Mason Ferrulli


 USD $350,000


 USD $59,724

Campaign created by Diane Giles

Campaign funds will be received by Monica Ferrulli

Mason Ferrulli

Dearest Family and Friends of the Ferrulli’s,

Recently I had a deep conversation with Monica and became aware of how much they are struggling. The financial challenges they continue to endure are devastating. On top of that, they finally found a treatment that Mason’s body seems to be positively responding to and are now also having to worry about how they will be able to keep this in his body with an additional monthly cost of $2,500/month. They have been so blessed to have been gifted this by a close friend of the family yet are looking for ways to be able to ensure Mason continues to receive it without having to rely on or put such a heavy financial burden on them moving forward.  

As of now, Mason’s scans have remained stable, however a tumor remains inside of his brainstem. His treatment has significantly expanded as his side effects (from 66 rounds of radiation) have increased. Mason’s treatment team consists of Oncology, Endocrinology, Pain Management, Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Audiology, Nephrology, Orthopedics, Physical Rehabilitation, and Hospice. He sees a doctor from every department at least once per month and some weekly. All these doctors, except for rehab and hospice are at UCSF.

Mason requires 24/7 care. He cannot be left alone and is dependent on his parents to do basic daily tasks as he has very little movement from the left side of his body. Since they also have a daughter and one parent must always be home with Mason or taking him to appointments, working outside the home has not been something they have been able to do.  

Monica has her Master’s degree and had quite a successful career as a Director of Foster Care and Adoption, however she was forced to quit after Mason’s first recurrence. Every mom with a sick child would do the same. Kyle is receiving a small amount of temporary income through disability; however, it does not even cover their basic monthly bills. Then you add the medical expenses, and it becomes a little clearer why we continue to ask for help on their behalf. They are behind on their mortgage and losing their home should not be something they need to worry about. But what do you do in this situation? If you look at the statistics many families go bankrupt when their child is diagnosed with cancer, especially if it has been a 6-year battle. But we can help! They should not be a statistic when they have so many people who love them. We can make their financial burden less, so they can focus on getting Mason better!

I know they have had several fundraisers over the years, but these fundraisers are their main source of income when you are fighting for your child’s life for 6 consecutive years. Monica & Kyle are feeling extremely bad at the thought of asking for ongoing help, but I really want to help them so they can focus on Mason and getting him stronger. Many ask me all the time “how we can help” and this is how. Mason needs his parents by his side!

If you can give financially, THANK YOU! If you can pray, THANK YOU! We ask that you pray for Mason’s nerve pain to subside; for him to regain use of the left side of his body; and most importantly, if it is God’s will, to rid cancer from his body once and for all! My prayer for this situation is 1 Peter 5:10. “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ will Himself restore you, secure you, strengthen you, and establish you.”

If you have any questions, please message me. The Ferrulli’s are so humble and wish they didn’t need this help, but they do. Let’s show them how much we care!! God bless each and every one of you.

Recent Donations
Gina Derryman
$ 5.00 USD
12 minutes ago

We're praying for you Mason!!

Amy Petersen
$ 5.00 USD
21 hours ago

$ 5.00 USD
22 hours ago

Bakker Family
$ 20.00 USD
1 day ago

Sending prayers

Erin Gallasso and Family
$ 5.00 USD
1 day ago

Tammy Garcia
$ 10.00 USD
1 day ago

Praying constantly for you, Mason. Your family, Doctors, Therapists, Nurses, Techs, schoolmates, friends and neighbors. Everyone that is lifting you up to God for healing. You're remarkable in your strength and faith!

$ 10.00 USD
1 day ago

Sam and Melissa
$ 10.00 USD
1 day ago

Kris Tillery
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Mark and Laura Raeburn
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Josh and Sarah
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Desiree Reed
$ 13.00 USD
2 days ago

I love you guys and praying for Mason and your family always.

Adrian Bocanegra Memorial
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Praying daily for you sweet boy

Traci LeMire
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

$ 10.00 USD
2 days ago

Sending prayers 🙏and love ❤️ . God is with you Always. Stay strong Mason and that keeps your family strong.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Prayers for you always

Corey Scott
$ 5.00 USD
2 days ago

Praying always!

Kristina Casperson
$ 10.00 USD
2 days ago


Update #14

July 15th, 2024

From Monica:

I know many of you have been asking for an update and I’m sorry we haven’t given one sooner; we are just solely focusing on Mason. Mason is very sick, his body is tired. We are not forcing it to do anything it doesn’t naturally want to do right now. We’ve been gracefully moved out of PICU and up to the oncology floor (but with PICU level of care) so that we can be with our team of doctors and feel more “at home.” 

Very important prayer request. Mason has very weak veins and the highest of doctors at this hospital have worked tirelessly to try to access a vein for very important (comfort medicine) and we cannot get one. It is crucial we have access so without a sufficient IV we would have to do something way more painful which is exactly what we don’t want to do right now. Please pray for our doctors to find a strong working vein in Mason and a successful IV placement. 

Thank you so much for loving our boy and caring about his status. We will try to keep you all updated as much as possible.


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Update #13

July 5th, 2024

We could use tons of prayers right now. Mason has been battling another illness, with fevers and such severe congestion that he’s requiring oxygen almost around the clock. He’s developed sores in his mouth and is just in so much pain. On top of that he had to muster up the strength to get in the truck and not only do a radiation treatment but they need to do labs to make sure his counts are good with this infection. He’s gonna have a really rough day 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Update #12

April 9th, 2024

From Monica!

Hi all! After consulting with Mason’s doctors from the stem cell team down south we feel another treatment would be very beneficial for him! Being that we are out of all other treatment options we know we need to keep his body strong and stay on top of this dreadful disease….so we are going to do everything in our power to get him those cells! 

Since his last stem cell therapy his lab work has been exceptional, his left leg has gotten stronger, and his scans have remained stable! We can only imagine what multiple treatments will do!! 

We’ve applied for many grants, we will do a few raffles, and we will have a new merchandise sale soon!! We may even hold another lemonade stand soon, since the one last year was soooo successful!! Our goal is $15k to cover the cost of the cells!!!

Please keep Mason and his family in your prayers! If you feel led to donate, please know donations go directly to Monica! 🙏❤️

Update #11

January 13th, 2024

Seven years ago today Mason was being rolled into brain surgery that lasted a bit over 14 hours….the longest day of our lives! It’s been a LONG and EXCRUCIATING 7 years, but he is still amazing us with his strength and determination and we are so grateful for every single day! 

We couldn’t have made it this long without all of the ongoing prayers, love and support we have received and we are so thankful for every single one of you!! 

And those two little boys staring through the windows of those doors are still by his side and the Best friends anyone can hope for! Love you Bradley & Nick!!

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Update #10

November 16th, 2023

From Monica 11/15/2023-

Long overdue update…. Mason has been on his chemo regimen for almost two weeks and overall he has been handling it so good so far. Some tummy aches (but i thought they would be worse so we will take it), daily headaches, and some pain and hearing loss in his good ear. So we will head to UCSF this week to see the audiologist! 

Every time I am fearful of starting a new treatment for him, I just need to remind myself of who I’m talking about. Mason handles everything with so much strength and courage and just blows my mind with what his body can still endure…I mean this year alone he has had back surgery, radiation treatments, 3 hospitalizations, stem cell treatment , and now chemo 🥵. I just don’t know how he gets through it and still has the desire and energy to go to card shows, watch his friends games, and so much more! He is just amazing to me ❤️🙏🏼❤️

Photo was taken this weekend at the card shop and mason ran into some fans ❤️

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Update #9

October 11th, 2023

From Monica-

Sorry it took so long for the update, but it’s never easy to give bad news…. Mason is still in a lot of pain despite the extreme amount of meds he is on. The MRI revealed a good size tumor in his spine (AGAIN) which is responsible for causing this agony. In addition they noticed the growth of multiple tumors in his brain and spine. He is going to receive radiation, beginning Tuesday, to the tumor on his spine to help shrink it and hopefully take away the pain. He already did the prep X-ray that is shown in the video which was extremely painful for him to get through so we know these treatments are going to be as well. Once this pain is managed we will discuss what’s next. Please pray for his pain to stop; he is fighting around the clock just to be somewhat comfortable. Pray for these treatments to help with the pain and that the drive to and from UCSF daily is bearable 🙏🏼. We will keep you updated! Thank you for the ongoing love, support, and prayers 🙏🏼

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Update #8

September 18th, 2023

Wanted to give a quick update; I know a lot of people have been asking! Mason has been doing pretty well overall since he received the stem cells on Monday. He’s been more tired than usual, which the doctors told us to expect and has a day or two where he just felt under the weather! Overall, it’s definitely been one of the least intrusive treatments he’s had. 

His next scans are on October 5th at UCSF. We are hoping to see some positive changes, but also know it can take months before we do so we will be patient 😏. It is likely he will need more of these treatments in the future, especially if we see them working!! 🙏🏼

We are just taking it day by day and appreciating it all especially during childhood cancer awareness month!! 

If you’re around please come out to the RHS varsity game on September 22nd to support mason and all the other kids who have fought or are fighting this battle!! Don’t forget to wear your 🎗️GOLD🎗️!! Ripon Chiefs are also holding an event at their games on the 30th! And I’m sure RC is as well, as they have every year! So grateful for the increased awareness this year 💛

This is the childhood cancer awareness game Mason and Nick went to the night before we left for treatment 💛

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Update #7

August 25th, 2023

Every penny helps and we covet your prayers too for Mason and the Ferrulli fam.

After TONS of research, calls, and discussions with many doctors regarding the next steps in Mason’s treatment, we have decided to take Mason to southern CA where he will receive a very precise and high dose of stem cell therapy! There is about 5 doctors on this team from different facilities that all come together to provide this treatment. However, NONE of it is covered by insurance. With what they feel Mason needs it will be out of pocket 15k-20k 😩. They want to start ASAP and Mason’s oncologist agreed that whatever we choose, should not wait. 

With all the lemonade stands he has held to help others we thought we could do one for him 🙏🏼. Therefore we will be having an impromptu lemonade stand tomorrow. We will also have t-shirts, yard signs, and bracelets for sale. We would love for you to stop by. 

We know that Mason has received so much help from all of his supporters over the past 7 years, but now it is more important than ever!! Thank you so so much for your ongoing love, prayers, and support for Mason!! 💛

Update #6

August 2nd, 2023

From Monica:

Thanks to this amazing surgeon, Dr Auguste, Mason is being discharged tomorrow in way less pain then when we arrived a week ago! Still have some more recovering to do, but it will be much easier in the comfort of our own home ❤️🙏🏼🏡

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Update #5

July 23rd, 2023

Monday (July 24) is a big day and emotions are running high 😔. Mason has full brain and spine scans which will detect if this trial medication has been working! We could use some extra prayers to ease his anxiety and for the pain he has been experiencing in his back! Not only is it going to be a hard day on Monday, but he is ending cycle 1 of his trial so he will have to be at UCSF every day this week. After his MRI he has an infusion. Then Tuesday we have an appointment with his doctor to go over the results of his MRI followed by a mini MRI awake (to look at the medicine they infused the day before). Wednesday back at UCSF for his all day infusion and Thursday back again for some blood work and a few other tests! It’s going to be A LOT, and he is feeling it emotionally (as we all are). It’s hard, a lot of heart ache, and unknowns that I wish he didn’t have to endure! Please pray for him ❤️🙏🏼❤️

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Update #4

May 10th, 2023

😞 Unfortunately this hug is one filled with heartache, devastation, and pure defeat! Mason’s MRI revealed the cancer has returned; not only in his brain, but his spine as well. 

We are moving forward with the stem cell treatment we already had planned (sooner than later) and hopefully get another MRI in 6 weeks or so to see the effects of that treatment. 

There is a new trial at UCSF that his oncologist mentioned today that we will begin looking into to see if he qualifies so that we have a backup plan! His oncologist will also be meeting with his neurosurgeon to see if surgery is an option for either tumor. 

Mason has had a VERY hard day (as we all did), but him more so because this is his body that has to keep being tortured year after year after year!! As always, I would take it from him without a second of hesitation if I could, but since I know that’s impossible all we can do is advocate for treatments he needs, educate ourselves of every single treatment option available to him, and support him in every way possible! 

Prayer request: please pray that Jesus stays by Mason side through this difficult journey and that Mason can feel his presence through each and every difficult day he must endure. Pray for strength and peace of mind, for the courage to let out his emotions as they come, and for the ability to listen to his body’s limits . We are so tired of this battle; pray for it to STOP! Pray that Mason can just be a kid for once and not have to be consumed with the thought of dying!😢

Brain cancer is relentless!!! May is brain cancer awareness month; show your support and #gogreyinmay

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Update #3

April 22nd, 2023

Mason has had a so so week and will be going in for a MRI of his pelvis. We have a local fundraiser for Mason next week. There is also a doctor in Panama willing to take on Mason’s case and has a promising treatment. The cost is $10,000 and is not covered by insurance. There has been miraculous results with the treatment for mobility and cancer…and Monica is so hopeful this could really help Mason. Thank you again for your prayers and support!! The Ferrulli family is forever grateful!!!
Update #2

January 27th, 2023

After a very long day we finally got some answers…and they were music to our ears 🙏🏼. Mason was diagnosed with osteonecrosis in his hip, and although that is a very painful diagnosis, it is not a tumor 👏🏼. We are staying inpatient to get his pain under control before being sent home, but he’s already feeling better! Thank you for all of the prayers; I know the heavens were so flooded with them that He had no other choice than to listen!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Update #1

January 17th, 2023

Thank you all so much for your very generous donations!! We are halfway to our goal! Praying the Lord blesses you for your generosity. 

"This is the confidence we have in by approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us". (1 John 5:14 NIV)

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Mason has been having some pretty severe back pain the past few days and spending almost all day in bed as a result. Please keep him in your prayers 🙏🏼😞.
  • Mason was rushed to UCSF this afternoon because the severe back pain wasn't getting better. He will be having an MRI asap. Please pray for Mason and for the results of the MRI.