Kealani's Care Contributions


 USD $6,400

Campaign created by Tricia Dyar

Campaign funds will be received by Kealani Addis

Kealani's Care Contributions

23 Year old Kealani Spearman Addis is a blessing to everyone she encounters with her beautiful smile and her love of God, family and friends.  On Tuesday, May 28th, Kealani went to the emergency room with severe abdominal pain.  A CT scan revealed a gallstone causing a blockage which led to pancreatitis.  Kealani's blood work showed unsafe levels of infection and lactic acid.  She had an extremely elevated heart rate making surgery too risky.  The doctors have been working to stabilize Kealani through IV antibiotics and other therapeutic medications so that she is able to undergo the necessary surgeries.  An MRI and testing revealed that one gallstone had cleared but she had developed pancreatic necrosis, had a large amount of fluid build up around her lungs and in her abdomen causing her to have difficulty breathing and putting her life in danger.  The doctors removed fluid from around her lungs to help her with her breathing.  New blood work shows that her levels have improved, however, a second MRI showed another gallstone.  She has undergone surgery to clear the second gallstone.  Two stents were placed to help clear any other gallstones that may cause her problems.  A feeding tube was also placed in order to bypass her pancreas in the hopes that resting the pancreas will allow it to heal.  The doctors expect that she will need to be on the feeding tube for at least 4 weeks. The doctors plan to draw fluid from Kealani's abdomen.  This should help her rest more comfortably as they work on the next steps toward getting her well.  God is the Great Physician!  He is able!  We are believing for Kealani's complete and total healing.  The race she is running isn't a sprint.  It's a marathon.  Kealani and her husband Gage need your help.  Medical expenses are expected to be maxed out with their insurance plan.  Kealani isn't able to work at all while she is in the hospital and for the foreseeable future. Gage, her mother Salina, her father Thomas and many other family members are missing weeks of work in order to help care for Kealani during this difficult time.  Your contribution to help this family is greatly appreciated!  Every amount helps!  Let's come together to show this family our love and support!

Recent Donations
Alicia Wyatt
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for you, Kealani. God is watching over you & miracles happen every day. Praying for you & your family. I went to church with your dad. He was a few years younger than me. You've got so many people Praying for you. Hang in there.

Brenda and John Wyatt
$ 150.00 USD
5 months ago

We are praying for you sweetheart. We knew your dad growing up as a little boy in church and your sweet mom when we attended 1st Assembly. Your grandparents on both sides are wonderful people! God has given you a miracle and we pray that soon you will be healed completely and head for home! Love and prayers, Brenda and John Wyatt

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
5 months ago

Get well soon!

Jessica Bayne
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Jodie Barnett
$ 1000.00 USD
6 months ago

You got this. Nicki and I love you.

Jean and Dick
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago


Betty Henry
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Amy and Keith Timms
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Paul and Carol Greer
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

We love you so much, Kiki! Praying for you and your whole family!

Jodie Barnett
$ 500.00 USD
6 months ago

Praying for a recovery and getting you home.

Rachele Hart
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying for your healing

Mark and Sandy Akin
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying always for your complete healing.

Jason and Dawn Mowen
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Jim and Jane Strange
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Rene and Abby
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Rodney and Rhonda Davis
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying for you my girl!! Love you so much!

Jo Rae and Jim Jetton
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

I'm (Jo Rae) a client and friend of Sonya's. Praying for your healing and for you and your family as you recover.

Dennis and Donna Allen
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Sandy Mikesell
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

We are prayer for you Gage, and your entire family. Please let us know if we can do anything else.

Tillie and Dom
$ 75.00 USD
8 months ago


Update Day 61

July 27th, 2024

Thank you all for your continued prayers for Kealani!!  Recently, her days have slowly but surely been moving in a positive direction.  Saturday, Kiki was transferred to MUSC in Charleston.  Her transition was difficult and painful as the new team had to clean and tend to the wound on her leg.  She has had many procedures and tests, given by many nurses, doctors.  She (and her mom) have had very little sleep but they are working diligently to remove fluid and help her heal.  Today was a major milestone!  Kealani got to eat solid food for the first time in 2 months!  I know this must have been an enormous encouragement!  Now that she is 3 hours from home, travel and visits from family will be more difficult.  Please continue to pray and give them any support you can as God continues to heal our sweet Kealani!  

Thank you!

~ Tricia Dyar 

Update Update Day 61 Image
Update Day 44

July 10th, 2024

We’re in pre op about to have surgery on Kealani’s legs again.  Hopefully we will get a wound vac today and lots of rest. They didn’t let us rest last night. I may not be nice today if they come in every hour like last night. It is hard to receive visitors right now because we have so many procedures, different doctors coming through constantly and all the different things they come in to check. It’s hard for her to get rest sometimes. Thank you all for understanding.  Thank you for your prayers this morning and always.

~ Salina (mom)

Update Update Day 44 Image
Update Day 42 from Salina

July 8th, 2024

Kealani Anne Addis had a second leg surgery yesterday morning. They removed a lot more infected tissue and fascia all around her upper thigh. This and the chest tube in her back are causing her a great deal of pain. She is supposed to have leg surgery again tomorrow. She is getting some fluid off finally. They also have a drain on a fluid pocket in her abdomen. Please continue to pray for her but at this time she is not up to visitors except immediately family and pastors. Thank you for understanding I will let you know as she feels better.

~ Salina (mom)

Update Days 31-42

July 8th, 2024

It has been a while since I have posted an update here on Kealani.  Today is day 42 in the hospital.  Over the past 2 weeks, Kealani has had a birthday, had her sixth blood transfusion, had multiple surgeries, watched fireworks from her hospital window and been given permission to eat ice!  The surgeries have primarily been focused around cleaning infection out of her pancreas as well as her leg.  Her first surgery on her leg was the morning of July 4th.  They also removed fluid from her lungs.  They put drains in to reduce future fluid buildup.  Her second surgery was yesterday on her leg.  She is expected to have a third tomorrow.  Yesterday’s report from the doctor said that he had to remove a lot of tissue and fascia but that he doesn’t think he removed any muscle.  It was difficult for him to tell at this stage.  She has had more problems with the feeding tube and has had to had that fixed again.  Please continue to pray for sweet Kiki and her family.  If you are able to give, every little bit helps!  

~ Tricia Dyar

Update - Days 23-30

June 26th, 2024

Kealani has had a lot of ups and downs over the past week.  Of particular concern has been swelling and discoloration in her leg.  She has had issues with her feeding tube and now has a port in her stomach for nutrition.  She was moved to ICU and underwent 2 procedures to clean out the pancreas.  She is now resting and healing.  Please pray that her veins will accept protein so that her body will start to flush properly to reduce the swelling and inflammation.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support!  ~ Tricia (friend mom)

Update - Day 22

June 19th, 2024

Morning update on Kealani Anne Addis

Last night her fever shot up and she was just not ok.  Her heart rate had already been high and her blood pressure low. They sent her to have a CT and when she got back it was just not ok. After we insisted, they called ICU and a sweet friend of Dedrea Horton helped us out.  We got there and the amazing ICU nurse had her settled and doing better in no time.  She just knew exactly how to handle all of it. By this morning she’s settled looking good and fever under control.  It was 103 when we got to the ICU. The GI doctor’s PA just came by. She said the pseudo cyst that she has is quite large on the pancreas (It showed on CT).  One leg is more swollen than the other and hurts really bad,  They are checking for blood clots.  After they re-check her hemoglobin and do the ultrasound on her legs, the Dr. will take her (this afternoon) and place a stent to drain the cyst.  She said that the cyst can cause her lactic acid to rise.  It was at 10 last night.  The last check it had come down to 9.  My understanding is that it should be below 4. It can also cause her fever to go up like it did. So the good news is that they can actually see a reason for the problem and can fix it.  ~ Salina (mom)

Update - Day 21

June 18th, 2024

Kealani had some blood work that didn’t come back as they had hoped and she spiked a fever of 103.  She was put back on antibiotics, has been moved back to ICU and is under close supervision.  Please continue to pray!  We know that God is doing a miracle in her!!   ~ Tricia

Another picture from this week.

June 17th, 2024

Here is another picture.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Kealani and her family!! 

Update Another picture from this week. Image
Update - Days 16-20

June 17th, 2024

Sorry it’s been a few days since I’ve updated everyone. It is a little overwhelming and quite honestly there wasn’t much to report. We had a few days of hurry up and wait. After her first feeding tube came out, they put another one in the next day. By the time they got her back to the room and tried to use it, the GI docs were gone for the day and it did not work. They then decided they would put in a peg tube in her abdomen. That didn’t happen until the next. So she went another 4 days with very little nutrients. She became very weak during this time. So far the peg is working great. They started feedings last night.  It’s really slow working up how much food they give her. Yesterday and today have been more sad feeling for her. A little helpless because she’s so weak. She still has some pain from the pancreatitis but she asks for way less pain meds now. The emotions are high and her entire body is so sore. The swelling in her arms and hands have gone down to normal (actually probably smaller).  Her stomach, sides and legs are still very swollen and distended. She will have the feeding tube for 4-6 weeks. She will only be allowed to have water, plain tea and plain coffee. Right now she’s only allowed swabs and she can have sips of water to take a few pills they are giving her by mouth. She gets a shot twice a day that is supposed to keep the pancreas at rest. We are reminding her that she is a miracle. The Dr. told us two days ago that in 30 yrs he has never seen someone with her exact case live no matter how young or old. We have had a lot of wonderful doctors and nurses. Mom reminded him that we have  the BEST Doctor, God, upstairs guiding and healing. We have people come by her room to see her because they’ve heard about her. When we go to procedures it’s like she’s famous. Docs keep saying they’ve been following her case.  Everyone is so amazed. God is so good.  

Please pray for her joy to overflow again and for swelling and inflammation to go down so she can move.

Pray for the right door to be opened for rehab possibly this week. Pray for continued strength for her. I told her that I always knew God made her strong willed for a reason. Thank you so much for all your prayers.  

Update Update - Days 16-20 Image
Update - Days 14 and 15

June 12th, 2024

Kealani is good today.  She had a busy day. She got to go for a ride in the wheelchair outside and then she had PT.  She was able to walk a little in the hallway.  They came in and said that in the next few days they’ll probably put a port in her stomach for feeding because it last longer than a feeding tube.  She still isn’t allowed to eat or drink anything by mouth.  Her MRI was really good and everything looked the way they hoped it would.  They don’t think she needs another stent at this time.  She has shown signs of healing so that’s good news!   Please continue to pray!  Thank you all!!  ~ Salina (mom)

Update Update - Days 14 and 15 Image
Update - Day 13

June 10th, 2024

Y’all, Kealani Anne Addis had a pretty restful day.  She enjoyed a few visits and I feel like her emotions and meds are getting lined up.  She slept a good bit.  She is sitting up in chair a lot.  She is going to have an MRI and I think a procedure to get the stent coming from gallbladder that we weren’t able to get placed last week.  I will let y’all know how that goes.  She is still really swollen.  She can stand for a few seconds at a time to switch the places where she is sitting.  She enjoyed a ride through the hall again today.  Thank you all for your continued prayer!  ~Salina (mom)

Update Update - Day 13 Image
Update - Day 12

June 9th, 2024

Kealani has moved from ICU to a regular room.  Yesterday, with the assistance of 3 people, Kealani was able to take a ride in wheelchair around the floor.  It made her feel good to be able to get out of the bed for a little bit.  We are grateful for every new victory!  Thank you so much for your continued prayer and support! 

Here is a link for the latest video!

Update Update - Day 12 Image
Update - Days 10 and 11

June 7th, 2024

We’ve been sitting here for the last hour with me reading cards and messages to her.  This is the first time she’s felt like doing that.  They were finally able to properly place her feeding tube.  She started getting nutrition through the feeding tube yesterday.  She has been able to get up a couple of times now and used a walker to get in to the chair.  The inflammation and swelling still has her about 40-45 lbs above her normal weight.  This makes maneuvering very difficult especially since most of it is in her mid section.  We still want to keep visitors minimal and how she feels changes through the day so please contact us if possible before coming or you may not get to see her.  She has not slept well so if she is sleeping we will let her rest.  We are so excited about the progress she has made.  They are talking about starting the process today of getting to leave ICU.  The nurses over all have been rockstars.  The team of doctors have worked together so well.  We are thankful that God put us exactly where she needed to be.  ~Salina (mom)

Here is a link to the first video of Kealani's Care Journey

Update Update - Days 10 and 11 Image
Update - Day 9

June 5th, 2024

Kealani’s is very tired.  She did not sleep well last night.  She dozes dreams and wakes up.  She is a little more settled today.  We are keeping her room quiet with no visitors.  She had an X-ray this morning and we are waiting on an ultrasound.  We are praying they can see what they need to see because she has threatened Gage and me if we sign for another MRI.  They are looking to see if another gallstone has lodged anywhere.  Her feeding tube is coiled in her stomach and they cannot place it correctly yet because of inflammation.  She is very swollen and distended.  She is around 40 lbs over her normal weight.  They are going to start some nutrition through her pic line at 6 tonight.  They said they will start with protein and that will help retain muscle.  She did work with physical and occupational therapy this morning.  She sat on the side of the bed, stood with a walker,  turned and sat in the chair.  She loved the chair as the bed has made her quite sore.  (She has been unable to lift herself or do anything using her arms since last Tuesday.)  Several hours later, she moved back to the bed. 

Thank you for all your love and prayers.    ~Salina (Mom)

Update - Day 8

June 4th, 2024

Kealani went back on the cpap machine to help her breathe after yesterdays procedure.  Hopefully she can move back to step down oxygen today.  They also plan to draw the addition fluid from her abdomen today.  Thank you for continuing to pray for our sweet Kiki!

Update Update - Day 8 Image

Prayer Requests

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