Let's Roll Team Jim!


 USD $10,670

Campaign created by Karen Fitzpatrick

Campaign funds will be received by Connie Siebenmorgen

Let's Roll Team Jim!

On August 5, 2021, our beloved Jim suffered an upper spinal cord injury while he was on his summer vacation visiting family.  This accident left Jim with no feeling or movement from just below the neck on down and an inability to breathe without the assistance of a ventilator.  His journey to this present day, a year and a half later, has been long and arduous, beginning with an initial intensive care stay in St. Louis, Missouri to stabilize his medical condition, followed by a med flight out to Craig Hospital in Colorado on September 8, 2021, for rehab.  Jim spent several months that fall, winter, and the following spring of 2022 at Craig Hospital working through various medical issues stemming from his injury.  

Over the course of time, one of Jim's biggest obstacles to moving forward with rehab has been an ongoing battle with pressure wounds.  When numerous bedside treatments by expert wound care teams were unsuccessful, surgery remained the only option to healing these wounds.  To date, Jim has had two muscle flap surgeries for which the protocol following each of these surgeries is an approximate six weeks of bed rest.  During these periods of bed rest, other smaller wounds can and did develop, resulting in setbacks with initiation of the steps that would allow Jim to sit upright again for any period of time.  Jim had his most recent surgery on November 30, 2022.  Jim has been in the hospital since this surgery and continues to recover there as of this writing March 3, 2023.  Jim's hospital rehab team has been working diligently to problem solve what could be a causal factor in the development of these pressure wounds.  Recent pressure mapping of Jim's sitting positions in his wheelchair noted a particular area of pressure right in the area of the wound coming from the "back" of the wheelchair.  It was recommended that the back of Jim's wheelchair be switched from the standard foam back to a Roho (air-based) back.  Jim, his surgeon, and his rehab team are currently awaiting insurance approval for the wheelchair back to be upgraded.  Jim's surgeon has Jim's release from the hospital on hold until this upgrade is complete. 

Jim has spent 12 out of the last 17 months in a hospital.  Presently, the healing of his wounds is progressing and the source of the problem has been identified.  With this great news, Jim is anxiously awaiting his discharge back home to his sister and brother-in-law's house in Colorado, where he and his wife, Connie, are currently living.  For Jim, Connie and all his family alike, there is a renewed sense of hope for what the next part of this journey for Jim could hold with this particular medical hurdle seeming to finally be resolving.    

One of the most promising areas of research for regaining function following a spinal cord injury is e-stim or "electrical stimulation."  Most commonly in the field of spinal cord rehab, this electrical stimulation is often provided through what is known as an "FES bike" or "Functional Electrical Stimulation" bike.  With this bike, electrodes are attached to muscles on the legs which send electrical impulses to the nerves running to these muscles, telling them to contract.  The physical benefits of FES are many, including improved circulation, improved range of motion, tone and health of the musculature, and improved cardiovascular function.  Equally as important are the many psychological benefits that FES provides.  

The research and application of FES dates back nearly 40 years.  In more recent years, advancements and research in the field of electrical stimulation and its significance to spinal cord injury rehab, has evolved to provide even more promising outcomes.  Newer studies are looking at the outcomes of stimulating the spinal cord "directly" either through a stimulator surgically implanted inside the spine or through adhesive pads placed on the skin of a person's abdomen and lower back that directly stimulate nerves in the spinal cord from outside the body.  These latter, newer studies have enabled participants to regain voluntary movement anywhere from two to even four years after the injury occurred!  

Despite the exciting possibilities these more recent studies have shown, they have not yet been approved by the FDA for regular use in spinal cord rehabilitation here in the United States.  Until that time, there is a strong consensus that people with a spinal cord injury should do everything in their power to keep their bodies in the best of health so they are ready for new and improved treatment options as they become available.  FES bikes are currently the best way of doing just that. 

Jim has had the opportunity to use an FES bike on a few occasions in the gym at Craig Hospital (see the link below for a video of Jim riding an FES bike at Craig Hospital).  Once he returned home, however, the reality of being able to get to Craig's gym for regular "rides" was limited.  Connie continues to work full time and provides and handles numerous aspects of Jim's care.  In between working full time, caring for Jim, and getting Jim to other necessary medical appointments, there is minimal to no time left for frequent trips to the gym to access the FES bike.  In addition, Colorado winters are long and often make for less than ideal travel conditions a large part of the year.  

It has become apparent to us that it would be most beneficial to Jim to have access to an FES bike at home.  These bikes, however, can run as much as $30,000.  While some insurance plans may consider coverage for FES devices, there are many variables that can impact whether or not they will provide reimbursement.  In addition, waiting for approval can take up to a year or more. 

We feel it is crucial for Jim to have an FES bike for regular use.  We feel that, at this time, this is the number one thing that is a sort of gateway to regaining some physical return, whether that's from direct impact of repetitive use of the bike itself as a component of treatment or more indirectly in terms of keeping his body in optimal physical shape, preparing him for newer, better treatments that seem to be more and more possible with each passing day.  Jim attends monthly Zoom meetings with the research doctor at Craig, keeping on top of the latest developments in spinal cord injury research.  He has learned that research trials often select a particular "site" or location from which to select participants and conduct trials.  While the first and foremost goal of this campaign is to fund an FES bike for Jim, if over the weeks, months and year ahead priorities change and a potential new treatment is made available at some other location in the United States, we would also like for Jim to be able to wholeheartedly consider making that trip if medically possible, with the support of these funds.  

At Christmastime this past year, our family set aside money we would have spent on each other to put towards efforts to make this happen.  Around that same time, other friends and family asked if Jim and Connie needed anything or if there was anything else they could do in addition to the constant prayers they were already sending their way.  We decided that we would like to share with others, who know and love Jim and Connie, our hope and vision.  

We love Jim and Connie with all our hearts.  Jim is a wonderful husband to Connie, and a very much loved son, son-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin, coworker, and friend to so many.  It has been hard being states away not being able to lend our hands to physically help the two of them.  Through this effort, though, our hearts are warmed by the fact that if we could provide this for Jim, every time he sets up at his bike, he will be reminded of the HUGE village of support he has behind him lifting him up on this journey.  If you are able, we would love for you to join with us and be a part of this effort for Jim.  If offering financial support is not possible at this time, please continue praying for Jim, and let him know that you are praying, by clicking on the "pray" tab at the bottom of this campaign.  

On behalf of Jim, Connie, and all our family, we thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. 


Recent Donations
Jay and Laura C
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Thinking of you both and praying for continued healing and progress!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you both for your very generous donation! We are working with Craig Rehab therapists to get Jim's seating dialed in so he is ready to ride! ❤️" By Connie Siebenmorgen

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Laverne Henneke
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Keerthi Sangaraju
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Prayers for you Jim and Connie

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Keerthi, we are so touched by your generous donation. So very sweet and thoughtful of you! We very much appreciate your prayers! They definitely help!" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Pete & Kate Sansone
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Prayers for you and love to you Jim and Connie! Jerry and Darcy B

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much, Darcy & Jerry! You both are so kind. We truly appreciate your very generous donation to Jim’s fund! Hugs to you! ❤" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Dave and Helen Buerck & Family
$ 195.00 USD
1 year ago

Angelin Blasha and Sujin
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Our prayers for both of you. We are continuing to pray for Jim’s healing and recovery.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you sincerely for your kind & generous donation, and we truly appreciate each and every one of your prayers. Your love & support means so much!!" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Diane Edwards
$ 300.00 USD
1 year ago

Connie and Jim - You are in my thoughts a lot.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Diane, with everything you are going through, we are incredibly touched that contributing to Jim's fund was even on your mind. Thank you sincerely! ❤" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Randy and Stacey Thurman
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Our thoughts and prayers for both of you always. Let’s do this! ❤️

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your prayers and generosity! Both are so appreciated! I love your "Let's do this!" comment! Jim is definitely ready to "Do"! " By Connie Siebenmorgen

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Prayers for continued healing.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"We are so grateful for your very generous donation, and your prayers! Thank you for your support in assisting with our future rehab goals for Jim!" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Doug Rosen
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Wibbenmeyer family Margie Kevin Marvin and Allan
$ 400.00 USD
1 year ago

Jim and family, We are with you in thought and prayer.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Margie, Allan, Marvin & Kevin: Wow! We are overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity!! Appreciate your support towards Jim's rehab & recovery!❤️" By Connie Siebenmorgen

The Woodliff family
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

We pray for your comfort and recovery and hope you are home with family!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Jennifer & Steve, we so appreciate your very generous donation and your prayers. ❤️ Jim is not back home yet...looking like early May. He is ready!!" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Adam and Rachel Tucker
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Donna Schmid
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Julie and Tom Sauer
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Prayers for Connie and Jim

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you both so much for your very kind donation! Jim and I are very grateful! May God Bless you and your family this Easter and always. ❤️" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
1 year ago

Bob and Patty Wibbenmeyer
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Jim and Connie, you are in our thoughts and prayers often.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"You both are so incredibly thoughtful and kind. We are so fortunate to be surrounded by love from such faith-filled people! Thank you so much!! ❤️" By Connie Siebenmorgen

Kevin and Melissa
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Sending hugs and prayers!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Such a wonderful surprise to see your name here! Thank you both sincerely for your generous donation, and we greatly appreciate all of your prayers!" By Connie Siebenmorgen


Feedback from an FES Ride

December 10th, 2024

Family and Friends,

Here’s a pic of a screen readout from Jim’s recent ride December 8, 2024.  Like any form of exercise, when you can see and compare numbers from day to day, it’s an objective way of seeing progress and feeding that motivation!

Let’s Roll, Jim!!

Update Feedback from an FES Ride Image
Ready to Roll!!!

December 9th, 2024

Season's Greetings Family and Friends!

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  Attached to this update is a photo of our beloved Jim on his recently purchased FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation) bike. The first thing I noticed when Jim and Connie shared this photo was the smile on Jim‘s face!! I think it goes without saying that Jim is thrilled to finally let you all know that, with your generous support, he now has this valuable piece of rehab equipment accessible to him at any time in his own home!  

It has been a year and nine months since we launched this campaign, at which time you all quickly and generously jumped in with your support. We are so incredibly grateful to each and every one of you, and we thank you for your patience in awaiting the outcome of this project. There was a lot that had to happen to get to this point. If you remember, when we initially launched this campaign, Jim was still in the hospital at the time recovering from his second muscle flap surgery to repair a wound. Following this surgery, a six-week period of bedrest was required.  During this time, Jim's hospital rehab team did some troubleshooting as to what was causing the wounds and concluded that the back of his wheelchair was the causal factor. A new wheelchair back was ordered, and eventually received, after awaiting approval from insurance. After being on bedrest for that length of time, Jim had to gradually get used to sitting upright again and his skin integrity monitored with the adjustment to his chair.  Along the way, Jim faced some additional medical instabilities from time to time, but by this past summer was given the green light to begin some trials with a FES bike at Craig Hospital. These trials were needed in order to monitor Jim's body's response to this new activity. Prayers were answered once again, and Jim responded well to his FES rides. But with lots of other medical appointments to complete during the week and a 3.5 hour round trip to Craig Hospital for each ride, Jim was ready to move forward with purchasing his own personal bike for use at home, made possible by all of you. 

On November 22, Christmas came early, and Jim's bike, the RT300, was delivered. On November 29, a therapist came out and assembled it, provided instruction on operation of the bike, and set up an initial recommended ride schedule.  As of the time of this writing, in just a little over a week, Jim has already completed four rides.  He is motivated and already hard at it!!  He set an initial goal for himself to start building the muscle back up in his legs.  Yesterday, December 8th, on his fourth ride, he rode for 30 minutes, with 7.5 of those minutes being "off motor." Here is a brief explanation of what it means to ride "off motor.” When the bike is on, the bike motor will turn the pedals while electrical stimulation is provided to the nerves of Jim's leg and glute muscles. When the muscles have received enough electrical stimulation to be in a working, contracted state, then they take over pedaling the bike and the motor shuts off. Over the course of these initial four rides, Jim more than doubled his "off-motor" time by his fourth ride yesterday! Impressive!  As stated in the initial campaign, the physical benefits of FES are many, including not only the improved tone and health of the musculature, but improved circulation, improved range of motion, and improved cardiovascular function. The psychological benefits are also many.

I want to take a moment at this time to share another exciting piece of news. This past summer at Jim’s annual Interdisciplinary Outpatient Evaluation at Craig Hospital, Jim was asked if he would like to become a Peer Mentor for patients on a ventilator. Jim compassionately accepted this invitation, and while he is still working through the training process to become an official Peer Mentor, he has already met with a few patients and shared his knowledge and experience with life on a ventilator, as well as his support, counsel and companionship to these individuals. At Thanksgiving recently, Jim expressed his thanks to God for the several “miracles” that have occurred to keep him alive these last few years.  There is no doubt in my mind that God has been preparing Jim to serve others like him in this capacity of Peer Mentor and that God will work through Jim now to be a part of many other patients’ miracles in the days to come.

On behalf of Jim, Connie and all our family, we extend our most sincere gratitude for your generous support in making the purchase of Jim’s FES bike possible. We know that you have been with us on this journey not only with your financial support, but in prayer as well. It means the world to all of us and again, we thank you for being patient in waiting through this past year and a half to see this mission through. Jim will forever be reminded of the HUGE village of support he has behind him every time he gets on that bike. Some recent words from Jim himself..."Thank you so much...you guys are awesome!"

Merry Christmas, Everyone, and God's Blessings to All of You!!!


Update Ready to Roll!!! Image
Update #1

March 16th, 2023


Thank you all so much for visiting Jim's site here at GiveSendGo, for all the prayers being said for him, and for the overwhelming generosity in your donations.  We are so grateful!!!

Some people have asked if it's possible to donate via check.  It is!  This is considered an "offline" donation and will contribute to this campaign just the same as the donations made "online" do.  If writing a check to make a donation works best for you, please follow the steps below:

1.  Make your check out to Connie Siebenmorgen.

2.  Send an email to Karen at kmvfitz@gmail.com.   In this email, inform her of the following:

  • Whether you would like to be listed as Anonymous when your donated amount is posted manually, OR,
  • If you would like your name listed with your amount, and, LASTLY...
  • If you have a comment you would like to leave for Jim and Connie with your post.

Karen will email you back with the address of where to mail your check to.  

Once your check is received, we will update the site with your donated amount and your name or "Anonymous," based on your request indicated in your email.  

Thank you for visiting...

Let's Roll, Team Jim!!!!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.