USD $100,000
Campaign funds will be received by Kathryn Huwig
Attorney Warner Mendenhall and Kathryn Huwig formed Freedom Counsel after the Covid Litigation Conference in Atlanta in 2023 sponsored by VSRF and the Mendenhall Law Group. Freedom Counsel works with hundreds of attorneys, medical professionals, scientists, and citizens who initially joined forces to fight mandates, shutdowns, medical interference, deadly hospital protocols, dangerous "vaccines," data manipulation, and other attacks on personal rights and liberties.
The "pandemic" was a symptom of an ongoing attack on liberty and our nation's sovereignty. Among other ongoing and future problems emerging in litigation, we are supporting lawsuits over the ongoing military mandates, medicalization of childhood, attacks on parents, censorship, and untrustworthy elections in addition to the problems revealed by Covid.
Please join us in developing innovative litigation strategies in collaboration with victims, and medical and scientific experts. And come to our first annual Freedom Counsel Conference June 8-9, 2024 in Denver, Colorado (buy tickets here).
We collaborate broadly with multiple victim’s groups, professional organizations, and other liberty minded non-profits including Children's Health Defense, FLCCC, React19, VSRF, The Silent Majority Foundation, The Gavel Project, and many others. We encourage you to support them too!
Freedom Counsel is a nonprofit organization with pending 501(c)(3) status approval.
There are other ways to help to directly support litigation, please reach out to Kathryn Huwig, Executive Director, at khuwig@freedomcounsel.org for more information.
Bless you for whatyou guys are doing~
Thank you Freedom Counsel! We wouldn't be winning without you!
Brook Jackson is helping to #MAHA
Just saw you on X @barnes_law. I support Ohio Stands Up.
Thank You & GOD Bless You All.
Seems appropriate for Independence Day
Let us“Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal.6:2 Thank you for all your work!
Thank you keep fighting we need you
Great conference! Thanks so much for providing this network.
Listened to Twitter Space with Kevin McKernan, Warner Mendenhall, et al.; have followed their work for years; former member Pam Popper's group; Ohio resident in Granville; former medical transcriptionist & legal word processor in corporate firms; semi-retired (sub teacher). Appreciate all the work being done; good to know there are fighters near me in real life. Good luck!
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