USD $5,000
USD $1,130
Campaign funds will be received by Madeline Hull
Hello! I am raising funds for a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission(YWAM), because I believe that this is the next step that God has for me. I am leaving childhood, and as I begin my adult journey, YWAM will help me develop an even stronger foundation in Christ. Throughout the next six months that the DTS lasts I will grow exponentially, because every aspect of my time with YWAM will be dedicated solely to learning and connecting with Jesus. I am very excited, and I thank you for all of your support.
With love,
We love you, Madeline, and are praying for you.
Praying God’s richest blessings for your journey.
Love you, Madeline!
We are praying for you and are so thankful God brought you into our lives. We are so proud of the bold steps you are taking!
Madeline, you are an amazing young lady! I have appreciated reading your updates and getting a glimpse of your vision and dream of serving The Lord! Praying many blessings over you as you go on your 7-month journey with YWAM.
Hi! We are proud of you for listening to God’s voice and saying “yes” to his leading. Learn, have fun and keep saying yes to Jesus. Safe travels!
We are so excited you are doing YWAM! God used my YWAM experience to do some life changing things in me, I loved my time in DTS!! I pray you have just as much of an experience and more!
God has great plans for you !
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