Kidney for Yulia


 USD $500,000

Campaign created by Emily Grace

Campaign funds will be received by Chrissy Hicks

Kidney for Yulia

     Duke University Hospital REFUSED to conduct Yulia's kidney transplant surgery because she is not vaccinated. A horrible injustice in itself, now the Hick's family must pay for out-of-state travel and lodging expenses for not only Yulia and her mother, but also her potential donor! The transplant process is not easy nor quick. Between the numerous pre-surgery tests, the procedure itself, recovery and the years of regular appointments, the whole endeavor is now financially IMPOSSIBLE for the large Hicks family. 

     The Hicks family adopted Yulia from the Ukraine in January of 2021 knowing that she had a genetic kidney condition that would eventually require surgery. She fit in right away with Lee and Chrissy's 10 other children, 2 of which are also adopted. 14 year old Yulia (pictured center) is outgoing and always positive despite the hardships in her life, to include the last 15 months of DAILY dialysis. Please help save Yulia's life by making her surgery possible. For the sake of Christ crucified, donate what you can to this wonderful family that has done so much good for others. Learn more about Yulia and her family at May God bless you. 

Recent Donations
Larry Pratt
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

joe micheal fleischauer
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

With my prayers, from a fellow kidney patient. God bless you all and go Yulia!!

$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

God bless you and your family.

$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Tom Grove
$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

Along the Way
$ 26.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 USD
10 months ago

Perry Family
$ 20.00 USD
10 months ago

The way they've treated you and hundreds of other Americans is sinful and criminal. God bless you and your entire family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
10 months ago

So heartened to learn of Yulia's continued recovery.

Lisa Gentile
$ 42.00 USD
10 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
10 months ago

I cannot imagine the feeling of dealing with my child going through something such as this and I just want to offer my support and I pray for you and your family Sincerely

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 USD
11 months ago

$ 10.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 125.00 USD
1 year ago


Please help Samuel

January 1st, 2025

Please read and share as far and wide as possible!  The National File exposed Yulia's story and got us international attention. Please help Sameul get the same amount of love and support.

Please give if you can to their Give Send Go:

Latest update 2024

September 19th, 2024

Hello all! 

I know it has been awhile since I have updated. Yulia is doing amazingly. Part of her syndrome is that she will lose her vision. She is doing ok right now as we are taking supplements to help the health of her rods and cones. We are trying to get in to see a low vision specialist so we can start preparing for the inevitable. It takes a long time to get a seeing eye dog which we hope will be part of her future. 

Sadly, the NC Senate never passed Yulia's law. After hearing about the latest case of Alexis Lorenze, we are even more emboldened to continue this fight. 

Some good is that we have been able to help 3 to 4 people get their transplants without the covid vaccine, and in some cases, the plethora of vaccines, they require. In that vein, we have created a group on FB called Kidney for Yulia if you want to follow us there. We will post her updates there and give a place for people to contact us in regards to getting help from hospitals that don't require the deadly shot. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers for us! 

Letter for Senators

April 18th, 2024

A dear friend drafted this letter to send to the Senators. If you do not want to draft your own, feel free to use this. Thanks!

Thanks, Chrissy 

Need help getting Yulia's law passed

April 17th, 2024

Hello! It has been awhile. 

Yulia is doing so well! All her numbers look great. We even tested for micro rejections and there are none! God is so good! 

We are re invigorated to get this bill passed into law in North Carolina. It passed the House 91-24 on 2 May 2023, and was sent to the Senate. The Senate sent it to the rules committee and hasn't been seen since. Our goal is to get this passed this short session. We know that SC is also trying to get a similar bill passed. Please pray for the success of both bills. 

We are working with the ACRU to get it passed here and in other states. The ACRU (American Constitutional Rights Union) with Lori Ramon, Michael Bowman and LTC Allen West are doing amazing things for our freedoms. 

We also need a tsunami of people to contact the NC senators and tell them that we need this law, and that Americans want a bill protecting our medical freedoms. 

The most important Senators to email are:

Sen Jim Perry (he sponsored the bill on senate side)

Sen Jim Burgin

Sen Kevin Corbin

Sen Joyce Krawiec

Sen Lisa Barnes

Sen Bill Rabon (head of Rules committe who won't move it)

Additionally, we are working on getting Yulia's story into print. Please pray for that success as well, if it is God's will! 

Thank you all! Chrissy 

Yulia's Law

January 10th, 2024

We are reinvigorating the momentum to get Yulia's law passed im the Senate this session. Please contact the members below and demand a vote on Yulia's law. It has passed the House 92-24. Now we have to get it through in the Senate. Also get a bill like this (HB786) passed in your state. 

 Let's make NC a transplant sanctuary! There are people contacting us still frequently asking how they can get an unvaccinated transplant. We need this to pass here in NC and spread to other states! Now is the time to take a stand! 

Please copy and paste emails from below:


Vice Chair:

Update #23

December 19th, 2023

I just wanted to jump on here and let you know how well Yulia is doing. Her WBCs were up but then she tested positive for CMV so back on the antiviral she went. It did cause her WBCs to drop some but she is now negative for CMV and WBCs are holding steady. We also just found out that her test to see if she is having micro rejections is negative. She is doing better than we could have ever imagined. Thank you all again for your faithfulness in praying for her!

Please keep praying for Yulia's Law to pass. I just got a message today from another woman being denied transplant based on her covid vaccination denial. 


November 25th, 2023

We just wanted to take time to thank all of you who have been on this journey with us for the last year. Tomorrow marks 6 months since Yulia's transplant. We are so grateful for all of your prayers and support. We could never have made it this far without you. Please continue to keep us and others still being denied organ transplants based on their covid vaccination status in your prayers.  May this season of Thanksgiving fill you all with love and joy. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 

Praise God!

November 16th, 2023

Yulia is having her treatment today to help bring up the WBCs. They are already responding and are at a normal level. She will not need the bone marrow biopsy! Praise God! Thank you all! 


November 13th, 2023

Yulia's WBCs continue to go down. She was placed on another anti viral to help protect her but it is giving her immense pain in her joints. We have split the dose hoping it will still protect her yet decrease her pain. Please pray for her pain to decrease. We have a treatment on Thursday at the hospital to also try to bring up the WBCs. If these don't work, bone marrow biopsy mid Dec. Thank you all for continued prayers. 

Prayers needed

November 3rd, 2023

Please find Yulia's caring bridge attached for her update. Yulia needs prayers.

Yulia's Law

August 31st, 2023

We are on the cusp of getting this law passed in the legislature! It already passed in the House, now we need the Senate to pass it! We need your help! Please email the senators listed below and demand they vote on it and get it to the senate floor. Let's make NC a transplant sanctuary! There are people contacting us still frequently asking how they can get an unvaccinated transplant. We need this to pass here in NC and spread to other states! Now is the time to take a stand! 

Please copy and paste emails from below:

Update #17

August 10th, 2023

Yulia is doing great. She has a bit of a cold right now and with low WBCs, we have to be careful. Please say a prayer that it passes quickly. 

Our next mission is to get Yulia's law passed in NC and every other state to stop the medical tyranny. This is our latest interview with LTC Allen West.

Update #16

June 21st, 2023

Yulia is doing great! We have another request. There are 2 more kids we know that are listed and need unvaccinated kidneys. Kaden  needs an O+ kidney and Samuel Rankin needs an A+ kidney. Both are trying for a transplant at Medical City Dallas. You can try to be a potential donor at

You do not have to travel to Dallas to donate. You can donate at a center closer to you and the kidney will travel to Dallas. Our donor was from Kentucky and only the kidney traveled. 

Kaden's story:

Kaden's kidneys shut down at the age of 16, actually this week exactly 4 years ago. She has been on dialysis since. It was an autoimmune disease called Wegener's, super rare for her age. It has been very fatiguing for her. We have since kept the inflammation at bay with diet since then. She is a precious, faith filled homeschooled Christian girl who is now 20. We did peritoneal dialysis 11 hours a night for 3 years. We then battled peritonitis last summer and we do home hemo 5 nights a week. 

Back in 2019 her pediatric nephrologist said she would get her listed, but did not work to do so until the last couple of months before Kaden turned 18, so she missed that window. We got her listed with Mayo in the fall of 2021, but were told a week later she had to take the COVID shots, which she turned down. She was put on the inactive list. In July of 2022 she was worked up by St. Josephs in Phoenix because they did not mandate the shots, but every one of the team during work up said, " it was unfortunate that they did not mandate it."  After passing with flying colors, they turned her down, stating that she exhibited counterproductive behavior.

After searching for over a year and knowing that she cannot live on dialysis, she was contemplating taking the shots, though we believe that to be wholly unacceptable. Then a friend sent us your information and Kaden is now listed with Medical City Dallas. Thanks and Praise be to God!

Thank you for standing up for Yulia and for the rest of people who need help.

Samuel's story:
Samuel is Yulia's age. I met his mom through this process.  He has nephritis syndrome FSGS. He was diagnosed in 2014 and has been on dialysis for many years. He received a kidney off the donor list (deceased) a month before Yulia. They would not tell his mom if the donor had been vaccinated against covid 19. We suspect that he was as the kidney clotted while the rest of Samuel's body was bleeding out. After a week of in and out of the OR, the kidney was finally deemed a failure and was removed in his 4th surgery in a week. Samuel needs a live donor asap. 

Thank you all for loving us and helping us to help others! 

Yulia has a new kidney!

May 26th, 2023

Yulia got her new kidney last night. She had an amazing live donor. His initials are JJ. Please pray for his recovery. He is a hero. Yulia is recovering very well. 

We want to thank the entire team at ECUHealth for everything, especially Dr. Leeser, Dr. Romine, Cynthia Stone, and Allyson Ayers..They are the most caring and professional team that we have encountered on this journey. 

Thank you also to the media outlets who helped us especially The National File, Stew Peters, Tucker Carlson, Alex Berenson, The Daily Wire, Michael Knowles, John Bachman, Allie Stuckey, Children's Health Defense, Steve Nobles, EWTN, Lifeline, Blaze TV, Victory News and Informed Dissent media. Without the media attention, we would not have found our amazing live donor, JJ. 

We are now focusing our attention on Yulia's healing, getting Yulia's law passed, and the lawsuit with Duke. 

Yulia's law (NC586) has passed the NC House overwhelmingly. It is sitting in the Senate and in danger of not getting passed. Please call the NC legislature asking them to pass this law. 

We are also still raising money for legal fees for our lawsuit against Duke. What they did to our daughter was unconsciousable. 

Again thank you all for the love, support, and prayers. To God be the glory. 
Update #14

May 22nd, 2023

I am going to try to update here throughout surgery but the site keeps crashing on me. I will also post to her caringbridge site.

Thank you all for being such great supporters of our journey! This is the week we have been waiting for! 

Update #13

May 19th, 2023

You all are amazing prayer warriors! I sent this update and got a call about 30 minutes later that we have a kidney and are going to transplant on Thursday! Thank you! Please keep praying! Yulia is is in great spirits. She has learned to take life one day at a time.

Update #12

May 19th, 2023

There has been a mix up with our donor. Our donation center tried to fix it with the National Kidney Registry with no luck. Please pray for a resolution however God sees fit to get us on the path to transplant sooner rather than later.

Update #11

May 10th, 2023

We are so thankful for all of the love and support you have shown Yulia and our whole family. Yulia has a live donor and she will have her transplant the end of May. Deo gratias!

There is another boy, Samuel, who is Yulia's age who had a transplant recently but it failed because the kidney kept clotting. We would love to use this platform to find him a live unvaccinated donor as well. He is blood type A+. He will transplant at Medical City in Dallas. The website for donation is

Please share this info so that we can save Sam's life too! Thank you. 

Update #10

May 2nd, 2023

Today Yulia's Law passed the NC House 92-24. It will head to the senate. Pray it passes and is signed into law. You can read it here.

Update #9

April 27th, 2023

Just letting you all know that this morning, Yulia's law passed the NC House Health committee and will move to Rules committee. This law will forbid health care from being withheld based on covid vaccination status. Please pray for its success and to be signed into law. Thank you all for your continued support and love. Update to lawsuit against Duke will be forthcoming.. 
Update #8

April 13th, 2023

We found out today that Yulia has a living donor approved. We should be moving to transplant fairly within a month. Please thank God for this amazing human for donating life to Yulia. Please also keep us and the donor in prayer! 
Update #7

April 7th, 2023

Just wanted to jump on and let you know that we are still in a holding pattern. The hospital says they are actively working through 4-6 potential donors now.  We know that God's timing is perfect. We are also fervently praying for a miraculous cure. As we remember today Who paid for our salvation, please storm Heaven for His perfect answer. 

Update #6

March 25th, 2023

Just jumping on to give another update. Duke filed a request to have our case dismissed. It is maddening that these giants think they can deny care with no repercussions. We should hear from our lawyer next week on the plan. 

We know some potential donors are being tested. We really need to identify her donor soon. Her BUN is rising so we need to transplant in the next few months. 

As always thank you for your prayers and financial support. We know that God has a way forward. Thank you again. 

Update #5

March 7th, 2023

Hello all,

First off, I am so sorry for the long lag in sending another update. Life has been crazy. We had alot of work to do to finally find Yulia a hospital that would do the transplant without the jab. She is now active on a list at a hospital 3 hours from home. We are still testing donors to find her a perfect match. Please pray that we can identify one soon. Until then, we are doing daily dialysis and her numbers look great. 

As far as Duke goes, we officially served them the lawsuit last week. We know that they have given at least one unvaccinated kidney transplant around the time they denied Yulia. We don't know why, but we feel we have to keep fighting for justice. Yulia will not have her transplant there but we hope to hold Duke accountable for their despicable behavior. We don't know the extent of our legal fees yet. We are stepping out in faith and praying and hoping that God will provide for our every need.

Again, thank you for standing with us in this battle. Please continue to pray and spread the word. 

Update #4

December 21st, 2022

We have made progress towards identifying a hospital in Florida. We should know soon. Once that has been done, we will email potential donors the link to get started. 

Yulia is doing well. She is excited to celebrate the birth of Jesus! 

May God bless you all richly this Christmas season! 

Update #3

December 9th, 2022

Today has been another crazy day. We were supposed to be on Tucker Carlson but got pushed until tomorrow night if you want to tune in. 

We remain grateful for your support! 

Update #2

December 8th, 2022

It has been a crazy day! Alex Berenson cracked this open, and we are so grateful to him! We have been contacted by many other outlets. 

Tonight we retained a lawyer to help us fight Duke and praying we can change the policy for others. 

We increased the amount we are trying to raise because we know we will have legal fees, and we don't know the extent of our bills for travel, etc as we will likely be going out of state for transplant. 

We are hoping by Friday, we will have a medical center identified so we can have potential donors get tested. 

We are overwhelmed by the generosity we have been shown. Our God is great! He will not abandon us. 

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me." Psalm 23, verse 4.

TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Lee and Chrissy Hicks

Update #1

December 6th, 2022

We are overwhelmed by the support from you all! Thank you is not enough! 

We have been contacted by a number of people today who have lifted us up and are working other avenues for us! 

We will update as soon as know more on progress toward another medical center. 

Thank you again! Chrissy

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • We have met many other kidney families on this journey. One little guy just got a call for a kidney. Please pray for the soul who has lost his life to give life to this little guy. And please pray for S as he goes into surgery. Pray the kidney takes and that God guides the surgeon's hands. Thanks!