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Keep Pounding for Garnet


 CAD $100,000


 CAD $28,667

Campaign created by Amanda Wrigley

Campaign funds will be received by Meghan Harper

Keep Pounding for Garnet

Garnet Harper passed away on May 22, 2023, leaving behind his wife of 12 years and their 5 children.

He was in need of a kidney transplant, which he was denied due to his vaccination status. Garnet's referral to a transplant centre was denied, meaning he wasn't even considered for a place on an organ donation list. 

When he consented to begin dialysis, he was mistreated by the doctors and staff over masking rules, resulting in a botched surgery that landed him with a staph infection. After that, he was never the same. His health quickly deteriorated and he became septic, which in turn caused a serious heart problem, a collapsed lung, and temporary paralysis. He was told he was no longer a transplant candidate due to his poor health. 

But Garnet was a fighter. Although 5 different doctors told him on different occasions that he should have died from one or more of those health complications, he overcame them all. He was clawing his way back to health. His lung was drained of fluid (4.5 Litres) and re-inflated to 80% capacity. He taught himself to walk again. He was gaining strength day by day. His kidney specialist was impressed by his progress, enough to prepare him for home dialysis. 

Garnet was determined to find a way to get himself an organ, to get the treatment that he needed, and without participating in what he called "The Experiment." He was fighting for his health, to pave the way for others who may not have been so strong.

Garnet never got to commence home dialysis. He died from a bleeding stroke in the middle of the night. Strokes are among the leading causes of death for people on long-term dialysis, as the treatment is very hard on your cardiovascular system.

His case is rife with medical malpractice, and in the interest of space, many of those instances are not even mentioned here. This fundraiser is to help his family cover costs to pursue legal action, as well as to replace the income he would have otherwise provided for his family. 

Thank you for your help as we navigate this battle in his memory.


Garnet was solid and precious as his name infers.

He was many things to different people, yet consistent with everyone he came across.

Garnet met the person, not their name-tag. He was grounded, always getting down to the foundation and truth of the matter. He fought against injustice as a warrior, and was respected as a lion in his community. He was an advocate for those without a voice and was a Watchman for the people. He felt it was his duty to protect, looking out for others, the way one brother looks out for another.

Garnet had a vision to build independent Canadian communities that would work toward self-sustainability and where those of like mind could support and serve each other. Garnet went to events and venues where he was not welcomed, yet welcomed. Though feared the Most High, he was not afraid of credentials and badges. Garnet was relentless and bravely continued his action so that others would be inspired, and more than that - take action. Garnet did not hold back on his stance as a man. He knew he had to protect and provide for his children's children, leaving an impact that would continue beyond the grave: an impact that would move unseen as the wind that makes the maple leaf fly. 

As I sit and remember him, I look out his home's window and see other Canadians passing by. His home is a lookout on the hill, fitting for a Watchman. When faced with moral dilemma, Garnet was a man of passion beyond words and one willing to stand his ground. Garnet understood his responsibility as a caretaker for the oppressed and for the next generation. He had a history of overcoming adversity. Even more exciting - Garnet was showing the next generation how to fight for what they know is right, often taking his Harper 7 to speak their side of the story as well. We continue to witness that legacy through the family that surrounds him. 

It was his kids who inspired him the most, and he strove to act in response to their legitimate questions:

  • "Why can't we go and play at Science North (with our membership)?"
  • "Why is there caution tape all over the playground?"
  • "Why can't we go to the play place?"
  • "Why can't we buy bubbles at the store?"
  • "Why can't we sit down at restaurants?"
  • "Why can't we just go into the grocery store?"

In response to all these questions, Garnet fought for sense.

But the latest question has been from his young son, Judah, looking for his father. "Dad? Home?" Garnet's role at home as a caring father cannot be replaced.

As a visionary, Garnet left behind many unfinished projects that will be continued by other members of the freedom community. Look for opportunities to participate in things like:

  1. future rallies and community events
  2. the All for Independence project
  3. Garnet's legal battles, which will take all of us.

And of course, Garnet would have always wanted the fight to continue as individuals take their own forms of action. In his words: "You can thank me by continuing your own fight in your own way." We're going to finish this.

WATCH: Garnet's final message to his "Freedom Fam."

Meghan and her children are very thankful to everyone for their ongoing love and support.

#G4RNET    #Justice4Garnet    #KeepPounding    #WeWillCarryIt    #AllForIndependence    #Freedom

Recent Donations
Justin Wood-Roy
$ 100.00 CAD
4 days ago

Sending love and strength to the Harper’s.

Curtis Orrock
$ 20.00 CAD
1 month ago

Donna Laframboise
$ 25.00 CAD
2 months ago

Please tell Garnet’s children his memory lives on. Please tell them many Canadians admire him.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
10 months ago

I just wanted you to know that your family is still on so many hearts and minds this Christmas season. I pray you find comfort in knowing that Jesus sees you, hears you, and is with you always.

Long haul trucker
$ 333.00 CAD
10 months ago

I haven't forgotten my December promise, which will be done a little after the New year. Never met Garnett, but introduced him to nojabforme site, loved his Walmart video. Jeremiah 33:3 has taught me many things these last 4 years. Also i was caught up in freedom convoy for 2 days across Ontario and had 700 Druthers to hand out the window to some crowds. Stay strong Meaghan and children🙏.

Pascale Moore
$ 285.00 CAD
1 year ago

Alison Taylor
$ 50.00 CAD
1 year ago

Krista Fearon
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Sean Darby
$ 50.00 CAD
1 year ago

Admire your conviction. Deplore the government's abuse of our freedoms. Stunned by the hospital's insensitivity. God bless you and your family.

Shirley Park
$ 1000.00 CAD
1 year ago

My heart aches for Garnet's family and loved ones. God bless.

Laura Vettoretti
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 year ago

God bless you fam, may the Lord give you peace

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 CAD
1 year ago

Sometimes there aren’t any words. May God bless and keep all of you. You’re in our prayers.

$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

It is embarrassing how this man was treated within our so called health care system. God Bless you!

$ 25.00 CAD
1 year ago

God bless and comfort you and your family.

$ 40.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 CAD
1 year ago

I am praying for you and your beautiful daughters at this time. From Winnipeg, MB.

Anonymous Giver
$ 7.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 year ago


Update #2

August 2nd, 2023

Wow. Reading the stories and prayer messages you have left is so meaningful. I read every comment and message. 

We are hearing from people all over: those who knew Garnet, those who followed his story, those who were inspired by his activism, and those who are appalled by the injustices surrounding his death. We’re hearing [internationally] from fellow transplant patients and families, ex-hospital employees, pharmacists, nurses and even doctors who are angered and devastated by where the mandates have brought us as a nation. 

Every single message is encouraging, comforting, and inspiring. Thank you for your support and for your generosity. 

Garnet’s brothers and I are working on creating a nonprofit organization in his honour. Follow us on Instagram (g4rnet.harper) or check out our website for updates (

We will affect change. Together. 



Update #1

July 19th, 2023

Hi friends - Meghan here. 

I have been very thankful to my newfound allies in alternative media who have helped me to get our story out to Canadians. Monique & John, thank you for bringing awareness to our story. I'm thankful also that I've been connected with many others who are offering legal counsel and contacts. 

We're going through unspeakable tragedy, and the wound for our family is still so very fresh. 

While he was alive, Garnet knew that there had been malpractice in his case, and he fully intended to take legal action - as soon as he was feeling better. Tragically, he never got that chance.

But we are going to finish it for him. And in so doing, I hope to pay it forward by paving the way for many other Canadians who find themselves in the same situation that Garnet was in - denied the right to a transplant for choosing not to take an experimental vaccine.  

Thanks for reading, and thank you for your help. Garnet loved his "freedom fam," and he's proud. 

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