This campaign is currently unpublished.

This campaign is unpublished.

Sweet Levi (7 months) had a monthly check up with his primary doctor and they noticed his head measured larger than expected. Levi had an MRI and they found out that he has a 4 cm. X 6 cm. brain tumor in the ventricle portion. Levi is currently at A.I. DuPont’s children’s hospital with his mom, Madison. The good news is there is hope that surgery will be successful but it is extremely serious. Surgery is being performed 11/21. They will be meeting with the oncology team and surgical team as they run additional testing to determine if the brain tumor is malignant or benign. Madison also has a daughter named Ella who is currently at home with her grandmother Karen. Please keep this family in your prayers and consider donating to help with upcoming cost as they navigate this difficult journey.