USD $30,000
Campaign funds will be received by Kathryn Guy
Dear Friends,
My sister-in-law, Kirsten Huber, and sweet niece, Juliette were severely rear ended on the freeway Saturday afternoon (8/24). They both sustained head trauma's, brain bleeds and concussions. Kirsten's speech has been affected, she has some numbness in her arm and sustained trauma damage to her neck vertebrae. UPDATE: Kirsten DOES have fractures in her neck and sternum!!
She will be released from the ICU into a regular hospital room tonight and will begin physical and speech therapy tomorrow. Juliette is in the ICU in critical condition, she is sedated and intubated. We are waiting on the MRI results to know more about Juliette.
First and foremost we ask for your prayers! Please pray that, if it be God's will, they both make a full recovery. If that is not, please pray for all of us to have the grace to accept His holy will.
Secondly, we ask that, if you are able to, please donate monetarily. Kirsten will be unable to work for quite awhile and with no car she can not work. Her job requires her to drive herself around in her own car!! She has no other source of income.
The donation goal may increase depending on if the person who hit them had insurance. At this point we do not know. Prayers appreciated for that as well.
May God reward you for your generosity.
P.S. The picture is a very old photo of Juliette for her 1st Holy Communion, but a beautiful one. She is now MUCH taller!!
Praying for Kirsten, Juliette and their whole family. God bless you and Our Lady keep you under her mantle!
We are praying for a full recovery.
We are praying as you all work toward recovery! -the Griffith family
December 13th, 2024
“St Paul expressly tells us that one of the reasons Christ wished to endure sorrow was that He might succour those who would come to Him. He is the Good Samaritan Who bends over suffering humanity and brings to it, with salvations, the consolation of the Spirit of Love."
~ Dom Columba Marmion
I will never have enough words to express my gratitude to everyone who has given of themselves for Juliette and myself. You are our spiritual family and we are yours, so you will remain in my prayers. I'm eternally grateful to God for your souls in our lives. It is a miracle that we survived. It is a miracle that Juliette walked out of the hospital and it is a joy to be able to be with her. Thank you so very much for your faithful prayers and love for us. Recovery is ongoing but we are alive, everything else is figure-out-able.
I’ve seen God’s hand in the disbursement of force in the impact of the truck, after the prayers started pouring in when the ER doctor told me to prepare myself for the worst and in the outpouring of family and friends who helped every step of the way. I am so very grateful for the gift of her life and to you all for your prayers and love. Please continue to keep Juliette in your prayers for her complete healing in God’s time and for our family. God be praised and God reward you and continue to bless and keep you all!
Thank you.
October 1st, 2024
Thank you all for your patience in receiving an update.
Juliette has been in the Cook Children’s Neuro Rehab for 2 weeks now. They care she is getting is great. She has an entire rehab team working on specific milestones for her. She will likely be there for another 3-4 weeks. Kirsten has been spending several days in a row with her, spending the night and caring for her all day. Kirsten will begin her own outpatient rehab later this week, which will last for 2 months.
Juliette continues to progress in her speech and cognition and JUST today they put her in a big harness that held her up and got her legs moving for the first time in almost 6 weeks!! Juliette was very excited to be able to do this today!!
My 3 youngest children and I visited Juliette today. My kids had not seen her since she was able to speak, so this was quite a joy for them.
Thank you for your continued prayers, Kirsten and Juliette can definitely feel them!
August 31st, 2024
I’m sorry it has been awhile since I have updated. Things have been very busy!
Kirsten was able to visit Juliette on Wednesday. Then she was moved very unexpectedly to the Rehab across the street on Thursday around noon. Because of this she was not able to visit Juliette on Thursday. She will now have to wait until she is a bit more strong to go visit her and this will be much more difficult as she needs permission to leave and a nurse needs to escort her over through the tunnels that connect the buildings. She will be getting 3 hours of PT a day, which will be very difficult and tiring.
I was there Thursday afternoon and helped her get settled in. She had many family visitors and a few friends. She is moving her head a bit now. Her sternum is still very painful. Her neck and head are as well, but she notices her sternum the most. We again, are unsure if there are actually fractures. The rehab is going to order plain old X-rays to evaluate. Her spirits are good and she is motivated to get strong enough to go see Juliette.
Juliette was moved out of the ICU to a regular room on the same floor as Kirsten Wednesday, which is when she was able to visit her. She still has a feeding tube in, but they are working on swallow therapy and she chewed up some ice on Thursday. She is still unable to speak, continues to be in a neck brace and sleeps alot.
My son, Miles saw her yesterday and said she was able to open her eyes a bit and squeeze his hand, but can not really track with her eyes. When he was leaving my brother told her to raise her eyebrows to say goodbye to Miles and she lifted them up and down several times.
Still no word on the accident report, who the driver was or if they had insurance. Prayers appreciated for this!!
I plan to visit again tomorrow and will hopefully have more good news on both of them. Again, thank you all for all of your prayers and donations. We still have a ways to go on the Give Send Go, so if you are able to help in that way it is much appreciated.
August 28th, 2024
We are getting close to half way there! Thank you all!! We STILL don't know if the driver had insurance. In case it was not clear it was NOT a semi truck, but a pick up truck, so all the more reason for the funds! 🙏🏼
I visited Kirsten and Juliette yesterday. Kirsten is doing much better. Her speech is still slow, but getting better and she is able to move her right arm now. She even picks up her water to drink herself. The nurses got her up today for a few steps and she said she wanted to goto the door, so she did!! Then she made it back to the chair and sat up for 30 minutes. She is HIGHLY motivated to go see Juliette, which hopefully will happen today.
Juliette still has the vent out and is breathing on her own, she had some assessments and very light therapy yesterday. She is still in the ICU, but moving towards stepping down to a normal room.
She cannot speak. We don’t know if this is a combination of the vent and injury or what. Time will tell. They are focusing on having her cough. I believe she is also not able to move on the right side. Her and Kirsten are both in neck braces. I’m guessing their injuries are very similar, Juliette’s were just worse.
We still do not have the police report, but we do know it was NOT a semi, but a pickup truck. Please pray the drive had insurance!!
We do know they got hit from behind and are pretty sure they were then pushed into the car in front of them as the windshield was broken and they both had glass all over them.
We are still picking pieces of glass off of Kirsten.
Thank you SO much for the prayers and please keep them coming. It looks like they are both out of the woods, but prayers are still so appreciated!!
May God reward you for your generosity!
August 27th, 2024
Thank you everyone who has donated so far and most especially for your prayers!! May God reward you!
I know the prayers are what contributed to the news about Juliette below! God is so good and the Church Militant is FANTASTIC, especially when combined with the Communion of Saints!
Juliette was taken off the vent today. Praise God. She is mainly sleeping. I will update more when we know what her long term condition is.
Recovery is going to be long and hard for both of them and all the family that will be caring for them. Continued prayers are much appreciated.
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