USD $15,000
USD $1,000
Campaign funds will be received by Megan Fortner
On Monday, October 21, 2024, Megan was involved in a horrible accident. A utility trailer carrying heavy equipment had been flipped on its side. As she went to survey the situation, the straps securing the equipment broke free and the trailer came crashing down on top of her. It dislocated her hip and severely broke both bones in her leg below the knee tearing through tendons, muscles and ligaments. The top of her foot and right elbow were fractured and a bone nicked an artery in her leg.
Because they live in a rural area, Megan was life-flighted to the nearest hospital. She has so far been through two surgeries successfully and will soon begin the long process of physical therapy.
Her family has been living in a camper trailer as they were preparing to build a new home within the year. Because of the nature of her injuries, the doctors won't release her from the hospital until she has a larger living space. They will now have to rent a home temporarily until she can recover, which they say will be anywhere from 4 to 9 months. No weight can be placed on her leg for at least 12 months.
Please consider joining with us to help this precious family. Megan is such a kind and generous soul. She'd give the shirt off of her back to a total stranger. Let's rally together and show Megan and her family the love of Jesus!! We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. They are such giving people. Let's show them how to receive with ZERO strings attached. We love you Megan and pray for a speedy full recovery!!
We love y'all and pray for a speedy FULL recovery in Jesus name.
God Bless you and your family.
Continued prayers for total healing my sweet friend!! Love you!
Praying for speedy recovery and strength for your husband and family.
Megan I am Praying and believing with you for a full recovery in Jesus name 🙏🙏
Praying for your full recovery
We are praying for you Sister Megan. Thank you Jesus for your healing power and full restoration in Megan's body. Help her family at this time too. We know she will be restored and the devil will pay for this. Amen
Oh my gosh!!! Praying His perfect healing over your body!!!
We love you Megan
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