Support Lauren Handy In Jail


 USD $15,000


 USD $10,066

Campaign created by Caroline Smith

Campaign funds will be received by Caroline Smith

Support Lauren Handy In Jail

The Biden DOJ has unjustly convicted Lauren Handy and 4 other pro-life rescuers for conspiring to act according to their conscience by heroically and peacefully putting their bodies in between the babies and Cesare Santangelo, the Butcher of DC. Santangelo is the sole abortion dealer at the Washington Surgi-Center, a clinic known for credible instances of infanticide involving full term babies. Lauren and the others are facing up to 11 years in federal custody and are currently being held as political prisoners by the DC justice system and serving their time in federal prison. An appeal is in the works.

Lauren Handy is a 29 year old pro-life advocate known for her profound courage and leadership talents. Through sidewalk counseling and mutual aid efforts she has saved nearly 800 babies from the horrors of abortion. Lauren has stepped up for so many in their darkest hour and now she needs your support.

Being incarcerated does not come without expenses. Lauren is currently in need of money for necessities such as commissary hygiene items, clothing, food, phone calls to loved ones, and messages to continue her coordination with fellow pro life advocates, and to maintain her housing for when she is released. Additionally, in order to best fight for her, her organization PAAU needs continuous support for advocacy through campaigns to help her get out of jail, jail communications, resources and supplies for jail support, as well as (most importantly) keeping activists on the sidewalk to continue saving lives during her incarceration.

This has been a historic trial and the outcome will affect pro-life America for decades to come. It is possible that the actions of these brave pro-life people will lead to the full repeal of the draconian FACE Act. The weaponization of the DOJ against pro-life people, including outrageously harsh sentences will continue if we don’t rise to the occasion and resist. 

The abortion industry has the support of the federal government, mainstream news, and the current culture… but we need yours! Lauren and other pro-lifers cannot fight this battle alone. 

Repealing the FACE Act would remove the oppressive legal framework created specifically to target pro-lifers and overturning FACE open the floodgates of pro-life activism and could change the world forever. 

Please be a champion for Lauren and for the valuable work she and those she empowers do everyday to protect pregnant people and children. Any amount is appreciated. Together, we can build a better world and we shall overcome!

Your donations will go towards:

  • Phone call and eMessage money for Lauren to contact loved ones and attorneys
  • Phone call money for continued meetings with PAAU staff and Lauren to coordinate activism
  • Commissary funds for Lauren to purchase items like clothing and stamps
  • Support for campaign organizing to get Lauren released
  • Supplies for Jail Support events outside where Lauren is being held
  • Support to keep pro-life activists on the sidewalk in Lauren's place
Recent Donations
$ 50.00 USD
2 days ago

You are courageous!

Ashley Morgan
$ 200.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
15 days ago

I've always admired your firm resolve in the fight no matter the cost. Lord reward you greatly!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
15 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
16 days ago

Fáilte abhaile (Welcome Home)

Joseph Peterson
$ 10.00 USD
16 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
16 days ago

Lauren Handy, you are an inspiration. Thank you for being you and for being a good friend to Herb. Please pray that I have courage in my own pro-life activism.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
18 days ago

God bless you, Lauren!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
18 days ago

Bless you Lauren

$ 20.00 USD
18 days ago

Praise God y’all are home!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
18 days ago

Glad you're free! But upset you weren't on the first day.

Cindy in FL
$ 20.00 USD
18 days ago

Glad you are home. Get Healthy. God Speed.

Heather Idoni
$ 50.00 USD
18 days ago

Miss you, my friend! So glad we are home. ❤️

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
18 days ago

Thank you for standing firm for life!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
18 days ago

Your story inspires me!

$ 200.00 USD
18 days ago

Please heal! God Bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

God Bless you !!

$ 25.00 USD
19 days ago

Thanks for your sacrifice.

Grayson Quay
$ 50.00 USD
19 days ago

$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

Welcome Home!


Prayers for Lauren!

February 13th, 2025

Hey friends, Caroline here. Lauren has asked me to send out a prayer request for her. She has been sick for over a week and is just getting worse. We are going to urgent care today to get her some help, but she has asked for prayers for her health and immune system which seems to be having a hard time adjusting to being in the outside world. Prayers, love, and good vibes are all appreciated as Lauren works to heal from whatever this illness is. Thank you so much friends!

Lauren is home!

January 29th, 2025

Hey friends, Caroline here. I wanted to quickly let you know that Lauren has returned back home after being pardoned by President Trump last week. It has been a whirlwind of a week for her but she is happy to be home and taking some well-deserved time to rest.

Lauren has asked me to update you all with a request for help. Because she has returned home sooner than expected (a great thing!) she is encountering some upfront costs to getting her back on track and healthy.

Lauren sustained an ankle injury while she was incarcerated and still has not healed due to the lack of medical care in prison. She needs to get to a doctor, take scans, and potentially undergo an MRI in order to figure out what the injury was. In addition, Lauren needs to purchase some new clothes, personal care items, get a new phone, get new glasses, and set up various medical appointments to get back on track after almost 2 years of incarceration.

Thank you for all your support and love these past 2 years, Lauren and all of us are incredibly grateful.

Updates and Requests from Lauren

August 14th, 2024


Lauren is settling into her new life at FCI Tallahassee, where things are much busier than they were in Alexandria. She asked me to send you a few updates and prayer requests:

1. A few days ago a woman in Lauren's unit was found unresponsive and later pronounced dead. It has not been reported yet what her cause of death was, but Lauren said it has been very sad and difficult for those who knew her and lived with her. Lauren asks for prayer requests for this woman, as well as her friends and husband.

2. On Monday, Lauren took a fall of her bunk bed ladder and hurt her ankle. She was given x-rays and the good news is nothing is broken! But the bad news is she is in a lot of pain while it heals. Lauren asks for prayers for a quick recovery and for no lasting effects from this injury.

3. As Lauren has been getting settled into her new facility, we have a clearer idea of the type of ongoing support that she needs. Lauren's monthly expenses add up to $360 per month to cover her commissary purchases, messages to loved ones, stamps and envelopes, and other fees. We are doing our best to sustain her, but we rely solely on individual donors to help fund these needs. Lauren is asking for anyone who is able to become a monthly supporter so we can ensure that these expenses can be covered. Even giving $10 per month makes a huge difference for her. Right now, this is the best way to stand in solidarity with Lauren by making a small financial sacrifice to help her. You can start a monthly donation here:

Thank you so much for your ongoing support and love towards Lauren and the other Rescuers. Make sure to keep up to date with them all at!

-Caroline, PAAU Executive Director

Update on Lauren's location!

July 19th, 2024

Hey there!

I wanted to post an update to let you know that Lauren has made it to her (possibly) final destination. Lauren was moved from the Alexandria Detention Center, and traveled first to Northern Neck Regional Jail, and then to the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City. There she learned she would be placed in........ Tallahassee, Florida!!

Lauren is now in Tallahassee Federal Prison. She is settling in and getting used to the new rules and procedures. It has been a hard adjustment for her, but she is hanging in there! After almost a year in the same place in Alexandria, it is a huge change for her to meet so many new people, learn so many new policies, and be in an completely new state. But nevertheless, Lauren is staying positive and doing well. She is thrilled to now be able to receive letters! Here is the address you can send letters to:

LAUREN HANDY 93984-007
P.O. BOX 5000

There are less restrictions on her letters here, she can receive photos as well!

If you can, please consider a donation to help us sustain Lauren in this new facility. Her commissary expenses are $360 each month. Would you consider joining Lauren's support team to help keep her consistently funded? Monthly donors are the most important thing that we need right now. Please consider if you can join her team. Here is the link:

In solidarity,

Caroline, PAAU Executive Director

Post-sentencing update!

May 27th, 2024

Hello! Lauren has asked me to share an update on her current situation and how she is doing, and how you can support her!

In case you didn't know, Lauren was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison on May 13th. Given the recommendations sent from the government, Lauren was expecting much more - so, she is pleased with this outcome in general. Because Lauren already has 9 months of time under her belt, this means her sentence starts at exactly 4 years. Since Lauren has been incarcerated, she has learned so much about the various programs and classes she will be able to enroll in that will further cut down her sentence. That combined with time off for good behavior, Lauren will be back on the outside with us in a few short years.

Lauren has been doing a lot of writing since her incarceration, and I wanted to make sure you had a chance to read those updates. They can all be found on PAAU's blog, linked here:

Specifically, I wanted to make sure you read her post-sentencing reflection, so I am going to include that below:

Dear friends,

It's now one week out from my sentencing. I have come to learn that folks are having the full scope of emotions and reactions in response to my sentencing. And that's OK... really! 

Grief, joy, anger, hope, sadness, love... are all part of the human experience and it is natural and necessary for that to play out in movement spaces as well. I am not surprised to see our movement grappling with differences of tactics and biases because that too is natural and played out across all struggles for justice and liberation. 

But! I also must impress that it is vital to organize beyond our discomfort and that means finding common ground with a broad spectrum of people. We need a diverse and intergenerational movement "large enough to combat the forces that are set out to destroy us." We are not each others enemies. Those who protect, facilitate and fund the murder of preborn people deserve that energy. 

A well-meaning person once called me a "pragmatic hippie" and after laughing I gave that label serious thought. We have to be pragmatic in working "despite and through our differences." How do we do this? 

In chapter 9 of the book Let This Radicalize You, MK explores this by asking, "When people delve into activism, they often grapple with questions like, 'Am I willing to get arrested?' When often a more pressing question for a new activist is, 'Am I willing to listen, even when it's hard?" 

Meeting people where they are at with empathy, even with people who do not fully understand your identity or experiences, is how we can create movements instead of clubhouses. Allowing room for imperfections and questions can help build trust even when we don't understand each other's actions. 

Yes, this is hard. But as MK asserts when people grapple with their differences long enough we can develop mutual respect and understanding. That is my hope for the future of our movement as we fumble our way towards justice. 

Our Liberation is Bound Together,

Lauren Handy

Lauren is so grateful for your support of her during this time. It is so important that we continue to stand in solidarity with Lauren and the other Rescuers while they serve their time. We cannot forget or abandon them. Please consider signing up to give monthly to Lauren's funding so that she can continue to enjoy phone calls, messages, and commissary items:

We are moving forward with radical hope for the future! We know the preborn are people with a right to be Rescued.

Long live Rescue!

-Caroline Smith, PAAU Executive Director

Update from Lauren!

September 15th, 2023

Hello everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. This has made Lauren's time so far in jail very much bearable! She told me today she was able to order some socks, soap, shampoo, hair ties, and playing cards from her commissary! She has been able to have phone conversations with friends, coworkers, family, and her lawyers. Thank you so much again for everyone who has so generously donated to her!

-Caroline Smith, PAAU Executive Director

Message from Lauren

September 3rd, 2023

I spoke to Lauren the other day and she asked me to send out this message to those asking about her:

"I am doing well, I am right where I'm supposed to be. I've already been able to reach out to people I've encountered and provide comfort and counseling. Thank you for everyone's support." 

We at PAAU are very grateful to everyone supporting Lauren and the others in jail. It has been a hard week, but we are resting assured that we have a community surrounding us with care and support, and that our friends behind bars are cared for and safe.

-Caroline, PAAU Executive Director

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Lauren is currently suffering from an extreme ear infection that is rapidly getting worse. Please pray for healing!