Miracle For Michael

Campaign created by Lydia Sherrer

Campaign funds will be received by Lydia Sherrer

Miracle For Michael

Raising funds for attorney, medical, vehicle, & housing costs! 10% will be tithed.

Swipe top images or click & drag to access gallery. 

michaeldeanconley@gmail.com (937) 986-9292 infrequent phone access. Has access to email.

Lydia Sherrer  redoctober@10thgen.org  Can schedule calls.

This is to help my friend Michael rebuild his life after a toxic family situation & car accident made him homeless & lost him his life's savings. We are hoping to find compassion in neighbors, strangers, Christians, artists/musicians/entertainers, any organizations that want to come together; normal everyday people like you working together to help a man utterly forgotten & let down by a society that claims to care. Below is his story in my words, I hope you will read it & share with everyone! (note, there are grey arrows on either side of the cover picture, tap/click them to scroll through the pictures). Any donation is welcome, but we need serious financial leverage to help Michael. This fundraiser is primarily to help fund a proper vehicle, housing, medical care expenses, cover costly attorney/legal fees, rebuild an emergency fund, provide proper nutrition, & foster a return to college. I (Lydia Sherrer) met Michael a decade ago through his passion for arts, euthenics, syfy, & combat. I've watched him overcome tremendous difficulties, as he comes from an obtuse childhood and family that knew little of love. Despite growing up with significant physical and emotional abuse, Michael loves people, loves those who hate him, loves God, & is the hardest working person I have ever met. He has fallen into a deep pit of snowballing crises & been overlooked/rejected by dozens of churches, aid organizations, government programs, & regular people. He has no one & nothing but a desperate will to live, heart seared with scars, & hope in God. He says, "I'm not a flickering flame rather, reduced to smoking coal in danger of fading into nothing". I held a two hour phone conversation with Michael to write down his story & give you a picture of how all this came about. Be sure to scroll through the picture gallery to see images of his journey. Michael's situation started last April, 2022. He’d spent a few years during the pandemic working three jobs, 92 hour weeks to completely pay off student loans. This process, while it left him debt free, also left him with no savings, health issues, & living at home with his abusive family to save money, which was unfortunately a very toxic situation. Throughout this process Michael had been trying to follow God more closely, help people in need, yearly try to making peace with those who hate him and refuse to forgive, & remove excuses from his life for not being a better man. His family did not approve of this better life & in April he was kicked out of the house & told he was not liked nor welcome. Michael had nowhere to go, no family, no friends, no social network to lean on. He asked his area church(es) for help, but was told they had no programs for the homeless & couldn’t take up a benevolence fund for him. With his home removed in the middle of attempting to rebuild his life, Michael was put in an impossible position. He had to take time off work to look for apartments, which his work penalized him for, & by July he had lost his jobs. Throughout the next few months Michael found what jobs he could while he lived out of his car, showered at gyms & outside, & rented a small U-Haul storage for his few clothes. In August, his car was totaled in an accident and since he'd only been able to afford liability insurance, there was nothing to claim. He lost his last semblance of home, vehicle, & had no means to replace it. With only one job out of three now, Michael moved into a tent, camping in woods behind malls or grocery stores. He used Lyfts & Ubers for multiple jobs each day (too far to bike), which devoured his income. He lived out of a UHaul van for a time, trying everything, but it was too expensive. During this time Michael lived in homeless communities still working hard! Look through the pictures, you’ll see some of the places he lived, often among people tragically consumed by drug addiction as the only way to escape the crushing depression of hopelessness. Michael helped other homeless clean up their campsites of paraphernalia, improving sanitation, teaching & preparing survival kits to distribute, & helped with field first aid by teaching people how to care for infected wounds since he has some medical work in his background. During this time he also experienced some of the most degrading & terrifying experiences you can encounter, such as being run out of multiple campsites by cops who treated him like a criminal, aggressively handled him, & tossed/ripped/damaged his meager possessions. He was told by caseworkers since he was “too clean” and “not on drugs” they couldn’t help him. He pleaded for help, but was told to get lost or he would be arrested. During this time he called surrounding churches & aid centers, spending hours on the phone to no avail because he didn’t qualify, through no fault of his own. As a single male without children, mentally/physically competent, drug-free his entire life, & working, Michael remained without leverage. He even checked aid services for veterans, since he is a veteran of the US Navy Reserves; but he didn’t qualify there either. The entire situation was/is mortifying and dehumanizing. Labeled "too clean to help", people learning of Michael's homelessness treated him like a suspected criminal, thought he must be on drugs, would say he chose this life, or tell him he was smart enough to fix this alone and just needs to work harder. He struggles not to internalize what other people believe about him. One of his social-workers explained he had two choices: he could fight like hell to get out without help & likely fail trying, or he could give up, spiral down, use drugs, develop numerous issues, & THEN opportunities would open for him. At that point he would be so degenerate & broken, he would have little hope of ever crawling out of that pit again, becoming an endless “compassion” project of government services spending & making money off him. The social-worker explained there was no money to be made from helping the healthy, clean people. November arrived & the freezing temperatures meant sleeping outside likely leads to sickness & death. He was able to find an Extended Stay hotel & lived there three months until the end of January, depleting the majority of his little savingsHe saved by eating one free meal a day from his server job. He became extremely weak & unhealthy, eventually caved, & started having to obtain dumpster food, cleaning/cooking it as best he could to make it edible. By the end of January, he was accepted into a long-term shelter program; it seemed like a gift from God & the beginning of the end. Unfortunately, when he expected to proceed to the shelter's Phase 2 that would put him in a group apartment paying some of the rent & it would give him a residency history (which is necessary to get an apartment), he was told they were discharging him instead. When he asked why, he was told the Phase 2 apartments were full of former criminals, drug-users, etc., & they felt it would be "better" for his welfare to go back to the streets, lest he be "influenced" by those people. He was discharged April 28th, 2023 & again reached out to many churches, but they either told him no, they couldn’t help, or that he would have to join & become a member to get very limited help. But he didn’t have a car to get there & didn't always have Sundays off work. It was a vicious cycle of complicated exhausting daily logistics of survival to keep working, with no way out and no help from anyone. By May, he was back behind the same mall he survived at when he’d been kicked out of his family house. An entire year of desperate struggling, hard work, sacrifice, not just to keep his body alive, but to keep his soul from despair. Since May he’s been back to camping in the woods, still working multiple shifts at two+ different jobs, but the malnutrition & months of long work hours have taken a heavy toll on his body. A striking comment Michael said was, "destruction is patient. It doesn’t mind being that gentle rainfall that wears you down to nothing. If there is any virtue that destruction possesses, it is patience. It walks leisurely along with you, tempting you one little step after another into the abyss while mankind watches you; silently complicit." A horrific truth of humanity for sure!  Michael says, "I feel like I am becoming what the world tells me I am- unforgivable, unlovable, trash". He fights so hard against it! He shared two resonating quotes; "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…" - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”- F. Nietzsche". Beyond good & evil Michael says, "I can feel myself becoming monstrous, becoming what people believe I am, a nobody, an ugly unforgivable harassing tyrant". Sometimes I see and hear the hurt poured into him by others, & he vacillates between despair & finding hope. If we reach the goal(s), we tithe 10% and extend help to others. If you have any questions or if you have a car in GOOD condition and want to get MANY people involved, free to reach out directly to Michael or me! I'm happy to set up a call. Please be patient when reaching out. Thank you all for your help & getting this message to many others in hopes they will participate. Please seek out ways you can help & communicate with Michael & local homeless in your area in concrete ways. Michael's heart is full of concern for others as much as for himself & he helps others when they come to him, because they know he will help. Be the friends, community, & family Michael has gone so long without.

Recent Donations
Janine Hunt-Jackson
10 days ago

It's not much, bot it's what I have

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Janine Hunt-Jackson
1 month ago

It's not much, bot it's what I have

Bob from ORF
1 month ago

Patty Bennett
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

God bless, Michael!

Chris Anderson
9 months ago

We all believe in you

Anonymous Giver
11 months ago

Stay strong ❤️

Vicki G
1 year ago

Please let us know that Michael survived the extreme cold this past month.

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

Stay strong ❤️

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

1 year ago

I hope this will help some. Wish I could send more

1 year ago

Courage, forgiveness, and love - you are everything good! I wish the best for you. Love and prayers.

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

I contributed some money previously, but I have been following the updates, and have a little more I can add here. Hope this helps get you closer to the finish line. Rooting for you, Michael.

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

Lynne F
1 year ago

Michael, when your legal troubles in Ohio are banished for the waste of public resources they clearly are, would you consider moving somewhere warmer? Perhaps you have ties to Ohio that keep you there. Regardless, I hope this helps get you to where you thrive, not just live. You deserve so much more than how the world is treating you at the moment.

1 year ago

Donna Brewer
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
1 year ago

Praying for you.


Update #12 The Road Goes Ever On

January 1st, 2025

michaeldeanconley@gmail.com    PO Box 1576 West Chester, Ohio 45071    Does not always have a working phone (937) 986-9292

Please continue reading below for a full update on Michael. He needs all of your help and participation :). The reality of attempting to place Michael, who became homeless May of 2022, into a healthy, fully supported, financially rebuilt life that recovers his savings, emergency fund, covers medical expenses, provides food/shelter/clothing beyond one day, and a proper vehicle is between $70-90k. It takes a community to lift up the fallen. 

In Summation

The funds were intended to focus on covering housing and food expenses for a year, reliable transportation, rebuilding savings and establishing an emergency fund, medical expenses, attorney and court fees, continued education, and tithing. All this was intended to help rehabilitate Michael properly and not set him up to experience any disadvantage in his rehabilitation. 

10% Tithe

The campaign did succeed in its 10% tithe. Michael allowed God to work through him and feed approximately 200 people, provide cold-weather wool accessories to approximately 180+ individuals, and Michael has actively engaged with those who have treated, thought, or spoken of him poorly to make peace and will their good with tithe funds. Your efforts and donations have been part of those tithe efforts to foster love and philanthropy work to others. 

Used Vehicle

Without a home, Michael could not lease a vehicle through a dealership nor take a bank loan, even while working multiple jobs; to do so requires proof of permanent residence. This required Michael to pay for all things in cash only. Having thoroughly searched used vehicles in the area with the help of his Christian brother Jeffrey Kremer who holds a masters in Theology, and works in St. Mary's church in Springboro Ohio, both were able to find a used 2015 Volkswagen for $13k, which regretfully required $2k in diagnostics, labor, and repairs. With $15k spent on the vehicle it was discovered there was a major mechanical failure with the vehicle that manifested three months after the purchase in October 2023, requiring $10k in repairs. Michael was informed the vehicle may last 5 more months if he cared for it well. The car has been steadily falling apart becoming more problematic to drive, yet The Lord God Jesus Christ has been good to keep the vehicle at least operating, knowing how necessary it is for Michael. He needs a proper vehicle though.

Court & Attorney Fees

As you all may recall, Michael had the police called on him by an older woman who did not like the way he looked, while he was legally and lawfully parked in a public space. Having articulated the Ohio Revised Code of Law to three officers who responded, Michael calmly and professionally informed the officer(s) of his given rights as a law-abiding civilian, and proceeded to inquire if the officers could provide the reasonable articulable suspicion for the crime he had committed, was about to commit, or was in the process of committing. Michael had asked to speak with the officer's supervisor, which was denied to him, and they arrested him for failure to provide personal information. He was not read his rights, and was not allow a phone call for the three nights and three days in jail. He was discharged from jail with his vehicle impounded, and spent that night walking approximately five hours through two towns, and spent that evening wrapped in a tarp shivering in the winter cold with a few candles lit behind a wood shed. He was helped the next morning by local businessman Dr. Siebenaller to retrieve his vehicle. The time in jail lost Michael some of the jobs he was working, only exacerbating his trouble. Michael took to fighting for justice which cost $11K for two attorneys and court fees. Having lost the case, with the arresting officer having stated to the court that Michael was not required to provide any identification in an investigation, it did not make sense why the case was lost. Michael then hired an appellate attorney to fight for this case in hopes of receiving justice. 

Concluding Notes

Michael has reached out to churches for help and to see if his narrative could be used to educate people and call Christian's to action, only to be met with disinterest. Michael has experienced a degree of prejudice and judgement from Christians, where he has looked to peacefully treat with pastors and church leaders, only to be told by pastors they think him weird, they think him a wolf in sheep's clothing. He has been told the police will be called should he look to engage with the congregation, and he has been escorted out of churches by pastors, had the police called on him and trespassed from church by pastor(s), and shunned by members of the congregation- his own spiritual family, for attempting to be a peace-maker. It has been eye-opening, humiliating, embarrassing, and incredibly hurtful for Michael. Michael still confesses with his mouth, heart, and mind to the best of his broken ability, that Lord Jesus Christs is the one and only God. Please reach out to him and participate in his life narrative, help create new campaigns to fund and lift him up.This is not the thing that should happen to a college graduate, military veteran, mentally competent, drug-free, compassionate man. God chastens those He loves... and there is much in the way we can all do to love and serve one another and love and serve God. Please connect with Michael.

michaeldeanconley@gmail.com PO Box 1576 West Chester, Ohio 45071 Does not always have a working phone (937) 986-9292

Update Update #12 The Road Goes Ever On Image
Update #11 Still A Hard Journey

November 25th, 2024

Hello everyone! (Lydia writing this) It's been about a year since I've posted an update but I wanted to post something
here because many of you have asked me about Michael and how he is doing. His journey in the past year has been
very hard and there have been many disappointments, times when things seemed hopeful only to have circumstances
crush that hope. He has worked tirelessly seeking out resources and help, approaching churches, coming up with ideas
for work and applying to dozens and dozens of jobs, to no lasting avail. But God has been faithful throughout to protect
and preserve Michael.

- the car purchased with campaign funds is still running, despite multiple mechanical issues predicted to junk it
- Michael has been able to keep working, though work is scarce, pays poorly, and is physically wearing him down
- Michael has been able to meet with several health providers to assess physical and mental health
- Michael continues to seek the Lord, despite severe trials

Prayer requests:
- the car goes through a bottle of oil a week to maintain it, it could fail any time. Please pray it miraculously
continues working and/or God provides a more stable alternative
- Michael is appealing the judgement handed down in April, the hearing is Dec 9, please pray God provides relief
- pray for work that pays well enough and is stable enough to provide income for housing
- jobs available do not provide Sunday morning off, pray God provides opportunity to regularly attend church
- pray for encouragement and wisdom for Michael as he lives this trial day by day

Thank you all for your prayers. Michael would love to hear from you if you wanted to reach out. You can contact him
at michaeldeanconley@gmail.com or by mail PO Box 1576, West Chester, OH 45071. He still needs help, he still needs prayer, and he is looking for people to come together to lift him out of this in ways that one person alone cannot do... any word of encouragement or helping hand would go a long way. Thank you all.

Update Update #11 Still A Hard Journey Image
Update #10 Thank you for Christmas Cards

January 9th, 2024

Michael was very encouraged to receive some Christmas cards and letters from you all in December, thank you SO much everyone who reached out to him, it brings such hope. Here is his message to you all, both a thanks and an exhortation to go out of your comfort zone to show love to others.

For anyone who would like to send an encouraging word to or just chat with Michael, he can be reached at:


(937) - 986 - 9292

Michael Conley

PO Box 1576

West Chester, OH 45069

"I understand Genny [someone who wrote to him about their own brief homelessness experience and how she tries to treat homeless people now]. I have been in her position, felt as they felt l, saw as they saw. Homelessness can happen to anyone. In truth the church needs to adopt and accept people into the homes of the congregation to rehabilitate and act as foster friends and family. We are called to love the unlovely. If anyone is in a position of comfort and stability to ask, “what can be done, what can I do?”, then you are the solution. It can take approximately 25k to pick up a fallen person, build them up, provide housing, food, shelter, and schooling to become self sufficient. Interesting that those like this person who wrote to me, were so good as to be transparent about feeling uncomfortable, and yet a life of discomfort is what the homeless know… granted I’m an odd case- college degrees, no drugs, hard working… and still losing ground. If I can shine light and clarity in this just as those whom have written have shared their feelings, then we can set our comfort aside and start doing the Bible dirty work we so readily shirk. We must do better as a race for others. I love you all,



Update Update #10 Thank you for Christmas Cards Image
Update #9 The Holidays and Charity Work

January 9th, 2024

The Holidays

Michael works hard to stay in as good as spirit as he can. We chat a few times a week via text and there are times he is cheerful and other times he is very sad. We had him over for Thanksgiving and loved getting to welcome him into the family circle and provide him warmth and lots of food for a brief time. He chose not to come visit us over Christmas, instead he spent the time buying scarves in thrift stores and distributing them to other homeless people around the places he frequents. He knows all too well that warm enough clothing is the difference between life and death for many of these people.

Now, as I hear him telling me these things he does, I know my personal reaction is something like “Why are you diverting your efforts? You should focus on yourself and helping yourself get out of this hard situation first before you worry about other people.” But that truly isn’t how Michael thinks, and honestly I have been continually challenged and encouraged by his attitude that it doesn’t matter what situation he is in, it is duty and calling to help those less fortunate or anyone who needs help. It reminds me of the Biblical story of the widow who Jesus saw give her last mite to the offering box, and told his disciples that she had given more than all the Pharisees, because while they gave out of their wealth, she gave out of her poverty.

That is what Michael does, again and again and again. And while it may seem counterintuitive, I think we can learn something from it as well as we contemplate how we are called to serve, and what is ultimately important in this fleeting life.

Right now we are still hoping to continue this fundraising campaign until we reach the 30,000 goal, at which point it will be finished. The funds between where we are and 30,000 are planned to go toward an apartment, if we can ever find him one in his price range (“affordable” housing has extremely long wait times, mind-numbing bureaucracy, and he often doesn’t qualify with no family and no diagnosed mental health/disabilities, etc, but we continue to look into it).

Thank you, as ever, for your prayers, well wishes, and the contributions, even if it was two mites like the widow gave. Please, if you’re able, tell your friend and share this fundraiser on social media. Michael has a lot to teach everybody, and it helps him a lot, knowing people care and are trying to help share and raise awareness, even when resources are short and no contributions are possible.

Below in Michael’s own words is an accounting of his scarf donation drive to give you a window into his world:

“Approximately 180 wool/wool blend, and thick knitted scarves collected, washed, and organized. Ready for donation to those in the homeless community and shelters. Those who have supported me with a vehicle are now making it possible for some to keep a little warmer and help not breathe in the cold winter air. Breathing winter air really sucks when you are cold and your ears and nose feel like they are going to fall off from pain. These scarves, though a trifle token to the homeless, a very poor gift if I say so, and I do, are just a means to take a little of winters pain away. 

All 180 scarves have been donated among two areas; the St. Vincent De Paul family unit of women, men, and children, then I along with two other men went out today (Christmas weekend) to pass out scarves to the homeless under bridges, in the woods, and out on the streets. 

This was made possible by part of the tithe taken from the 30k goal not achieved yet, but I’m pulling from the 3k tithe pool in hopes we will still reach that goal. All the supporters and followers of the campaign made it possible to get these scarves to people and organizations who certainly needed and appreciated them. The vehicle made it possible, but the supporters are the ones who truly gave. Going out to the streets, woods, and bridges, lugging these sacks around- was certainly some work and they went very fast. We were out from 1p to 3p hitting Cincinnati. So I made sure the last large bag went to the Dayton area.

Please make a home for the unhomed. Invite them to be part of your home or family and rehabilitate them. We are called to love the unlovely and what has happened to me can and does happen to many others.”

Please share and tell others about Michael.

For anyone who would like to send an encouraging word to or just chat with Michael, he can be reached at:


(937) - 986 - 9292

Michael Conley

PO Box 1576

West Chester, OH 45069

Check for the next update coming imminently!

Update Update #9 The Holidays and Charity Work Image
Update #8 Job/Work/Apartment

January 9th, 2024

Happy New Year everyone! I wanted to give you all a brief update on Michael, thank you for your generous, amazing support, and ask that you keep sharing this fundraiser if you can. I’m going to put this information in three short update posts because this platform only allows me to attach one picture per post (sorry about that) but I’ll divide it up by topic.


He also has ended his full-time seasonal job he had over Christmas and is now looking for another job to add hours to his part time ware-house job for Amazon. This third job terminated him after his no-show because he was in jail for a weekend with no ability to contact anyone.

The very good news is that he has successfully been able to live out of his car these last few months. It is quite uncomfortable and he’s had to go to great lengths to improvise with layered clothing and other means to stay warm enough to stay alive while sleeping fitfully. It’s no way to live, but it's something, and he is very grateful for the car that your generosity provided him. If he didn’t have a car, he might be dead.

Currently his top priority is finding a new, long-term full-time job. He is filling the holes with temp jobs as they become available and his part time ware-house job. I believe this is enough to keep him stable where he is for the moment, but not enough to be saving for an apartment (which we’ve looked for on and off and haven’t found anything even remotely within his price range anyway).

Please pray for:

- A full time job that will not strain his subpar health

- A resolution to the housing problem, most apartments are far too expensive

- Continued safety living out of his car

- Encouragement and strength to continue living in a posture of gratitude and hope despite the hardships

- That the judge would throw out the charges against him

Below in Michael’s own words is some description of how he’s using the car to survive and live his daily life, written for you all with the desire to give you a bit of a picture into his struggles so as to better pray.

"How the gifted car has been outfitted for viewers. Front seat holds wool blanket, backpack, and footwell is the candle heater… keeps the inside around 55 degrees when the outside is between 23-33 degrees. I have three thermometers. One I keep on the outside. One I keep in the top of the interior roof and one in the back seat on the floor. The interior base of the car and interior top can different by 5 to 10 degrees sometimes.

The hatch is where tools, sanitary items, and the laundry bag and water goes.

The entire rear is a closet. I have a shower tension rod spanning between the top held in place by the hand-holds. It allows me to store clothes up to like a closet and clothes on the seat like a chests of drawers, with my duffel bag at the right passenger seat holding my weekly clothes.

The cake candles only really help keep the interior from turning into an ice box, and one window has to be cracked with the Sun roof, or two windows must be cracked for fresh air intake and to help vent. Wicks have to be trimmed often to keep carbon from building up on the windows- which does happen. The aluminum acts as a heat reclaim absorbing some heat and releasing it but also helps dampen the light produced to keep the vehicle from looking like pumpkin lantern. The steel bowl is for washing, bathing, shaving, it helps, and can be heated if need for warm water, which I have not resorted to yet. The propane single burner with grill chimney are set up behind the front passenger and silicone mats are placed around the perimeter for safety. The chimney is filled with stones and transformed into a sauna stove, where rocks absorb the heat for about one hour, and then release heat safely inside through the night. It can really make a difference. 

Starting your car and letting it run creates a lot of emissions and uses your precious fuel. The Volkswagen also is set to where lights will shine no matter what when the car is on, so heating yourself and drawing attention to your location in the dark is not great.

Am I still cold- yes! 

Sleeping sitting reclined causes the legs to swell from gravity always pulling. I try to move around and walk to circulate blood, and try to edge the feet on the dash to elevate feet, but it’s typical to develop edema when feet/legs are kept in these positions consistently. 

Fire extinguisher at the ready should something in the vehicle combust, trash bags for emergency defecation when you don’t have the luxury of finding a place- usually at night, and these are discretely disposed of in the morning. The large plastic cup is when you have to expel fluids and don’t want to get smacked with an indecent exposure charge- very useful.

The image of the clothing shows the minimum amount I need to wear to get through temperatures between 30-45 degrees. One cotton base layer, and five 100% wool outer layers for the torso including hat, and a 100% wool doubled over blanket for the legs.

I never sleep restoratively. This is a game of survival not comfort and luxury. 

Still hoping we can all push to the 30K goal :) 

Enjoy seeing how you are all helping me climb out of the trenches… one hand-hold at a time."

Please share and tell others about Michael.

For anyone who would like to send an encouraging word to or just chat with Michael, he can be reached at:


(937) - 986 - 9292

Michael Conley

PO Box 1576

West Chester, OH 45069

Check for the next update coming imminently!

Update Update #8 Job/Work/Apartment Image
Update #7

January 9th, 2024

Happy New Year everyone! I wanted to give you all a brief update on Michael, thank you for your generous, amazing support, and ask that you keep sharing this fundraiser if you can. I’m going to put this information in three short update posts because this platform only allows me to attach one picture per post (sorry about that) but I’ll divide it up by topic.

General update/Legal proceedings

Michael is surviving. If you read the last few updates you’ll know that he had a run-in with police (He was not at fault, see previous update for details), resulting in him spending a weekend in jail and having a lawsuit to deal with. He has shared that he believes he was not treated as his civil rights should have afforded him in the process and maintains his innocence and the mishandling of the situation by the cops.

He was able to get a good lawyer and right now they are waiting for the court date in April/May when the judge will consider whether or not to throw out the charges against him (as in, they might decide they were spurious and throw them out, or they might send them on to trial). After the trail on the charges brought against him is settled, he is planning to bring a civil suit to address the way he was grossly mistreated in the system.

He is cautiously optimistic, his lawyer believes he has a solid case, but the court systems as you all know are extremely slow, and the next court date is months in the future.

Which leaves him having depleted his small savings meant to get him into an apartment paying legal fees instead. This is obviously discouraging, compounded by how hard everything else is that he’s having to deal with it is easy for setbacks like this to derail even the best laid plans.

But he continues to trust in God’s provision and grace, and it has given him an opportunity to listen to the difficulties and mistreatment of other inmates while he was in the jail over the weekend and he has some ideas of ways he hopes to lean on the system to make positive change.

Picture: The line on the map shows where Michael was forced to walk, in a darkening and freezing evening, from the jail where they released him in the evening with no phone (it was in his car, which had been impounded and impound lot was closed for the day), they refused to call anybody on his behalf to come help him or pick him up, they simply put him out on the cold street and told him his troubles were no longer their problem. He had to walk for hours to find help. For context, most things like libraries were closed, he had no phone to look up any info, and did not know people’s numbers by heart. Nobody at the jail would look up any numbers for him, provide him a phone book, or a phone. He was in a smaller, rural area, so almost no public services/transport available, no public phones, etc. A very unfortunate and difficult situation to be put in.

Please share and tell others about Michael.

For anyone who would like to send an encouraging word to or just chat with Michael, he can be reached at:


(937) - 986 - 9292

Michael Conley

PO Box 1576

West Chester, OH 45069

Check for the next update coming imminently!

Update Update #7 Image
Update #6

November 20th, 2023

Michael could really, really use your prayers right now.

Last week he was parked on a public street in front of someone's house taking care of some paperwork and making phone calls while sitting in his car. The owner of the house (an older lady) apparently decided they didn't like him being parked there and called the police on him. The police were hostile and suspicious (apparently the old woman told the police Michael had rolled down his window and said "hey baby, get in my car" or something along those lines, no idea if it was a deliberate lie or if the old lady was just confused). Michael calmly kept trying to ask them to tell him what law he was breaking, what was going on, and he declined to give them his personal information, which it seems made them fed up with him, because they called in backup and arrested him for "failing to provide his personal information."

He spent three days in jail and unable to make the call he was legally owed because he didn't have any numbers memorized and no one at the jail would allow him to look up any numbers and they refused to look anything up for him. After the three days when he was released and allowed one week to find a lawyer and return, they put him out on the street, in the evening, with bitter cold coming on, with no cell phone and no vehicle (car was impounded).

He walked miles to the business of someone he knew and spent the night shivering in a shed nearby, barely avoiding hypothermia. Thankfully the owner of the business was kind enough the next morning to give him a ride to pick up his impounded car and since then he has been calling nonstop, trying to find a pro bono lawyer to represent him.

I am doing what I can to follow possible leads and ask around for any advice or anyone who might know legal resources for him. He has already contacted many lawyers in the Cincinnati area as well as the Cincinnati Legal Aid Clinic. The lawyers he has spoken to say he has grounds for a civil lawsuit because his civil rights were violated, but he can't bring that to bear until the current charges have gone to trial, and unsurprisingly, even an average priced lawyer is far outside his budget. He will likely have to use the small amount he has saved up to get an apartment on legal fees.

(in case anyone is wondering, he makes just barely too much to qualify for a court appointed attorney. Though even if he was appointed one, they generally do the bare minimum and are known for doing everything they can to uphold the court's dignity so in a case where civil rights were violated, it is unlikely a court appointed attorney would help him bring light to any police mishandling of the situation)

As of today, he has been given a two week extension to find a lawyer.

If you have any resources, ideas, or leads on a pro bono or affordable lawyer, please contact Michael at michaeldeanconley@gmail.com or (937) 986-9292.

Please pray:

- That God gives him wisdom on what to do and how to handle this situation
- That he would find a pro bono lawyer or someone willing to give him a discount
- That God would encourage him mightily during this extremely trying time
- That he would be able to keep his jobs and be able to find a better one (one of his three jobs terminated him for three days of no-shows while he was in jail, the other two are letting him stay, for now)

This is hard. Really, really hard. It is difficult for him, and difficult for those who care for him to see these injustices happen. But all we can do in a broken world is throw our cares upon Jesus, trust in him, and not give into despair.

We plan on having Michael at our place for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you feel moved to send him some encouragement and would like to do more than email, you can send a Christmas card or letter of encouragement to me at 9212 US HWY 42 #D-229, Prospect, KY 40059 and I will make sure it gets to Michael.

Update #5

November 20th, 2023

Michael has a car! Thank you SO MUCH everyone who has gotten him this far. The additional funds have helped pay for good collision insurance, taxes, and upkeep like new tires and such. This is such a huge step for Michael, it has given him back his autonomy and a means by which to care for himself. Even though life is still very difficult and there's a long road ahead of him, having his own means of transportation and a place to shelter (even if it is not at all ideal) has made a big difference.

Please continue praying for Michael, that we would be able to find some sort of housing situation and that he can find a better, single job that pays a decent wage so that he can stop working 60-80 hours a week. He has applied to so many but thus far has only been able to get minimum wage jobs that involve being on his feet all day long—something a healthy young person wouldn't have much of a problem with, but homelessness, lack of nutrition, and 4+ years of 60+ hours a week have taken a heavy toll on his body.

Thank you.

Update Update #5 Image
Photos of Michael's life

October 5th, 2023

A quick update for this week: As we continue to pray and have faith, God is continuing to provide! I don’t know who it was because the donation was anonymous, but someone donated $5,000 this past week, and if you are reading this, thank you so much. Every single person who has donated, I hope you know that you are the physical manifestation of God’s love reaching out to care for his children. Thank you for selflessly sacrificing for Michael, because every dollar counts, no matter how many there are. All that matters is that you give out of a generous heart.

Having passed the 20k mark, Michael now has enough funds to buy a car free and clear (no debt or payments) as soon as he finds one that suits his needs (which is still a challenge because of inflation and scarcity of parts). He went on a car hunting trip this past week and is planning another one this week, while I search online.

A quick note on cars: Michael has looked at his needs and has decided his chief need for a car is fuel efficiency, rather than “living” space. So he is now open to sedan style cars instead of only hatchbacks, though if he can find a hatchback with good fuel efficiency, he’d be thrilled. He is in southern OH, so if anyone who sees this knows someone with a well-cared for vehicle with good fuel efficiency that doesn’t have over, say, 80k miles on it, please do reach out to Michael, you can email him at michaeldeanconley@gmail.com or text him at (937) 986-9292. Even if you’re willing to let it go for a little less than market value, that would be a huge help (remember, goal is to find a reliable make that’s been well cared for so Michael isn’t buried under repair costs down the road).

And, because of your amazing generosity and God’s goodness, he can start looking for an apartment right away. We already have our ear to the ground and are feeling out some local contacts.

Michael said his goal is to buy a car in the month of October (as soon as he can if he finds the right vehicle), and we’re praying for an apartment situation to open up so he can be housed before it gets too cold.

Just to break it down, here is the plan for funds so far:

$15,000 - car purchase to cover actual purchase, taxes, registration fees, minor repairs/maintenance, etc.
$2,000 - comprehensive collision insurance for one year, so that any normal accident or damage of the vehicle will be fully covered
$2,000 - downpayment and first month of rent, to have ready to show any landlord who is willing to rent to Michael

For the additional $10,000 we hope to raise (I have raised our goal from $20,000 to $30,000)

$6,000 - first 6 months of rent to put in savings, so he can pay rent GUARANTEED no matter what happens (figuring rent will be about $1,000 a month)
$1,000 - general needs for the next few months including appropriate cold weather and work clothes, three solid meals a day, possibly vitamin supplements if we can figure out what he needs.
$3,000 - Tithe o $30,000. Michael is adamant that 10% of the proceeds from this fundraiser must go to the Lord’s work, preferably sponsoring or aiding other homeless in his area, a local church, or local food bank, etc. Some organization that is meeting people where they are and providing effective aid regardless of their situation.

Some other good news, Michael was able to find another second job, though now both jobs have him working miserably long warehouse shifts, usually 10-12 hours at a time. But at least God provided another job after one of the last ones refused to transfer him and let him go. Though daily transportation costs eat up a huge chunk of what he is making, the rest pays for daily things like phone bill, food, hygiene items, replacement clothes, camping equipment, etc.

In the meantime, I wanted to give Michael a voice and share some musings about homelessness he had while walking through the area where he grew up, which is close by his current campsite.

To see the photos, click on the link below to see a public Facebook post. This platform only allows one pic per update.

(first few photos are of him in the library where he goes to use a computer)
(storage space full of items)
Everything I own fits into a 6’x12’ storage room. Mostly clothes and books and important legal papers it’s set up like a room that I have access to 24/7 and I have had to use it as a shower room and bathroom before… you make the most out of what you have.
(holes/tracks through the bushes)
Signs of homeless carving out an existence like the bandits living in the woods with Robin Hood… but this is no fairy tale. Never draw attention to yourself or make your presence this obvious. 
(musings on his life growing up)
First church I ever went to, part burned down and was rebuilt bigger. I would go to Sunday class with my grandmother “Ruby”, then we would go out for McDonald’s afterward. At that age church was like a field trip with free food. The blue house is the house my father’s father had built for his family as their first house. Lester, was my uncle’s name, Dale was my father’s name. The White House was the house my married mother and father (Terri and Dale) purchased before I was ever conceived, and they never wanted children and discussed aborting me when my mother was pregnant.
(about an abandoned building that had been burned and razed to the ground)
I’ve been in this building. Several groups of homeless resided here. It is not known if the fire was started by mistake or if it was an act of vandalism to push out the homeless. I just know it’s a scary thing to be walking inside of a dark building, not seeing anything around you other than what your torch (flashlight) shows, but hearing signs of life, of other people scurrying around in the dark all around you…just out of sight. I was there the morning this home to several homeless was razed to the ground, embers smoldering still, and little groupings of personal belongings all around the building from the homeless being unhinged from their place of survival. Homeless can become such an eyesore, that rather than help them, it’s easier to just order 66 them! Trash follows the homeless because no one collects the trash and there really is no place to take it… it’s not that homeless make trash it’s just an accumulation of their survival. I however put my garbage in trash bags- small amounts and will walk to dumpsters at night to dispose of waste… 
(more locations around his town where he grew up)
Water and a river once flowed under the locks/ behind me as a kid. These grounds I would walk with my father and mother, take our dogs to play, and head to the beyond to go fishing and boating. All things change- that is what is consistent in life…change. 
Signs of a place being inhabited is a sign someone is closer to you than you think… best to keep moving… not all homeless are peaceful or kind.
Just spending some time with a new friend I found. This is shirt, they like “hanging” around and have a “dry” sense of humor. Finding signs of life around you all over, you learn fast homelessness affects more people than you could imagine. 
The path behind me was once just a dirt path that leads to the I would go fishing at. It is now part of the great Miami bike trail, but I know it’s secrets, what it once was, where it once lead. 
Big field behind me is unchanged since childhood. Place to just go and walk, think, and be away from everything. Being homeless you want to be part of everything. Only those with homes have the luxury of being able to get away from it all… as a homeless man… I want to be apart of it all. 
(about being homelessness and surviving)
Fall is a beautiful thing to observe when you are not homeless. For the homeless, fall is Death calling ahead and telling you it’s on its way, bringing winter with it. On average one to three homeless die each night during winter. The cold takes some; suicide takes the others trying to escape the pain of freezing. When I see fall, I know death is on its way to pay a visit- that is my reality. 
Park benches are made thin as a means to keep people from sleeping on them. It’s tricky to sleep on park benches like this to get off the ground, but you have to make it work… I may be down, but I try to keep off the dirt. You can see by my hand how narrow some benches are deliberately made.
You see a park, I see a place to sleep and get off the wet of cold ground. Sleeping on slides, like a recliner, with your coat over you is sometimes all you can do, to keep off the wet/cold ground.
I have slept in shed displays before. It keeps you out of the elements and to some degree helps you stay warmer. Everything around you when homeless, is looked at as a resource, a tool, a means to survive. It’s always work.
(dumpster diving at night to find food)
Yes, to save money, cut costs, adapt to the survival mentality, I have and do eat garbage. Many of us have the luxury to throw food away, and it’s a crime more of use do not donate food.
Update Photos of Michael's life Image
Update #3

September 29th, 2023

Thank you all so much for praying!

A lot has happened in the last few weeks. The biggest and most encouraging development is that my brother-in-law, who lives in Cincinnati, has been able to connect with Michael and provide him rides to church the last few weeks. They've been able to hang out some, Michael is slowly meeting people in the church, and Michael has also been able to re-connect with a few people from his past who are reaching out to help him.

It makes me sad to think that all of this could have been happening a year and a half ago. It makes me sad to think that it took a somewhat "public" figure (me) saying something to a wider audience to spur his community to help him. But I also know that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Michael has told me that he is not "enjoying" his journey, but it has certainly been an intense refining fire. That is the great mystery of trials and pain in life. We cry out for justice and relief, but even as we suffer God is at work to use the tragedies of a fallen world for our good.

Michael is continuing to be rejected by certain members of his former Christian (Catholic) community, and that is really hurting him (some have gone so far as to say that he is homeless by choice and it's his fault he hasn't chosen to fix it yet). But he knows that you can't rebuild bridges in a day, and that just because a person calls themselves a Christian does not mean they perfectly follow Christ's example of love.

Michael has been working with a friend this week and will do so more next week looking for an appropriate car in Cincinnati where he lives. We've narrowed down a few style choices based on his needs (something like a Honda Fit or Honda CR-V, something small with good gas milage but also hatchback with good cargo space). We are limited because our budget is $15,000, which is not very much for an in-good-condition Honda that isn't so old he'll have to fix it constantly. However we are praying and trusting the Lord will provide something suitable in His good time.

Thank you SO SO MUCH to my wonderful community of friends, readers, and beautiful strangers who have come together to raise Michael up out of despair. He is much encouraged, and he would LOVE to hear kind words from you. You can email him at michaeldeanconley@gmail.com or text him at (937) 986-9292. Also, if you are in the Cincinnati area and have any knowledge of a Landlord that would accept a very hardworking but former homeless man as a tenant (he will have character references, just no residency history), please let Michael know. If you have any connects in the car selling world and might be able to hook him up with something at a discount, please also reach out to him.

For now, if you can keep sharing and getting more people aware, a few more thousand dollars will really help him get a car asap, and then he can start looking for and saving for an apartment.

Please pray for:

- Continued encouragement for Michael.
- Christian brothers and sisters to come around him and make him feel God's love.
- Another second job. He lost one of his two full-time jobs because he needed to transfer and his manager didn't want him to, so they let him go. He's working with temp agencies to find more work.
- A suitable car before it gets too cold at night. He is still camping out in the woods.

I don't have any new pictures at the moment, but I will try to have Michael take some and will post them when I can. For now expect another update in a week or two when we hope (Lord willing) we will have better leads on a car.

Thank you, and God bless.

Update #2

September 18th, 2023

We continue to be amazed and thank God for his great generosity and grace. Thank you everyone so much for donating! 

We are now aggressively looking for a vehicle. If donations keep coming in, we might be able to afford to purchase a car that meets Michael's needs right away instead of waiting and hoping to find someone willing to sell to us for cheap.

The most important criteria are that it has good gas milage and it has an attached (rather than a detached) trunk, so that the back seats can be put back and there is room to sleep. Minivan's and full-size SUVs have terrible fuel economy so those are pretty much out. Most sedan models have a detached trunk, so those won't work. Ideally we're looking for a hatchback vehicle or a small SUV with great gas milage.

Michael is in southern Ohio, and we could potentially drive to pick something up if anyone knows of an affordable, gently used vehicle of that type. Feel free to reach out directly to Michael, his number is (937) 986-9292 and his email is michaeldeanconley@gmail.com. He cannot always access his phone or email, so please be patient when reaching out.

Once Michael has a vehicle and can start saving money instead of wasting it on ubers, we'll do some budgeting, find out what kind of apartment he can afford, and start aggressively looking for a home for Michael. It is likely we'll have to get one from someone who is willing to do things differently, because Michael has no residence history to speak for him. However he has me and a few others to vouch for him, so we're praying we'll find someone willing to take him on faith.

Please keep sharing and keep praying! Michael is very encouraged by the outpouring of love and a friend has been able to take him to church the past two Sundays where he's connected with a few people, so we're hoping things will improve there as well.

Update #1

September 15th, 2023

Wow. Truly, wow. Thank you all so much, you have brought tears to my eyes and I am passing on your words and prayers to Michael. I did not expect or even hope for such an outpouring of generosity and love. I am humbled by by it all.

Because you all have gone above and beyond and we're nearing our initial 10,000 milestone, I've raised the goal to 15,000. I started with 10,000 because I didn't know what to expect. I never imagined we'd actually meet it ("Oh ye of little faith" as Sir Kipling often says to Lily and Sebastian, I guess now he would be saying it to me!).

For the car situation, some of you have reached out with possible leads, and I'll be following up via email as soon as I can. In general for those wondering, a sedan probably won't work for him, as he needs more space to store belongings and possibly to sleep, so something like an SUV or a minivan would be most useful. If you have or know of someone with one that is no older than about 2015 and doesn't have more than about 60 or maybe 70k miles on it, has been well maintained, no issues, etc that you are willing to sell for cheap, our budget for a car is about $10,000 and the extra $5,000 if we raise it will go toward things like gas, car insurance, title registration, taxes, and the like.

In case someone does have a car, we are in the Ohio Valley region, and are willing to drive to pick up the car if it's not too terribly far. Please email me at redoctober@10thgen.org if you have any leads on a reliable vehicle that meets the budget and above description. Thank you!

Prayer Requests

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