USD $20,000
USD $750
Logan is a 19 year old born with a rare condition called Noonan's Syndrome. It has caused him to be a dwarf who is globally delayed, has two heart defects and MORE!
Logan was born 11 weeks early and was a fighter from the start. He was born with a heart defect called pulmonary stenosis which causes his heart to work harder to get blood to his lungs. He has also developed mitral valve prolapse. About 18 months ago we were told he has 40-50% hearing loss. His insurance won't cover hearing aides. His will need to be custom made as Noonan's changes the ear canal.
His vision issues are both farsightedness & nearsightedness while his one eye points at his nose. We have had more than one eye doctor give him glasses for distance but say they can't help him otherwise. He needs a specialist that our insurance won't pay for.
We knew he was born with a mild brain defect but it was never to cause him problems. August 11th he suffered his first seizure. He spent 2 days in the hospital having many tests done. Adult Onset Seizure Disorder is what he was diagnosed with. On September 25th after we already realized we needed to fundraise for his health and safety; he suffered a tonic clonic seizure (some may know it by grand mal). The most frightening thing is that the seizures all happen when he's sleeping (by God's grace we heard something each time and got to him). EEG confirmed that's when his abnormal brain waves happen most.
We hate asking for help but this is our son who has fought his way up from a tiny preemie to young adult. He deserves safety during his seizures, he deserves to hear and he deserves to see.
Money raised will be used for a bed alarm. Having our dog trained for seizure response & if that is not possible getting paired with a trained dog. (This alone can run $50k). Eye surgery or surgeries and hearing aides. Any left over will be used to improve his day to day living any way we can.
Thank you so much for any help you can give. Like drops of water can fill a bucket, small donations can help reach our goal!!!
One of my honorary firefighters since age 11. Brings me joy to help him!
I love this kid! He deserves all the help in the world. His parents do all they can with so little.
Bless Logan and his family. Thank you for the photo of his painting
My heart aches for your family Maria. Wishing Logan all the best.
May 13th, 2024
Found out yesterday there are no Opthamologist surgeons on our insurance plan. Now finding one that isn't too far away will be fun. God only knows how much that will cost. We will make it happen someway. He should NOT lose his vision at 20/21.
May 8th, 2024
Today is May 8th, 2024
I'm so sorry I have not updated before. Life has a way of getting away from me.
First we would like to thank those who have donated thus far. We have gotten Logan a seizure monitor that goes under the mattress when he sleeps and will go off if he has a seizure in his sleep. Excellent since all but one seizure has happened while he was asleep. Because he has a bunk bed we got him a new mattress so the monitor worked better.
Jackson is learning to be a service dog. Has a little vest that says in training. It does seem as though will need some professional help as he doesn't seem to understand some things. Howerver from my understanding the training can take 2 years.
Logan should have his hearing aides in a few weeks.
Now to try to find him an eye specialist..
Thanks again to those who have donated. If you can't donate please share. You never know who might.
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