Campaign Image

Defend Chris Lysak


 CAD $394,000


 CAD $223,214

Campaign created by Kim Watson

Campaign funds will be received by Kevin Watson

Defend Chris Lysak

Chris Lysak of Alberta, Canada has been held in a remand detention center since February, 2022 on charges stemming from the Coutts border protest of state imposed vaccine mandates that were destroying our economy and way of life for countless Canadian citizens.

Chris has two young girls who will be spending their second consecutive Christmas without their father. Chris does not have a criminal record and has been denied bail in a troubling case of public interest that has caught international attention.

Everyone has the right to due process and a fair trial with access to reasonable bail. Chris has been charged with conspiracy to murder law enforcement officers which carries a life sentence if convicted. We do not believe that Chris is guilty of these outrageous accusations and deserves the same kind of spirited, thoughtful and robust defense that is the right of every Canadian man and woman.

Unfortunately, Chris and his family have been stretched to their breaking point in enduring this ongoing legal nightmare. Unable to work and with an elderly father to care for, he is at the mercy of the justice system. If no one comes to his rescue, his chances of success are grim this late into the proceedings.

All is not lost, however. There is a highly capable and well respected legal team ready and waiting to assist. This is a time sensitive matter due to the late stages of proceedings, we are in the 11th hour of retaining effective legal counsel that can deliver a positive outcome and have only days to come up with the necessary retainer.

If we the people do not defend ourselves, what fate do we deserve ?

Chris tried his best to stand for all of us against what he believed was a gross instance of government overreach and persecution. When we were denied access to our own family funerals, stripped of employment, education, our families divided and worse due to the ongoing policy directed from Ottawa, Chris and many others showed up to stand in the way. We must act in kind and protect this man and prove to his daughters and the world that the people of this country he so strongly believed in do not stop at mere words.

Chris needs our help. It's him today. Who is it tomorrow?

Your son? Your father?


Canadians dont leave Canadians behind.



Recent Donations
Kelly Flavel
$ 100.00 CAD
5 days ago

$ 100.00 CAD
12 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
13 days ago

Freedom isn't free. Thank you!

$ 10.00 CAD
13 days ago

I wish I was wealthy and could be more help. God bless you!

$ 30.00 CAD
13 days ago

This has been such a travesty of Justice. We are behind all four of you and it appears that the RCMP has sadly been ‘bought’.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
13 days ago

50 Ducks In A Hottub
$ 25.00 CAD
13 days ago

I was at the protest on parliament hill in 2020 3 times, I refused the jab, I was held prisoner in my country for 16 months, it cost me an extra $60k to leave the country for my new home in Venezuela because of the wait to be allowed to leave because I wasn't jabbed, trudeau is pure and polivere is no different....

Catherine Austin Fitts
$ 25.00 CAD
13 days ago

jonathan boughen
$ 30.00 CAD
13 days ago

James Publow
$ 25.00 CAD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
13 days ago

Thank you for standing up against tyranny! Canadian Hero! God Bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
13 days ago

I truly admire and appreciate your sacrifice for all of us. What's happened to you is wrong on so many levels and I know what I am giving isn't enough for what you and your family have endured. My prayers are with you and yours.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
13 days ago

God bless you Chris! You fought for a Canadian like me, in the most trying times. You're a hero!

Mike LHenaff
$ 50.00 CAD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
14 days ago

Mel Dunn
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

God bless you and keep you

$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 month ago

God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
1 month ago


Update May 21, 2024

May 21st, 2024

I apologize for not updating everyone sooner. It took sometime to get all of the online streams revenue together and life got busy. 
The legal fund is still $88,000.00 short of paying Mr. Song's complete bill. 
I am proud and inspired by all of you that stepped up. Once again, we are asking to not only give, but to share and promote Chris' campaign so we can get the legal bill completely paid off.

Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.

Freedom isn't Free

February 10th, 2024

Chris Lysak was released from Lethbridge Remand on Tuesday February 6, 2024.
An amazing lawyer and even more amazing community helped to get him home to his daughters.  Mr. Song took 20% off of Chris's defense bill.  Rough accounting .. we still need to raise approximately $160,000.00 (This includes Taxes and Fee's from Mr. Song's office) 
Let's get it done and not leave this man with a huge debt. 
Ne quis post tergum

Freedom isn't Free

February 10th, 2024

Chris Lysak was released from Lethbridge Remand on Tuesday February 6, 2024.
An amazing lawyer and even more amazing community helped to get him home to his daughters.  Mr. Song took 20% off of Chris's defense bill.  Rough accounting .. we still need to raise approximately $160,000.00 (This includes Taxes and Fee's from Mr. Song's office) 
Let's get it done and not leave this man with a huge debt. 
Ne quis post tergum

Freedom isn't Free

February 10th, 2024

Chris Lysak was released from Lethbridge Remand on Tuesday February 6, 2024.
An amazing lawyer and even more amazing community helped to get him home to his daughters.  Mr. Song took 20% off of Chris's defense bill.  Rough accounting .. we still need to raise approximately $160,000.00 (This includes Taxes and Fee's from Mr. Song's office) 
Let's get it done and not leave this man with a huge debt. 
Ne quis post tergum

Ground Hog Day

February 2nd, 2024

The amount has been updated to reflect the total amount of Daniel Song's final bill to get Chris released from jail and back home with his girls. The amount was rounded up to include taxes, transfer fees and GSG fees.  All related receipts will be made public on Chris Lysak's facebook page
Thank you all for your continued support. It's been a long road, but we are on the home stretch.  

Update: December 28, 2023 Update

December 28th, 2023

(Jack from Toronto) Chris's legal defense fund originally required a retainer of $200,000 for Daniel Song to take the case.  Between the GSG and private donations sent directly to Song's office the original money collected and sent for the $200,000 was $183,000 - which Daniel agreed to take the case even though we were short of the original goal of $200,000.
The way GSG works is there is a 5 day hold on the 1st days donations*, then a 3 day hold on additional days donations. After that waiting time, we can request the payout and that is another 72 hour hold before it is deposited into the bank account specifically set up for Chris's defense fund. Also, note that GSG does take a fee from each of the donations. The fee is 3.5% + $0.30 per donation.  So the totals you see are what was donated, but does not show the fees taken from each donation.
Chris has a Facebook page where he posts daily updates.  You can interact with him by leaving messages and comments, his friend Terry reads the messages to him daily. You can find him at

January 22 will be Chris's 50th birthday. Please consider donating here as a birthday gift. 
Chris, Kevin and I appreciate all of your support, prayers and encouragement. 
God Bless

*The 5 day hold turned into a 10 day hold due to person(s) reporting this fundraiser as fraudulent. Thankfully these allegations were disproved.

December 11, 2023 Update

December 12th, 2023

Chris has been extremely grateful and humbled by your generosity. We have a new lawyer, Daniel Song, and because of the caliber of his previous work and the  expertise that he brings to the table we need to retain him at all costs. This is not going to be cheap or easy, but I have faith that this community can come through again. I know this is a difficult time of year to ask people to donate to the cause, but let's remember that what is happening to these men could have happened to any one of us who participated in the events at Coutts. Sic Semper Tyrannis!

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