第10話「シェリー 後編」
August 2nd, 2023
The Japanese subtitle for the Christian TV drama "7th Street Theater" episode 9 "Shelley Part 1" is up now.
This episode is about "falling in love". That often makes rational controls difficult for us. so is for Christians.
The ending urges us to watch Part 2. So I am working on it now and hoping to upload it next week.
シーズン1 第9話「シェリー 前編」 - 恋愛、結婚、独身
July 18th, 2023
I subtitled "Alison's Choice" which is directed by Bruce Marchiano. He is well known in North America, but I could not find even an article about him in Japanese. I am glad for this opportunity to introduce him to Japanese people.
The theme of this movie is "Abortion", the evaluation of the movie is bipolar, and caused some arguments. The point is whether a fetus is a human or not. People who admit to abortion ignore the human right of the fetus, so their consideration would focus only on the woman who is pregnant. Then what does the Scripture tell us about it? The key verses would be Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:5, and Proverbs 6. This movie looks at abortion from God's perspective according to the Scripture, please watch.
ブルース・マルシアーノ監督・脚本作品 "Alison's Choice"に字幕をつけました。邦題は「アリソンの決断」としました。
June 27th, 2023
Japanese evangelism animation video series "A Guy with Bible" episode 30 "Can a prayer be fulfilled?" is now up and available.
日本語福音伝道アニメーションビデオシリーズ "聖書なおっさん" 第30話 "祈りは叶えられるの?" をアップしました。
June 27th, 2023
Japanese subtitle for 7th Street Theater, episode 8 "The Vanish of New Jersey" is up and available now.
Please share this episode with Japanese people who seek the truth in the Scripture.
June 13th, 2023
Japanese subtitle for 7th Street Theater, episode 7 "One Lucky Lady" is up and available now.
Please share this episode with Japanese people who seek the truth in the Scripture.
June 9th, 2023
Thanks to the generosity of the movie director Rich Christiano, he made his movie available on YouTube, and he allowed me to put Japanese subtitles on it. So that the movie is now available to Japanese people. My translation is trained and endorsed by Mr. Masahiro Ogawa who worked for Warner Bros for 46 years and subtitled more than 2000 movies!
Please visit and see the website of the movie in Japanese.
"A Matter of Faith" Japanese website
映画監督リッチ・クリスティアーノ氏の厚意により、彼の映画 "A Matter of Faith" がYoutubeで視聴可能になり、日本語字幕を付けることに許可をいただきました。現在はこの素晴らしい映画が日本語で視聴可能です。タイトルを「信仰の選択」としました。私の翻訳はワーナー・ブラザースにて46年間、2000本を超える映画の字幕制作をされた小川政弘氏による、訓練と承認をいただいております。
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