EUR €4,000
EUR €3,350
SUPPORT ACTION for the convicted Dutch laser activists
As many of you know by now, the two Dutch WLM activists John Abrossimov and Daniil Smirnov, known from the famous pro-White laser projection during New Years Eve 2022/2023 in Rotterdam, have been sentenced to six(!) months prison. They have declared to go into higher appeal against this verdict.
As a newly found non-profit (Indigenous European Rights Foundation) we see it as our right as a people, to stand up for ourselves in a peaceful manner. We therefore support and embrace the texts that have been projected, which were in fact not insulting to other groups. With this brilliant piece of creative activism, John and Daniil have reached out to millions of people, both in the Netherlands and globally, resulting in a tremendous public awareness and discussion about institutionalized anti-White discrimination.
Juridical processes, like an high appeal, cost great sums of money. And a six-month prison sentence is, besides mentally/socially extremely disruptive, an even bigger financial burden. Especially if you want to eat at least decent food while in jail.
John and Daniil's laser stunt has inspired many people in a positive way. Besides, both have an impressive record of pro-White activism on many other occasions. They have proven themselves to be valuable assets in our struggle. In these challenging times for them, let's show them we have their backs. Your donation matters!
Can't stop. Won't stop. Help us Lord.
good must prevail over evil
White power!
Het minste wat ik kan doen is de mensen steunen die voor ons opkomen.
Blijf strijden!
Brothers! Thank you for your courage!
Ewa,drerries. Ondanks dat ik zelf meer dan genoeg geld kwijt ben hier toch wat geld. We leven nou eenmaal in een communistische dictatuur. Omarm je familie wat zij zullen als enigste er echt voor je zijn in slechte tijden. En moge het leven rustiger worden voor iedereen. Laat dit ook les zijn voor iedereen om nooit een overheid te supported wat zij ons aangedaan hebben. Wij vergeten en vergeven ni
Mr Pls 🤡 💩
Hope the best for those guys.
Houd Moed!
Europe and its defenders!
Nog even volhouden! De onrechtvaardige zionistische regimes staan overal op hun laatste benen.
Good job lads, never give up!
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