Ministry Start Up Opportunity

Campaign created by Maria Carpenter

Campaign funds will be received by Maria Carpenter

Ministry Start Up Opportunity

This is a start-up opportunity with three phases.  My name is Maria Carpenter and I have a passion to help women and men heal from the emotional impact of abortion. Statistics reveal that 1 in 3.5 women (and their male counterpart) have had at least one abortion by the age of 45. Additionally, 70% of the abortion-wounded consider themselves to be Christians. The long-term impact of this decision is often realized later in life, when a woman reaches her 50's, 60's 70's and 80's. I recently heard a true story about an 84-year old woman who had suffered multiple strokes, was no longer able to speak, and was not expected to live.  When the hospital staff realized she was attempting to speak, they brought her something to write with.  She scribbled the word "minister" on the piece of paper.  They summoned a minister who then came to her room and asked what was on her heart. The elderly woman scribbled the word "abortion."  How many years had this secret burdened her abortion-wounded heart?  In what ways had this woundedness affected her life?

Our Mission is to be a safe harbor for wounded hearts to be reconciled to the unconditional love of God through grace and faith. 

I desire for the culture of Grace Place to be a non-judgmental environment for post-abortive women and men to share their story with compassionate and supportive volunteers who care. Those who struggle with the effects of a past abortion are encouraged to attend an 8-week class to help sort through the emotions associated with their experience. Each participant is guided through the Word of God on the path toward restoration. Those who desire to attend classes but are unable or uncomfortable doing so in person will be invited to attend classes via private Zoom invitation as a way of extending grace and broadening our reach.

Psalm 139:13-16 "For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's . I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

PHASE ONE: Our current phase. Your one-time donation (or recurring donation) will help with initial start-up costs for a 501c3 non-profit ministry, website development (, and various costs associated with creating, printing and publishing a grace & faith-based curriculum titled "Grace & Faith after Abortion," thoughtfully designed to help those impacted by abortion on their journey toward healing and restoration. All class materials are free to class attendees. Your donation will also help with the costs associated with the 18-24 month training process for me to become a Deeper Still Chapter Director, in preparation for holding our 3-day post-abortion healing retreats in Colorado, for preparations and costs leading up to our first retreat, including cabin and multi-purpose room rentals, retreat meals, supplies, props, and a small gift for attendees. These 3-day retreats are free to attend. To find out more, please visit

When hearts are healed, families are healed.

PHASE TWO: My goal for this phase is for Grace Place's headquarters to be nestled in beautiful Teller County Colorado in a warm and inviting 2-story Victorian-style building graced with a lovely flower garden, trellis archway, fountain, walking paths, and cottage chapel for private memorial services, small weddings and intimate vow renewals. This will require surveying and purchasing land and starting the building process. I envision GPRC to be a potential host site for various groups to meet throughout the week; such as healing after miscarriage and stillbirth, grief recovery, trauma recovery, divorce recovery, and addiction recovery. I also envision using our post-abortion curriculum we create in Phase One as a framework for the future development of additional grace & faith-based curriculum with such titles as "Grace & Faith after Miscarriage and Stillbirth" and "Grace & Faith after Divorce," etc.  We are also working on a vetted referral list of licensed counselors and other resources to further help in the healing process.

PHASE THREE: My long-term goal for Grace Place is to take this God-inspired vision and duplicate it, establishing multiple locations across America and around the globe.

Knowing that everyone has a story, the heart of Grace Place Restoration Center is ultimately to help women and men identify the root cause of current or recurring struggles and to walk beside them on this portion of their healing journey toward restoration.

Thank you for believing in me and for your prayerful consideration. Most of all, I thank you for your prayers.

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Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
21 days ago

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1 month ago

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2 months ago

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3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Love ya!

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

I am so very happy to do this . I hope that one day this program will come here as I don't think it has. It's needed.

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Just wanted to plant seed in you. Love what your doing! May God continue to bless this ministry! May God continue to bless you & David as well! Love, Deb & Les

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Lord Jesus, may we see an end to abortion in Colorado and healing for everyone that's been hurt.


Campus Days Booth & Website Launch!

April 6th, 2024

Yesterday's Campus Days booth was a success! We had an amazing amount of booth traffic and were warmly welcomed by people of all ages representing various countries. Also yesterday, our Grace Place website officially went Live! It was a monumental day! Humbled by what God is doing and for the supernatural doors He is opening in His time.

Visit our website and/or share it with someone you know who has an abortion wounded heart. Find a post-abortion healing group and retreat near you: 

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I nixed the backdrop dream!

March 8th, 2024

QUICK UPDATE: I had to reconsider the $1000.00 backdrop because venue restrictions limit the width of my display to 6 ft. Instead, I will be purchasing a retractable banner display. The actual backdrop width is 8 ft. But if you would like to still make a donation, I welcome you to do so. You will receive an end of year tax statement via mail if I have your mailing address, otherwise, via email. *I will also be ordering brand new business cards and brochures. While at the event, I will take a photo of my booth display and upload it here to show you. My donors supporters are THE BEST!


March 7th, 2024

God continues to smile on Grace Place! We have just been approved to set up a booth at Charis Bible College! We have been invited to do so at least 5 times a year! This is huge! After 9 long months of waiting, this is our "suddenly!"

Today, David and I have a meeting with the associate pastors of a large church in Colorado Springs to talk about our retreats!

My teammate Carole and I are diligently preparing weekly for our upcoming post-abortion bible study in May.

Our trip to Knoxville, Tennessee for retreat training was incredible for so many reasons. We gained more layers of understanding as to how to reflect the heart of God in every moment of these retreats.

Even though I may not add updates to this platform as often as I should, just know that behind the scenes I am working diligently toward the goal. Just ask my husband. He constantly has to tell me to take a break, take a walk, and get some fresh air. :)

The item of significance I am lacking for my booth is a Grace Place backdrop. I have a printer in Colorado Springs who made my Deeper Still Pikes Peak (retreats) retractable banners. The quality is top-notch and catches the eye. I have held off on the Grace Place backdrop because of the price. But now there is no time to waste. It's priced at $1,000 and some change. If you'd like to give toward this backdrop, you are welcome to drop a check in the mail to: Grace Place Restoration Center, PO Box 624, Woodland Park, CO 80866-0624. You can also give via Zelle by my identifiers: and (719) 619-8982. Another way to give is through PayPal. Or of course, through this GiveSendGo platform! :)

To God be the glory! The LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations! (Psalm 100:5)

I thank God for you!

November 21st, 2023

I want to wish all of my donors a very Happy Thanksgiving! I thank my God for each of you and the part you've played in helping launch Grace Place. There continues to be so many new developments, but I will save those for a later date. Have a wonderful time with family and friends! 🦃

Great things are happening!

October 26th, 2023

David, Carole, and I have returned from serving at the Deeper Still DFW (Dallas/Ft. Worth) post-abortion Fall healing retreat. Words cannot express the miraculous transformation we witnessed with our own eyes in each attendee. They arrived on Friday looking one way and left on Sunday looking completely different--set free of strongholds, soul ties, years of silent trauma and generational stuff. They courageously tackled the deep work of confronting issues in a safe, non-judgmental environment with an incredible team of caring volunteers. After attending my own Deeper Still retreat this past March, it was a privilege to now be on the helping end. Some attendees even accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord for the very first time--even after years of church attendance. They realized that they only understood the gospel from an intellectual perspective, but never with their heart. That all changed this weekend. The change we witnessed in the attendees was dramatic, so much so that my husband David says that his experience on this team was life-changing for him. It makes all of the not-so-comfortable bunk bed sleeping in the bunkhouse for 4 nights worth every minute.

Also, just one day after returning from Texas we (David, Carole, and I) had a lunch meeting with the executive director of Deeper Still Northern Indiana and her husband. They had a surprise for me. They shared the good news that they know a pastor of a large church in Colorado Springs with a heart for the abortion-wounded. They said that he and his congregation are prepared to help us get Deeper Still Pikes Peak up and running in any way that they can and that we have their full support. I cried crocodile tears. Apparently, they've been waiting patiently for someone to step up and start a Deeper Still chapter in Colorado. That's us! I reached out to the pastor and made arrangements to meet next week.

I am also in the process of creating a retreat wish list on Amazon so that anyone who wants to help purchase retreat supplies may do so. Items will be delivered directly to my address. Additionally, I am creating a list of supplies that are needed for a beautiful and professional booth presence at events at Charis Bible College, area churches, farmer's markets, trade shows, etc. If you have any professional experience creating stunning booth displays, please email me your ideas, links and photos to Let's collaborate!

If you would like to learn more about these retreats and perhaps attend one yourself or invite a post-abortive friend or relative, visit There are now 30+ beautiful retreat locations in the U.S. and they are free to attend. Deeper Still Pikes Peak will soon have a presence on the main Deeper Still website detailing information about our first retreat. Also, I invite you to tune in to the Deeper Still - Freeing the Abortion Wounded Heart I've also included a photo with today's update.

I am also in the process of scheduling another 9-week post-abortion bible study class. Healing often comes in layers, and God will heal as deeply as we will allow Him. These classes are free to attend and require organization, preparation and supplies. There is no cost to participants.

Lastly, our September board meeting went incredibly well. I continue to grow in my position with the love and support of my board members and prayer team. Our next board meeting is January 6th. The best is yet to come! My love and appreciation to you all.

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More Updates!

August 26th, 2023

Here are a few exciting updates:

1.) This week I received official documentation that Grace Place is now tax exempt! Praise Jesus!

2.) Grace Place gave its very first tithe donation to Choices Pregnancy Center. The very same day I learned that I will be receiving an unexpected check which will go right back into Grace Place! God is so awesome!

3.) I now have a business phone (719) 619-8982 so that my private number can stay private.

4.) Next week, David and I hope to tour Camp Elim, a local retreat oasis to see if this is the place God wants us to hold our 3-day Deeper Still (post-abortion) retreats. It is beautiful!

4.) Our 2nd board meeting is approaching (Sept. 2nd). I am excited and nervous all rolled up into one. 

5.) I've been invited to speak to the Ministry School Class of 2023-2024 this October. I am honored!

Thank you for your heart for Grace Place!

DS Executive Director Training

June 27th, 2023

I am thrilled to be moving forward with Deeper Still (DS) and to have started Zoom training with other directors from around the country.  Together, we are going through the book "Overcome and Lead" by Anne Beiler (photo attached).  I believe every one of us can relate in some way to Anne's story.  I purchased mine from Amazon.  A highly recommended read!  I am considering purchasing access to the video lessons and digital workbook to share with my future leaders.

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First Board Meeting & First Class

June 1st, 2023

Our first board meeting held on May 27th was a success. Many items were voted on and much was accomplished.

My first post-abortion class started today at 9am MT. My one official registrant cancelled, but I completely understand. Making the difficult decision to heal is not easy. But it is well worth it. I waited, just in case I had a walk-in. If no one joins the class next week, I will take this opportunity to reach out to pastors, elder boards, and women's ministry group leaders to further develop a connection in the community. Pray for me---that we may all see that we're on the same team--the healing and restoration team.

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Fruit Salad & Cheese Plate

May 26th, 2023

I've prepared light refreshments for tomorrow's meeting. I am looking extremely forward to bringing my board members together for the very first time. Lord Jesus, we invite you to play the most important part of this ministry. Grace Place Restoration Center belongs to you, God. Guide us with Your wisdom.

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May 25th, 2023

More great news! My board member binders are organized and ready for Saturday's meeting. It may sound like a simple thing, but it was no small task. It's taken me all week! 

I have so much to learn, but I have to start somewhere. This is a good place, and now is a good time. I will make mistakes, but I won't make them twice. Fear has no voice in my life. I will learn and I will grow, and I will become better because of it.

As I decrease, Christ will increase. ❤️

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1st Board Meeting is on the Calendar!

May 23rd, 2023

I am excited to share that my Board of Directors has been formed and that our first meeting is scheduled for May 27th.

More steps forward! 🙌

I'm a Graduate!

May 16th, 2023

My Charis 3rd Year Ministry School Graduation took place last Thursday!  What an incredible school year it was!  I was so blessed to have several of my siblings and sister-in-law from Tennessee, New Mexico, and Illinois attend. It was quite a memorable ceremony due to an unexpected high volume of wet, heavy snow. 15-inches to be exact!  With power outages to boot!  

I am currently recruiting my Board of Directors and hope to hold our first Board Meeting within the next month or two. 

On Monday, May 8th we opened a ministry bank account.  Yippee!

Currently I am preparing for my first 9-week Healing for the Abortion Wounded Heart Class which starts on June 1st at 9:00 am Mountain Time.

Lastly, very soon I will be training to become a chapter leader for Deeper Still. I look forward to holding weekend retreats here in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. It is all a process, but we continue to make forward progress.

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Project Presentation Now Complete!

May 4th, 2023

Yesterday, my Team presented this ministry project to our classroom of peers and to a panel of instructors. It went beautifully and received positive responses.  Grace Place Restoration is moving forward.  Our first Healing for the Abortion Wounded Heart class begins June 1st, less than a month away.  But first, 3rd Year Ministry School graduation on May 11th!  This is where it all begins.  With my whole heart I thank my dedicated team that helped me get this life's work off the ground.  And I thank my God and Savior Jesus Christ for healing me to the point of being able to help bring healing to others.  To Him be the glory forever.

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More Progress!

April 24th, 2023

Our very first post-abortion 9-week healing class is scheduled to start on Thursday, June 1st at 9:00 am Mountain Time. We will meet in person and via Zoom. More forward motion.

Our presentation PowerPoint is now complete, and our presentation is scheduled for Wednesday, May 3rd at 8:00 am Mountain Time. Prayers appreciated! ❤️


April 7th, 2023

Praise the Lord!  Hallelujah!  Grace Place Restoration Center's curriculum is now complete!  Thank you to all for your continued prayers.  I feel them!  And a big Thank You to the best team ever: Team Grace Place!

My in-person class will start soon, as well as at a Zoom near you. *wink

Also, just this morning I'm pretty sure God downloaded the title of my podcast.  It's so fun!  Can't wait to share it with you!  Timing is everything!

Lastly, my team is making final preparations for our big project presentation scheduled for the beginning of May, Then comes graduation on May 11th.  Such exciting times!


April 3rd, 2023

I recently attended a 3-Day Deeper Still retreat with a Grace Place teammate for the purpose of research for my ministry project and as a participant. So much care and attention to detail was given to every moment to make it a special and healing experience. I cannot recommend these retreats enough. They are for women and men who have been affected by abortion. The website is Go to the website and click on the Retreat tab to find a retreat in a city near you. The best part is these retreats are FREE!

In addition, I am including an audio link of Alex McFarland interviewing the Founder of Deeper Still, Karen Ellison. She is one special lady who conveys her mission beautifully.  Here is the audio link;

I hope to bring a Deeper Still retreat right here in beautiful Colorado as part of Grace Place. It is a match made in heaven. I am so blessed by the overwhelming support of the entire Deeper Still Team.


March 5th, 2023

It was an honor to serve our Ministry School classmates on Thursday. No special occasion. Simply celebrating friendship. Ana England's Tres Leches Cake with freshly sliced strawberries was a hit! Thank you to my dedicated team for your willing hearts to serve.


February 11th, 2023

L to R: Carole, Susan, me, Faith, Beverly. Classmates committed to helping me develop Grace Place Restoration Center. A big 'Thank You' to Charis Bible College (Woodland Park, CO Campus) for this incredible 3rd Year Ministry School class project opportunity, to Clint Byars for eliminating my excuses, to Alumni Joyce Garbutt for our team T-shirts, to our awesome photographer, to my amazing team that I love so much, and most of all to my husband David for his words of affirmation and support.

Update MEET MY TEAM Image

January 13th, 2023

In my heart Grace Place looks something like this.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.