Supporting the Halpin Family

Campaign created by Bonnie Lantz

Campaign funds will be received by Nicole Halpin

Supporting the Halpin Family

Dear friends,

As many of you already know, our beloved friend, Mike Halpin, has recently received the challenging diagnosis of brain cancer. Mike is not only a good friend but also a dedicated Blattner employee, a Little League baseball coach, Huck & Ruby's dad, and the loving husband of Nicole.

This news has deeply impacted the Halpin family, and at this crucial moment, we turn to our friends, coworkers, colleagues, family, and the Tehachapi community, asking for your heartfelt prayers. Specifically, we seek prayers for the success of the grueling treatments that Mike is about to undergo, praying for his complete healing. Let's also uplift Nicole in our thoughts as she tirelessly manages medical details and keeps the household going. Additionally, we ask for prayers for Huck & Ruby to find peace and comfort during this period of significant changes.

As Mike embarks on this challenging journey, the Halpin family will face substantial expenses for travel and medical treatments. Beyond our prayers, I humbly request your support in raising funds to cover gas/vehicle expenses and lightening the load of medical costs.

In addition to monetary contributions via Give Send Go, your kindness can also be expressed through practical means. Consider sending Gas Cards, grocery store gift cards, or gift cards to their favorite local spots like PDubs, TK Pizza, or Kasagiri. Nicole also has a Venmo account @NicoleHalpin if you feel like supporting them though that source.

Above all, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support from our community. Now is the time for us to unite, standing by the Halpin family just as they have always stood by us. Mike and Nicole are an extraordinary couple, influential in our small community, and it's our chance to shower them with the love they've consistently shown us.

Thank you for your generosity, prayers, and for being part of this rallying force for the Halpin family.

Warm regards,
Bonnie Lantz

If you have any questions regarding this fundraiser or would like to mail gift cards directly to the Halpin's you can reach Nicole by email at

Recent Donations
Corbett Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Our prayers are with you! “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love & sound mind.”2 Tim 1:7

Anonymous Giver
$ 180.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 180.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 180.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 180.00 USD
8 months ago

$ 200.00 USD
8 months ago

Continued prayers for you and your family during this time.

Anonymous Giver
$ 180.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Lauren Yu
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Brin Pauley
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Heather Konz Tesch
$ 250.00 USD
8 months ago

Candace Muhlenkamp
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Matt Halpin
$ 300.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
8 months ago

Heilman Family
$ 500.00 USD
8 months ago


He is gone…

May 19th, 2024

Typing out the reality of our world now, gets harder and harder every time I do it. 

As most know by now, Mike passed away on Sunday May 12th- Mother’s Day. Part of me left with him. The pain I have felt this last week is indescribable. It hurts to breathe, talk, just even exist at this point- because a world without him just doesn’t seem possible. He was the most wonderful man in every single way, and I am missing him every single second of each and every day. 

Through my heartbreak so many of you have showed up for me in the most amazing ways! From food, cards, flowers, sweet words of encouragement and donations me and the kids have felt so very loved. We appreciate it all more than I could ever properly express. Especially the monetary donations in any amount. The money that we have raised here and through our fundraisers will carry me and the kids through since we have now lost Mike’s income. And help me pay for his large funeral, that has financially landed solely on my shoulders. 

We love you all. Mike would be so thankful for you supporting his family too. It was his one concern, that we would be ok. 

Update He is gone… Image
It’s been a while….

April 18th, 2024

Wow, it’s been a bit since I’ve given an update here! A lot has changed since that last one, so here we go….

I wish I could say things have improved but unfortunately it’s the opposite. Mike has had some severe declines with his mobility and overall health. He is now 100% in a wheelchair, and up until this week I have been able to get him into the car for appts and just to get him out of the house. But we have reached the point where his muscle weakness has prevented him from being able assist in getting him from point A to point B. It was a huge for both of us. Because if we can’t get him in the car that means no infusion meds, no bloodwork-which means no chemo, no MRI’s etc. And also keeps him home bound and unable to go to the kids baseball games, haircuts, school events, and just live life the way he wants. 

I have found a company who rents out mobility vans, where we can just wheel him up into the car and secure him in his wheelchair! So that is what we plan to do ASAP. The cost of course is ridiculous at $150 a day, but this isn’t a want anymore it’s a necessity that he deserves. Hopefully at some point we may be able to purchase one and that will bring down the cost. But in the meantime renting is the plan! 

Your generosity has meant so much to us during this horrible journey. We literally could not get through this without you. Any money donated during this time is going directly towards the van! I will post an update once we get it! 

We love you all. Please continue to pray for us. 

Update It’s been a while…. Image
Update #4

January 29th, 2024

I wanted to give a quick update here for those that don't hear any from our social media. Mike begins his intensive therapy tomorrow (1/28), which will consist of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. We will be driving to Bakersfield 3x's a week, and each session is 3-4 hours. We have been waiting a while for him to start therapy, and are very hopeful that it will help with his mobility deficits.

We continue to be amazed by the outpouring of support! This month has been a very hard one. Mike is not currently working and we were blindsided when we recently found out his short term disability has yet to go through. We have been having a lot of difficulties with my car, and we were able to take care of some of the more emergent issues because of the generosity here! We also bought another mobility assistance walker for Mike, medicines not approved by insurance, more disability aids for the house, gas, meals, and our household bills all because of your kindness. 

I truly can't thank you enough! 

Please pray that the therapy helps Mike regain full mobility on his right side, for safe travels as we drive to Bakersfield on those days and that his disability gets solved and approved immediately! 

Also we ask for continued prayers for the Ogma family. Andrew is fighting hard, and making great strides but they have a marathon in front of them.



Update #3

January 10th, 2024

He finished radiation!!! 33 treatments of being pinned down in this mask, and he never complained once! None of it was easy, but he walked into that room every day fully believing the hard was worth it! If everyone could #belikemike the world would truly be a better place. He is something special. 

The main question we have been asked is, "when will we know if this first treatment worked"? I wish it was a simple answer, but there's a lot to it. His next MRI won't be for another 3-4 weeks. We are hopeful to have positive answers from that scan, but we have been told it may take a lot longer to really get a good picture of how well the radiation worked. Either way we are very eager for that scan, and I will share more specifics about date and time and prayer intentions once it is scheduled. 

He will also be starting physical therapy in the coming weeks, so we are still on the road towards healing and strengthening him but also getting him some much needed and deserved rest. Overall he is doing well, and it will be interesting to see how he does these next few weeks with no zapping of that brain anymore! 

We are so thankful for the continued donations, shares, and prayers! I would also like to ask for extra prayers for the Ogma family. Margaret is Mike's cousin, but she is also one of my best friends. Her husband has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia. This has broken my heart even more, but we fully believe he, along with Mike will be fully healed!



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Update #2

December 26th, 2023

We hope everyone had the Merriest Christmas! I still can’t believe how quickly it came and went! While this Christmas season was so very difficult for us, it was also filled with so much love, kindness and support. 

Mike is a little more than 2/3 of the way done with his radiation treatments! He is still powering through each one, but is ready to be done! We won’t have any updates on progress until his next MRI in mid January. And even then, they may not be able to tell us much. 

Your continued generosity and support is more appreciated than I can convey here! Thanks to you these last 2 months we haven’t had to worry about gas (we’ve put a lotttt of miles on my car), groceries and meals, or medical bills. We have also been able to buy some things for Mike to help aid his movement and independence while he’s not at his best. We’ve purchased numerous items for mobility around the house- and were able to buy him a wheelchair, and 2 walkers! 

I will try to be better about updating here! I forget not everyone has social media! I share daily on my Instagram and Facebook stories, so make sure to add me there if you want to follow along! 

Please continue to pray for Mike, and for Huck and Ruby. They have been having a more difficult time this month, as reality is setting in that this is our “new normal”. They have had to see and feel some very scary and painful things and I am trying my best to help them through it.



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Update #1

November 16th, 2023

Hi Everyone! 

First off, we want to thank every single one of you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and donations! Your incredible generosity & support during this time has overwhelmed us in the best way possible. We could have never imagined we would be in this position, but knowing we are not alone has made this unthinkable season in our lives a bit less painful.  

This whole journey the last 2+ months has turned every bit of our lives upside down! Most days it doesn't even feel real, but real it is. So onward we go.

Mike has now completed 3 days of his treatment! And in usual Mike fashion, he is handling it like a champ with a side of exhuastion. If you know Mike, you know he wins at everything! You are all a part of Mike's army during this battle, and we have full faith this will be one victorious win!



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Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.