 USD $5,000
 USD $0
Campaign funds will be received by Bob Carter
We maintain two VPS' that runs an Echolink conference server, a website and audio streaming to the website and to Broadcastify. There are monthly fees and up keep and a yearly fee in order to keep the two Echolink conference servers online. The Ham radio Echolink conference servers are part of the VoIP Hurricane weather net network. Keeping this online for the betterment of the public does not come cheaply. We also maintain one GMRS Repeater (462.600 mhz), Ham Radio Repeater on 70cm up and a 6 meter Echolink node at 51.910 mhz and a 10 meter beacon (KC4QLP/B @ 28.260 mhz)
If you value the network and the services provided to the public for public safety during dangerous weather events and for general everyday use, please drop some coin to help keep things running.
Thank you!
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