Old Magheracross Cemetery Restoration Project


 USD $2,500


 USD $2,555

Campaign created by 

Campaign funds will be received by Jack Armstrong

Old Magheracross Cemetery Restoration Project

For over a century people have visited small villages in Northern Ireland searching for their descendants, only to be met by an overgrown cemetery unwilling to give up its secrets. This is a story about one man who refused to let it go, and what he decided to do. In Ballinamallard, County Fermanagh lies Old Magheracross Cemetery, which was founded in the early 1600s. A church was there but now lies silent beneath the tall grass and moss, not visible to the visitor anymore. The graves are mostly grown over or stones that are unreadable, broken, or caved in litter the graveyard. This cemetery holds the family's secrets that for centuries now people have been searching for. It's time to bring light to those souls who are buried there. And to restore and read the inscriptions so that future families will have them permanently saved. Along with the Historical Society of Ballinamallard, and members of two local churches, we are hoping to raise enough money to restore stones and pathways, clean out all the brush and growth, and add signage to allow visitors to find their loved ones and make it safe for seniors to visit. Join Jack Armstrong to find his family and to liberate all the other souls there to be reunited with their searching loved ones. 

Donation perks include a black coffee cup or a T-Shirt for donations of $ 30 USD or more. For $100 or more a coffee cup & t-Shirt. For donations of $500 or more a special search for your loved one with a report of that search will be given plus coffee cup and t-shirt. For $1,000 or more you will get all of the above plus your name on a sign at the cemetery as a major donor. Above where you see the video, click the arrow on the right to see the designs of the cup and t-shirts. Help us, donate generously!!

Recent Donations
$ 50.00 USD
11 days ago

Thanks for your work! I am excited to get the book!

Rosie D
$ 400.00 USD
11 days ago

Thank you for giving and encouraging other generous volunteers to give precious time to restore Old Magheracross Cemetery. I live on the other side of the world so cannot physically help to keep my ancestors graves tidy. I'm hoping this donation may help a little towards the project maintenance costs. Thank you to everyone involved in the project for caring and making a difference.

$ 100.00 USD
26 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
7 months ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
8 months ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
9 months ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
10 months ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
11 months ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

I was at the cemetery in July but could not locate my ancestor due to the overgrowth. I really appreciate your efforts! It is a wonderful cemetery.

Ill Kev Armstrong
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago


Final Fundraising Push for the Old Magheracross Project!

January 12th, 2025

The Old Magheracross graveyard project has made the news one last time as we approach the finish line! We’re continuing to raise funds through the end of January, and there are some exciting incentives to help us reach our goal:

*While they last: Any donation of $40 (only 8 copies left) or more between now and January 31th will receive a copy of the Magheracross Graveyard book! If they run out you'll get a coffee cup. 

* Special: Any donation of $30 or more between now and January 31th will receive a special commemorative coffee cup!

* Grand Prize: Donate $150 or more, and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a vintage 1959 edition of The Chronicles of the Armstrongs!

* Every Donation Counts: Regardless of the amount, every donor will receive a PDF copy of The Chronicles of the Armstrongs.

If you’re reading this and have an ancestor connected to this project, now is the time to get involved! Your donation will directly support the completion of the project and will help provide a final update from the Historical Society of Ballinamallard.

Thank you for your continued support as we wrap up this important historical project!

Update Final Fundraising Push for the Old Magheracross Project! Image
Just in! Coffee cups for those who donate $50 USD or more!

March 1st, 2024

Thanks for coming to our campaign to raise money to help the volunteers in Ballinamallard uncover the history of Old Magheracross Cemetery. This history includes all the border clans that migrated to County Fermanagh in the early 1600's. Many graves have not been recorded. The goal is to restore the graveyard to a condition that people can visit safely and to include their graves and descriptions on FInd-A-Grave. We hope you are moved to donate and get his super rare coffee cup! 

Update Just in! Coffee cups for those who donate $50 USD or more! Image
Our campaign has made the news!

May 10th, 2023

Even if you aren't moved to contribute to our campaign, consider leaving a prayer message! This project is a marathon with many volunteers, we need all the support we can get! This spring we will be continuing the work to set up knocked over grave markers and repaired those that have been knocked over and broken. We will continue to had new inscriptions and images to findagrave.com. And the work will continue cleaning out the debris that couldn't be removed last fall. Follow our facebook page to keep up with the news. https://www.facebook.com/Old.Magheracross.Project/

Update Our campaign has made the news!  Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.