USD $1,500
Campaign funds will be received by Ryan Warner-Goss
I'm creating this campaign as a way to keep all of Joshua's loved ones updated on his recovery. There is no expectation for anyone to make a financial contribution. prayers and notes of encouragement are equally as valuable. Any financial contributions that are made will be greatly appreciated and go directly towards supporting Joshua's recovery, his medical bills, and ongoing treatments.
Around December 20th, Joshua developed a dry cough that, at the time, was nothing more than a minor annoyance. He had no other symptoms which suggested he had a cold. The cough became more frequent over the next couple weeks and by New Years Eve he began feeling fatigued. During the first few days of the new year, his fatigue became extreme to the point it was difficult for him to take our dog for a walk. Then, on Sunday I suggested I take him to Urgent Care. He stated he didn't want to get out of bed so I encouraged him to at least do a virtual visit (video call) with the Intermountain Urgent Care Team. The doctor he spoke with implied he could have severe bronchitis and prescribed him an inhaler and cough syrup. He used the inhaler and took the cough syrup before going to bed on Sunday night. Neither made a dent in his cough and he stated he had anxiety because every time he tried to breathe in he'd start to cough.
We managed to get some sleep and around 5:30 AM on Monday morning, I woke up and had the overwhelming feeling I needed to get him to the emergency room. When we arrived to the ER at LDS Hospital the tested for any viral infection while Joshua reiterated that he had no other symptoms usually associated with a cold or flu. The team at the ER were incredible and quickly got him a CT Scan. Soon after, the doctor informed us that Joshua had "a massive blood clot" in his lungs. An ambulance was called to take him to Intermountain Medical Center in Murray where they had the resources to perform an emergency procedure to essentially suck the clot out of his lungs.
During the procedure Joshua experienced cardiac arrest because his heart was working so hard to pump against his inflamed lung (from what I understand). Chest compressions were used to revive him and he then experienced a stroke. Later that evening I was consulted by his doctors about putting him on a machine that acts as a second heart. It was decided that the benefits of attaching him to the apparatus outweighed the risk because it would allow his heart to stop over-working and to heal itself.
On Tuesday morning the sedation had fully worn off and I was pleased to see Joshua's arms, hands, legs and feet were functional. He was able to talk to me but had difficulty finding the right words to convey his thoughts. I was also relieved to find that he still had his silly personality and sense of humor. He specifically told me, "I will NOT be a vegetable!". This morning I returned to his room in the ICU and found his speech had improved further. He has also been working with physical therapists to regain his ability to write. The nurses and doctors are all in agreement that his cognitive function is excellent (all things considered) and should continue to improve over the coming weeks.
This afternoon his doctor informed Joshua and I that, because he's still on the machine acting as a second heart, now would be a good time to undergo the procedure to remove the rest of the blood clots. The first procedure was immediately ended when he had his heart-attack, leaving about sixty percent of the blood clots in his lungs. We were assured the risk is significantly lower this time around since his heart isn't under nearly as much stress. There is also less risk for another stroke since they will not be administering the "clot-busting" medication they did before. The goal is to remove the clots tonight so they can wean him off his "second-heart" over the next two to three days and get him back up and walking.
As I write this, he is still undergoing the procedure. I will provide an update as I'm given the information. I will also update this campaign daily with pictures and notes on his progress. We have experienced many miracles this week and the progress he's already made in his recovery is more than I could have hoped for. He's truly lucky just to be alive. As anyone who knows him can attest to, he is feisty, strong, and a fighter. I'm confident he will make a full recovery.
I could not be the rock my husband deserves if it wasn't for the incredible support and love our family has offered and provided. Thank you to everyone who has reached out asking what they can do to help, it makes a huge difference to both of us just knowing there are so many praying for his speedy recovery.
I stretch my haaaand to thee, father gawd. God of Shadrach, Mechach and the billy goat who was in the fiery furnace that they barbecued on the day of Pentecost when the Jewish people returned from the Sabbath day up on the mountain top of Ethiopia. God of Mary..J BLIGE! May our Lort Almighteh put his hands all up on Joshua right hyaw and HEAL HIM. Praise da lort, hallelujer, jesusahh gawddd. AMEN!
Sending love & hopes for a speedy & full recovery. Aunt L & Uncle J
You are in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery!! I love you!!
"Thank you for the keeping Joshua on your mind and in your prayers. We appreciate your generosity. Love you!" By Ryan Warner-Goss
Wishing you a full and fast recovery
"We appreciate your well-wishes and generosity! Love you!" By Ryan Warner-Goss
Keep healing Josh!! Love Eric and Vicki
"Thank you for your generosity! Love you!" By Ryan Warner-Goss
Wishing you a speedy recovery, love you Joshua and Ryan!
"Thank you so much for the support and well-wishes. Love you!" By Ryan Warner-Goss
January 21st, 2025
Joshua was released from the hospital yesterday! His release was delayed a few days due to concerns about his severe anemia. He received a blood transfusion on Sunday and, once his blood pressure and iron levels stabilized, it was determined he would be discharged yesterday. He has a lot of speech and occupational therapy appointments scheduled the next couple months. Also, he'll be on blood thinners for at least the next three months (possibly for life), but he's doing exceptionally well, all things considered.
Today he's getting a haircut and working to get back a sense of normalcy.
January 17th, 2025
Joshua was moved out of the ICU yesterday! He has been going for daily walks and increasing the distance each day. Doctor's have also advised that the bleeding in his brain is healing, and that his cognitive functions, numbness, and motor skills continue to improve. As of today, it's possible he could be released from the hospital by this weekend. His recovery continues to be nothing short of a miracle and I want to thank all of you for the well-wishes, kind thoughts and prayers.
January 15th, 2025
Joshua has made several big steps the past few days, literally. He has been up walking laps around the ICU floor, he's had his feeding tube removed, and he's slowly being tapered off his medications in an effort to prepare to move him out of the ICU altogether. He's having trouble with reading (he CAN read, just slowly at the moment) and writing, but his cognitive function is excellent. Doctors say the reading and writing will come back with time and practice.
I apologize for the delayed update, it's very busy around here as I'm sure you can imagine!
January 11th, 2025
Another major milestone was reached in Joshua's recovery. It was determined his heart has healed well enough that he could be taken off the ECMO Machine (second heart)! He was taken into his procedure yesterday afternoon and it went smoothly. Now, with the piping taken out of his legs/groin, he can focus more on standing, bending, and sitting which is critical in his occupational therapy.
Thank you for all the prayers, support and well-wishes. All of his doctors and nurses are impressed by how quickly he is improving day by day.
January 10th, 2025
Big updates today, Joshua was able to stand up! He started with a lot of support but was eventually able to hold his own weight and bend his knees. He also felt sensations in his right leg which is a promising sign.
He hasn't mastered the muscles required for swallowing yet so he was placed on a feeding tube to make sure he's getting proper nutrition. The tube goes through his nose, so it doesn't impact his ability to speak and it should be removed after 3-5 days of his ability to swallow improves.
He hasn't been getting much sleep in the ICU which is typical so they're providing him with melatonin to he can get much needed rest.
It was a big day with a major milestone! I can't wait to see what he accomplishes with proper nutrition and rest!
January 9th, 2025
Also! A major milestone was reached today: Joshua is able to stick his tongue out quickly. He couldn't do it at all yesterday morning and by yesterday evening it took him a few minutes to make the brain/tongue connection. Now, he can do it no problem!
January 9th, 2025
Great news, his procedure to remove more of the clots from his lungs was successful. They weren't able to get everything removed but every little bit counts. They didn't sedate him for the procedure because of health concerns given the past couple days. Joshua says it was uncomfortable and he felt a bit of pressure and pinching.
Also, his neurologists are happy with the progress he's making in his cognitive function.
Today has been a rollercoaster but he's worked hard and made major strides. Tomorrow I will attempt to go to work so my dad is coming in to spend with day with Joshua and keep him company. I'll be in to see him before/after my shift and will continue to keep providing updates
- Ryan
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