USD $275,000
USD $14,349
Campaign funds will be received by Marco Polo
Thank you for helping us fight back as we are being subjected to egregious lawfare [SLAPPs, Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation] by associates of the corrupt U.S. pResident—all because we told the truth about the contents of the Biden Laptop. Given Marco Polo's 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, your contribution to our legal fund is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law; our EIN is 92-2605979.
Please watch the background video above about the lawsuits brought by Hunter Biden & his corrupt bankroller. You can get updates at our website & the court docket.
Keep fighting Biden and the corruption at large! Praying for you!
Fight the Biden Crime Syndicate!
Praying for you and your fight against the Biden Regime!
Fight Biden!
GOD Bless You All !
God Bless Garrett and his team and God speed for this endeavor!
Thank You & GOD Bless You.
Thank You for your SERVICE!
Praying for A God Win.
All the best to you.
GOD Bless You ! GOD Bless You ! GOD Bless You !
Wish I could send more
My donation is not much. I don’t give money to anyone but I feel that it is needed for this. Thank you and MarcoPolo501c3 for all you are doing. I’ll keeping praying everyday. Stay safe, young man.
December 10th, 2023
Please read the following article on our website: Lawfare Update.
^ We won partially in the initial ruling of the SLAPP filed against Marco Polo by Hunter Biden's corrupt bankroller & attorney, Kevin Morris. But getting to this point came at a significant cost; please help us fight this SLAPP through appeal and win on all causes of action.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.