USD $50,000
USD $33,590
Campaign funds will be received by Molly West
Our Family Story:
We are Andy and Molly West, living in Maplewood, MN, with our two sons, Malachi (Kai) (14) and Asher (11). Our son, Malachi, was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy in February 2018, at the age of 7.5 years old. An official diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy came after a muscle biopsy surgery in Oct 2018. Our younger son Asher, at age 7, was also diagnosed with Duchenne (DMD) via a genetic saliva test. There is no family history of this disease on either side with DMD. This was a devastating discovery! Duchenne is a muscle wasting disease that you can read more about here:
About Duchenne - Jett Foundation
Both Kai and Asher will lose the ability to walk eventually. Kai is not able to walk any more due to the disease. He stopped walking at age 12 1/2. He is not able to stand up independently, and barely is able to stand with help and to pivot to a wheelchair. He needs a wheelchair to move around. He has an electric wheelchair now for school bus rides and getting around High School on 9th grade.
Asher is getting tired after longer walks and will need a manual wheelchair. He can still walk and get around.
They will lose the function of their legs and possibly arms. The lung and cardiac muscle strength are eventually also altered. We have pulmonary functioning tests every 6 months, EKG’s, Echo’s. We need physical therapy weekly, and stretching daily to help keep contractures from forming, and to keep up strength.
To be able to stay in our home, we need help completing home modifications to make the home accessible for the boys. We are planning future needs, and to enjoy family outings together.
What we are funding for:
Replace carpeting with functional flooring for wheelchairs
Make a fully accessible bathroom
Widen door frames in bedroom and bathroom doors
Ceiling lift in the home to transfer the boys
A Stair life chair system for boys getting downstairs.
Family Accessible Vehicle: vehicle for our family to get to medical appointments, family outings, and school.
We need help to get our boys out into the world to live the best life there is for them, with the time they have left. Thank you for reading this and getting to know our family and needs. We appreciate your help.
Sincerely, Andy and Molly West, Kai, and Asher.
So sad to come across this on GiveSendGo. I came here to donate to another fundraiser, and saw your situation. I hope it helps! Prayers to you all.
Lots of prayers and hugs!
Praying for you all! 🙏🏼
Have u in my prayers
May blessings outweigh your sadness. May miracles be daily gifts.
Y’all are such a blessing everywhere!
Merry Christmas!
I’ve known these two boys since they were very little. Family is wonderful. Please donate.
We love you guys. I care about this for you. We will keep following. May God's people keep coming to all of us in the ways we need, whether through finances, volunteering, companionship, a listening ear...He sees you all. He knows. He is the King of both sorrow and joy. May he be glorified in your sacrifice.
November 23rd, 2024
Thank you, Thank you, thank you
We purchased the van. Waiting for some updates to van to be done and new battery system for lift.
We look forward to taking some family trips soon!
Thank you for your support. It means so much.
We met with the home modification person and hopefully we hear back soon that construction can be started.
We'll widen doorways to bedrooms and one kitchen doorway. The bathroom will become accessible.
Have a good day!
October 12th, 2024
Thank you for your prayers and donations.
We are able to purchase a vehicle now. Dilemma is, we are still deciding between a couple options. 2020 Ford Transit 150, or a 2024 Ford Transit 350XL. The 2024 option is pictured in this post.
Trying to get the best price. A little scary to spend that much money on a vehicle. Nervous because they say "we'll have the county pay for conversion of vehicle" but we do not want to end up being disqualified from County funding and being stuck without county help.
The summer was short, but good. We had a family cabin trip, and a family wedding! So fun.
Back to school was interesting for us! A new 9th grader and a 6th grader!
My Mom, Sharon, had a great recovery from her Car T Cell transplant.
Please pray for wisdom and provision for our family as we make some big decisions.
Home reno discussions hopefully will be arranged soon with our case worker.
Thank you again!
Thank you for blessing us.
Molly and Andy
May 23rd, 2024
Thank you so very much for your support.
We just finished the first project for our home.
Special thanks to our parents, aunts, cousins, the Marsh Family, and the annonymous church family donations!!!
We got our front entry done. A cement patio that allows wheelchair access with any ramp we choose. Also the back yard now has wheelchair access.
We look forward to updating you more as projects get planned.
We do meet with our Cadi-Waiver social worker to start process of getting waivers for bathroom remodel and help with paying for the conversion portion of an accessible vehicle.
We have one vehicle in mind. We are looking forward to seeing the van in person when finished.
Please also pray for our family because Grandma Sharon(Baba) is having a cancer treatment infusion transplant this summer. Around early July. Trying to process all of the scary stuff that can come up with that. We are praying for wisdom and patience and peace during this time of change.
God bless you all.
Andy and Molly West, Kai and Asher.
December 27th, 2023
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We are mind blown at the miracle of generosity of two "annonymous someones" this Christmas!
We woke on Christmas morning, and after we had our cinnamon rolls, we gathered
around our tree to open the gifts with Grandpa and Grandma.
Right then, Grandma sees a message from Aunt Holly to check the site!
We were so amazed. I am not a gifted writer by no means. I am writing this, today, trying to not
well up in tears of shock and gratitude. You see, I still have to spend my day at work.
When I heard from my sister in law about the second huge donation just this morning, I was overflowing with thankfulness and joy!
I can finally let out that cry of rejoicing when I get home today.
Psalm 8:3-4
"How Majestic is Your Name!
…When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place—
what is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You care for him?..."
I am shocked and in awe that you all have thought of us, our little family, and have been so very generous beyond all our hopes and dreams.
Thankful to God, our heavenly father, who looks after us, is mindful of us and our needs, and has been so faithful.
Many Christmas blessings to you and your loved ones this holiday season. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Molly and family
December 27th, 2023
Update from my mom
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Our sincere thanks and praises to God for the donations my daughter and her family have received from everyone. Our family is overwhelmed when we see the incredible generosity from each of you. It is an experience of gratefulness, blessings, humility and joyful tears as we see each much appreciated and much needed gift come in. Whatever the amount, it means so much to us as we know it is given from generous and loving hearts.
Molly’s father, Dane and I see this family’s dedication and perseverance up close and personal. We see firsthand the progression of this nasty disease and the difficulties they face day to day in fighting it. We see the physical challenges they face in a home not designed for one motorized wheel chair much less two. But we see how each dollar dedicated to helping the boys is so needed and so appreciated. It will be used wisely, and we are so grateful for your help.
Thank you, and much love,
Sharon, Baba, sometimes Grandma
December 3rd, 2023
We are very overwhelmed with the support and generous donations to our GiveSendGo! Thank you again for sharing our story.
Some current updates are that we have an estimate for a complete bathroom remodel- but on hold for more funding. We are considering other options than removing the only bathtub in the house.
There are lots of different shower/toilet chairs that can work for using a standard tub.
I am getting antsy waiting for warmer weather again so we can possibly get a more permanent concrete ramp entrance for the home. We have an estimate for a clunky metal ramp that won’t fit all of our needs. A deck type ramp also may be an option. Again, the spring will have lots of projects I am sure.
Lately, I have been filling out lots of paperwork and applications for help getting an accessible vehicle, getting the boys appointments for county assessments/ waivers for home modifications.
We really appreciate your kindness, thoughtfulness, and prayers.
We are amazed at the peace and grace we are given every new day while we wait, pray, and keep on hoping. I want to get everything done and ready, but I have to remember to enjoy today, and stop worrying about the future. We had a enjoyable time today going to the MNUFC Power Soccer All Star Game, and seeing the players in action. And we went to the opening weekend at the New location of Northern Soda Company, a local MN owned homemade soda company. So delicious, and great to support a small business.
Have a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Enjoy your family, friends, and all your adventures this season.
Continued updates hopefully will come in the next few months.
October 17th, 2023
We were gifted a portable hoyer lift by a family friend of Andy's cousins, Matt and Christopher. Thank you Keith for introducing us to your Mother in Law, Beth. It is a huge blessing to get a hoyer.
Still no estimate from the contractor that came 2 weeks ago. It is hard to be patient.
Other news is we are finishing up the medical appointments at the hospital with the boy's neuromuscular care team. We go every 6 months. So lots of appointments come in waves every 6 months. Ready for some down time without appointments though.
Words cannot express the gratitude we have in our hearts for ALL of you for your support. I hope the boys can understand how much people care for them, and how much they are loved through this one day.
I love how God blesses us the most when we are having the most challenging of days. I am so amazed how God uplifts my spirit when I most need it.
Thank you SO much for sharing and getting the word out.
Have a good week!
October 9th, 2023
Again, thank you for your amazing financial support! This fund for the boys is an incredible help for our family.
We had one company come out again, and we hope for an estimate soon. We will reach out to a few more companies for the front entrance ramp options and the bathroom modifications. We got a few more recommendations to check out, so thank you!
We have seen and test driven a few accessible van options, but still have not seen anything that could have 2 wheelchairs eventually and fit our family so far. I'm still researching what options there are.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Philippians 4:20 "to our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen."
The cards, words of encouragement, and gifts of money help us immensely. We are moved to so much gratitude.
It means so much to us to have family, friends, friends of family, and strangers help us in this way through this journey.
May "the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen." Philippians 4:23
October 2nd, 2023
What a blessing my Sister-in-law, Holly is to us. She started this for us to help raise money to make some modifications on our home. Thanks for reading, sharing, and giving.
I thank God for ALL of you. Thank you for blessing us, and praying for us. Family, Friends, Church Family, Zed-friends, and complete strangers-Thank you so much.
Praying specifically: for the right contractors/ construction companies are found/ come to our door.
Updates: I have one construction company coming this week to do second part of their walk through, gets some plans done, and estimates.
Adding some pictures of my boys! Thank you Uncle Jonah for doing research and finding the best tube for boys with Duchenne! 2022 summer we got Kai in for a ride with Grandma!
Molly West
September 18th, 2023
We are very grateful for all the generous donations to our GiveSendGo this first week! Thank you for sharing our story. We really appreciate your kindness, thoughtfulness, and prayers.
Andy and Molly
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.