USD $50,000
USD $11,845
Campaign funds will be received by Claudia Wells
This spring Michael looked forward with joyous anticipation to retire after a lifetime of working. It was only 6 short weeks before his much deserved retirement. But with an ER visit March 21, 2024 Michael was shockingly diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cholangiocarcinoma, which is a cancer of the digestive system. Unfortunately, other than decreased appetite and weight loss, in the early stages there are no symptoms.
He was bravely battling this diagnosis, fighting to stay strong physically, emotionally and spiritually while receiving his chemo medication, when he tragically fell from the top of a full flight of stairs sustaining a spinal cord injury and was airlifted to Boston for emergency surgery. This injury is currently impacting all movement from his chest to his feet.
With one life shattering diagnosis followed by a life shattering injury, it is only by the support and comfort of our loving Lord Jesus Christ, family and friends, that gives Michael and his family the strength to face every new day.
After surgery and a week in the Brigham & Woman’s Hospital ICU, Michael is now in Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Charlestown, MA. As he receives therapy and medical care for the next few weeks, there is much to prepare at home for his arrival and new way of life as he battles cancer and paralysis.
Michael had looked forward to retiring and enjoying his home for years, but since this injury, the home must be modified for him to be able get around the house or even enter it. With the costs of making their home handicap accessible and livable, the cost of a wheelchair van, medical costs, medical equipment, and Claudia’s financial loss from being out of work to help Michael, the Wells’ financial need is significant.
Any financial support would be greatly appreciated. As these needs are met, Michael will be able to leave the rehab, return to his home, and have the ability to be transported to follow up doctor visits. This will also help his wife Claudia to have the ability to care for him at home so they can have joy in being together as they navigate these challenges.
Please share this with friends and family, and keep Michael and Claudia in your prayers as they look to Jesus Christ for comfort, strength, and hope.
Financial support will go toward:
We are praying for you and your family.
Keep strong Michael
Please let Michael know that I think of him often. I'm praying for his recovery and comfort for him and his family that is caring for him.
Mike, We still miss you at TryAngle and the part you played in bringing TryAngle retail to where it is today'
Good luck thoughts and prayers to the Wells family
Thinking and Praying for Michael and Claudia.
Praying earnestly for Mr Wells recovery. Oh Lord be with them! Heal him and bring comfort.
Praying for Michael and the whole family.
Praying for you.
May God's love and faithfulness encourage your hearts everyday!
We are praying for you and your family.
Praying for Michael and your family.
January 3rd, 2025
Dear faithful friends, family and those unmet friends,
As we close out this Give Send Go campaign, Michael and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your financial generosity and fervent prayers and thoughts through the most difficult time of our lives. Your generosity has enabled us to get up from being knocked down to the ground, brush the dust off, get on our feet to walk upright with the help of our most faithful God to continue on this journey set before us.
Through your generous gifts, we were able to obtain much needed renovations and equipment, pay for an adapted vehicle, stay at hotels, buy food at more hospital cafeterias than we care to remember, and drive many miles back and for to Boston even though we were both suddenly and unexpectedly out of work. We thank you for all the cards, meals, prayers, phone calls, thoughts and well wishes. So many prayers and needs were answered. We could probably write a book. You all are truly “The Hands and Feet of God.” Although many of us have heard that expression, we very much physically experienced this. Each and every kind word, visit, dollar, prayer, meal, phone call and gesture is never too little, never insignificant, never unnoticed. Every blessing small and large is so healing and so appreciated.
Allow us to leave you with these words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ:
Matthew 25:35-40 “for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was I was thirsty and you gave my drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and take you in, or naked and clothe you? Or when did we see you sick or in prison, and come to you? And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me.’"
God Bless you and keep you all,
Much Love,
Michael & Claudia Wells
October 12th, 2024
Michael is finally home! It’s been a challenge adjusting to all of the changes, but God is faithfully by our side. We feel and see the evidence of His presence constantly. He is manifesting His presence through the hands and feet of friends, family, neighbors fellow church members, and many kind people whom we have never met.
Please continue to pray for strength for both of us, and for Michael’s healing. Please ask God to bless those who are blessing us including all of you who are holding us up through prayer and financial generosity.
Our deepest, heartfelt thanks to all of you. May God Bless you richly. All our love to you all.
Michael & Claudia
September 24th, 2024
On September 11, Michael & Claudia celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary at the Spaulding rehab. Michael’s discharge date has been delayed until October 1. It has been a long, challenging journey at the Spaulding, with some much needed Physical and Occupational therapy and we look forward to him coming home.
Claudia continues to commute into Boston daily to support Michael and undergo caregiver training at the Spaulding when she is not at home preparing for his homecoming. Meanwhile back at the house, the knocked down walls are back up, the dust is clearing, the sanding, puttying, and painting are winding down. The shower is in, the ramp is up, the doorways are widened, the handicapped accessible van is purchased.
Next will be the purchasing of durable medical equipment, and many odds and ends needed for Michael’s daily care. He will need a fully electric power chair, special Raz shower chair, Hoyer lift, hospital bed to mention just a few. Some things are covered by insurance, but many are not.
Please keep Michael in your prayers for a speedy recovery as he will be undergoing a surgical procedure 9/27. Please keep Claudia in your prayers as she prepares to be the primary caregiver for Michael’s total care and also as she prepares to hopefully go back to her remote job at home. Your prayers are holding them up as God gives them both daily strength.
Michael & Claudia thank you very much for your prayers and generosity and very much appreciate you all as they go through this challenging journey.
God bless and keep you all.
September 5th, 2024
Michael had a Happy Birthday celebration at the Spaulding rehab. We are thankful that we were able to have most of our family here, but of course missed the ones that couldn’t make it. It was a beautiful day.
Thanks to the hard work family, friends, Pierce Family Plumbing, D&M Electric, Cloud 9 Tubs, and the prayers and gifts from all of you, the plans to modify our home for Michael’s return are becoming a reality. We highly recommend our D&M Electric, Pierce Family Plumbing, and Cloud 9 Tubs. they did an excellent job and are highly reliable.
Michael & I are overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayer, love, and support by all of you. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please pray for our next endeavor to find an affordable wheelchair accessible van.
Of course we would not be able to withstand this life event if it was not for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who holds us up and walks alongside us.
August 31st, 2024
We are overwhelmed with the generosity of you all, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for your generous donations, prayers, cards of encouragement, support and hard work. With the labor of family, friends and the "Calvary Bible Church Tool Ministry", we now have a ramp built for Michael to be able easily access our home. Your donations also enabled us to begin in-home modifications to add a shower and widen the doorways on the main level of the house. A huge thank you for friends and family that are working on the modifications.
God is holding us in palm of his hands. He is also very much showing us that, in addition to our biological family, our family in the Christian community, friends, and neighbors are definitely an extension of God's hands and feet that are holding us up and helping us to get through this.
God Bless you all!
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