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Le Shade Magazine - umbra Dei Press

Campaign created by German T Jimenez

Campaign funds will be received by German T Jimenez

Le Shade Magazine - umbra Dei Press

Peace and Blessings, 

Grateful you have made your way here. I can use your help in the supporting of the print production of the magazine and mission of the apostolate. Also, the help to live doing this work as an artist is definitely appreciated as well. Know that a part of the donation we will give a tithe to the Monastery of our Lady of Guadalupe to pray for our Benefactors.  Consider a patronage in a monthly or one time donation. Let us know if you are interested in receiving the magazine by adding your address at signing up and reply to the email to put you on the mailing list or if not I will just put the donation towards production so it will reach others. 

I suggest a $20 donation and adding your mailing address if you are interested in receiving the quarterly magazine.

For the umbra Dei newsletter monthly, I suggest $10 donation.

We just launched an online journal as well for Digital copy of the newsletter which can be found on our umbra Dei substack

What ever you are able to donate is definitely appreciated, may God reward you, for the efforts of sharing artwork and the magazine in print form is a goal of ours, so to reach the faithful and be shared on the coffee tables of homes or wherever it can build that community of monastic hearts.  

May we remain hopeful for the Victory of our Lady's Immaculate heart and Christ the King.

For the Love of God, we a grateful for your Alms and Prayers+

LE SHADE + Umbra Dei Mission:

Roman Catholic and Apostolic Lay Apostolate

+To draw souls To God in All Things by a monastic heart in providing art and journalism to help the faithful stay prayerful and united to the Sacrifice of the mass by devotion to the Cross, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, The Holy Family, The Sacraments, the Priesthood and God’s Commandments to stay under our lady’s mantle of God’s grace( Ps 91). 

The Church Christ establish is at battle with the world and many are leaving or mistaken about what to do in this Crisis that they are giving up hope. I could use your help this non profit to help in producing the magazine and projects to help inspire a prayerful and monastic heart, by showing the rich beauty and truth of what the Church has taught in it's Traditional Apostolic Faith and Life, along with help families and faithful remain in the shade of the Cross and Mantle of Our Lady and learn to live united to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and build an interior life to give our lives in contrition to listen to God's Will. We aim to support the priesthood of the Society of St. Pius the X and the True Faith of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church by not compromising to modernism and show what the SSPX is doing to in the true missionary spirit. We ask your Alms that will help me print more magazines and fund the projects listed, but also help me, German Jimenez, to live and as an artist create a family business to support this apostolate work and hope that it grows. 

It has been a dream to be able to create and work for a magazine with a classical aesthetic, create films, and have a place or cafe where people can come read old catholic books and the magazine while enjoying a cup of coffee with other faithful interested in the stories with faith, films, and photo journalism. All with the security of a haven against the modern world.

Also, with the hopes of supporting monastic life, by tithing our donations, we wanted to give our support in donations to the Monastic life and SSPX priests by helping the building of the Monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which roasts a great coffee called "Abbey Roast" and the missionary work of the society of St. Pius the X priest mission chapels. 

So with this being said,  Le Shade magazine is a way to tie together the faith with art and media to connect all things through the lens of the Providence of God, while sharing the news with the signs of the time with Hope in Christ and His Church: the Catholic Sheepfold, Apostolic, Roman.

We hope you can take part of this in helping us get the magazine going with the needed materials to restore the Catholic Press and True Catholic Culture. The hopes of making a place where Catholic faithful can find art and stories on the go, while enjoying their morning coffee and opening the magazine to reflect on God's hand in all things happening.

Then, people going into the world seeing the hope that Christ promised us while seeing events and scripture tied together with the beauty. One day we hope to have a wholesome place to one day gather by raising up to find a local shop to create the umbra Dei Press & Cafe as reference to the old Catholic missions of our time, where people would come and listen to the faith and enjoy community. God reward you all and Mary keep you in supporting this mission. We would like to create a printing and darkroom in-house to support the artistic needs of the magazine to share the Faith, Beauty and Truth. 

Production Details:

+Quarterly Magazine printing cost ranges around $80-200 for 20-30 copies

+Monthly Newsletter print cost -$40 for 20 copies

+Photo Card production $14 for 8 cards

+Web security $70


+ 501(c) 3 non profit, Sales License -$750

- Film Developing and Darkroom - $20 ea Roll, Film Price $10.

+ Custom Jackets, Coffee and Mugs to sell merchandise production cost - $100-200

+ Mobile umbra Dei Press Art Library/ Cafe. Raising Funds to get a Mobile/Car trailer to travel for photojournalism and cafe: hold photography, books and cafe materials, to share the Print Materials and Magazine - $4000-$12,000

+ Photo Book production yearly, which houses more of the original photography over the past year, more elegant book with binding cost - $300 for 200

*Please specify if you like your donation to go towards any goal, or if this is a commission donation*


Le Shade Media

Instagram Page

Le Shade umbra Dei Website

Recent Donations
Monica Llamas
9 days ago

Monica Llamas
1 month ago

Monica Llamas
2 months ago

Diego Azcuy
2 months ago

Love what you are doing! Just learned of your work from Dr. Deep State.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I appreciate the support very much! May our Lady and Lord reward you abundantly+ " By German T Jimenez

Monica Llamas
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
3 months ago

Monica Llamas
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

We are blessed to be able to help with the apostolate journey. Peace and Blessings

Anonymous Giver
4 months ago

Monica Llamas
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
5 months ago

We are blessed to be able to help with the apostolate journey. Peace and Blessings

Monica Llamas
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
6 months ago

We are blessed to be able to help with the apostolate journey. Peace and Blessings

Monica Llamas
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
7 months ago

We are blessed to be able to help with the apostolate journey. Peace and Blessings

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

Monica Llamas
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
8 months ago

We are blessed to be able to help with the apostolate journey. Peace and Blessings

Response from Campaign Owner:

"God reward you+ " By German T Jimenez

Anonymous Giver
9 months ago


The Garden - Substack Blog

December 4th, 2023

We are aiming to create more fellowship, as we produce the magazine and newsletter, we will be writing weekly reflections and sharing the faith tools to keep sharp. Please subscribe to the newsletter to keep updated. 

The Garden - Le Shade Mag - Online Journal

We will be creating a patron and paid subscription, this will hold the archived umbra Dei Press newsletter and Le Shade Magazine Journal. 

Umbra Dei Press

+ Pax in umbra Dei, 

German T

Journal Issue 009 Printed

December 2nd, 2023

I was able to print 10 copies of the Le Shade Mag journal, it was a bit more expensive due to the increase of page size, but it was great to get some copies out! I hope to do another reprint soon for other patrons and friends. Please keep up the support in these efforts+

Ink and Paper Purchased

December 2nd, 2023

Grateful for continued support as I was able to buy needed material to produce some artwork for patrons for some photo and collage ideas. God reward you!

Update #2 - DBA established

July 7th, 2023

Peace and Blessings, 

We have thankfully registered Le Shade - Umbra Dei as a DBA, so we are a step closer to opening a business account and thus be able to organized funds and head towards establishing the Non Profit. By being able to receive donations and support with either name once the account is open, we can make things more official to the apostolate work. We thank you all for the continued support! God reward you all and Mary keep you+ 

Pax, in Umbra Dei, 

German T

Website Launch - LeShade.Org

October 5th, 2022

Peace and Blessings, 

By the grace of God, we have launched our site. Thanks to the help of a church friend we were able to get it running in hopes that we can get closer to being able to support the production of the magazine and prints by your donations! Thank you and God reward you all! 

Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us, Pax in Umbra Dei+

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Praying the Lord, through the intercession of St. Maximilian Kolbe, help us fund the production of the new magazine and monthly News Letters and Journal.
  • Hoping that through the grace of God, be able to find a way to create a darkroom space to create art photography printing for the magazine and commissions to share the Beauty of the Faith and provide to trade for Alms.
  • Set up as business account and credit line to help establish the goals of a place to reach more souls.

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