Remembering Lili Maynard

Campaign created by Melissa Maynard

Campaign funds will be received by Melissa Maynard

Remembering Lili Maynard

My daughter Lilith Maynard was an incredibly talented worship leader (vocalist, bassist, any instrument), cosmetologist, artist, poet and servant. She valued her walk with God, honesty and hard work. She also struggled with mental health and found herself in the cycle of an abusive narcissistic relationship. Ultimately the battle was won only as she entered the arms of Jesus on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 21 years old.

Lukas Maynard, Terri Jones and I (mom) are devastated, as is everyone that knew her. I don't know the right words to say except to say that I miss her so much. I can't imagine life without her but take comfort in the fact that she is worshipping 24/7 in the presence of the Lord. Worship was something she loved and did every chance she got, even hours before her passing.

I would like to have one last candlelight walk for her at Camp Lawrence because that's what she planned to do that Saturday evening. There will be a more "traditional" memorial that honors Lili as well. I hope to have more details soon and opportunities to serve. Since none of these things come without a financial component, I've been asked to make this campaign. Thank you in advance for any contribution you feel led to make whether monetary, serving or prayer. We appreciate YOU!

Despite her own struggles, Lili always pointed others to God as the healing ointment for your wounds. This is a poem (w/ introduction) she wrote about 3 1/2 years ago.

Lilith Maynard | December 29,2020
So I was writing some poetry today, and I thought I’d share what I wrote. I hope it brings some joy and peace into your current situation. I just want to encourage you, your moment will come soon. You will blossom into what God has designed you for, you just have to wait! Because it’s in Gods timing, not our own. Soon may be minutes, hours, months, and even years away. But you will blossom, with God. 🧡

“flowers bloom”
Bright colored faces,
With yellow centers all around me.
All of my town,
And me.
None stand out,
All are beautiful.
With scents,
So different,
And delightful.
We look toward the east in the morn,
And look west when night is nigh.
We die,
But that doesn’t end our life.
All parts of us spread round in an open field,
Bringing new life into this barren world.
We’re born,
We bloom,
Then we die.
The cycle is repeating as you read,
And it will continue until God tells it to cease.
So be at peace,
For you too will bloom,

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

5 months ago

Thank you for allowing me to help. I am here for you always Missi …I love you deeply and my heart still aches.. I miss Lily so much!!!

Kerry Flory
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Anne Mullen
5 months ago

Sending you positive thoughts, Missi.

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Missi, I continue to be amazed at how well you cope with your loss. I can't imagine it. God bless you and Lukas always.

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

You are in my prayers Missi. In Christ’s love, Colleen and Randy- True North.

Marcia Jeff Briggs
5 months ago

May God give you strength and comfort. I will continue to pray for you all

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

5 months ago

Sending you all my love and prayers

Kimberly Morse
5 months ago

Y'all have my deepest sympathies and I'm so sorry she had to go through all that. It's understandable that you'd move in to her apartment, you wanna be close to her. My brother and I spent several hours just in mom's living room after she passed, and her funeral. It still felt like her. There's nothing wrong or strange about going where you can still feel connected❤️

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

The Hyndmans
5 months ago

Warren Pickett
5 months ago

Christine Boyer
5 months ago

Barb Pardee
5 months ago

You and Lukas are so loved.

Hilzley family
5 months ago

Jeni B
5 months ago

Forever in our hearts. You know, I’m just a phone call away.


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