Supporting the ministry of Josh in YWAM Skien

Monthly Goal:

 NOK KR13,500

Total Raised:

 NOK KR49,950

Raised this month:


Campaign created by Joshua Håvik

Campaign funds will be received by Joshua Håvik

Supporting the ministry of Josh in YWAM Skien

Hello from Norway!


My name is Joshua Håvik, and I’d love to invite you to join my support and prayer team! I'm Norwegian-American, grew up on the west coast of Norway until I moved to Alabama, US at the age of 11. Life had it's up and downs, and my faith weren't really my own. I started living on my own terms, my own plan, and it fell apart. I had nothing left to strive for, except my parents suggested I put myself into a spot where I would live for the Lord and really find what God has for me instead of what I had for myself.

So I did. In January 2024, I joined a Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Skien, Norway. The program lasted five months, and during that time, I felt God calling me to become a full-time volunteer (staff) at the very YWAM base where I completed my DTS. That is what I am currently doing, and God has strengthened me, tested me, blessed me, and used me in ways I would never imagine. And I am now staffing the same DTS I took!

As a full-time volunteer, I’m seeking financial support to cover living expenses, ministry costs, travel for mission trips, and more. Your support, whether through financial contributions or prayer, is a huge blessing and allows me to bless others in return.

If you feel led to support my ministry, please consider praying for me, and if you feel led to, donating to my support campaign. Every contribution, no matter the amount, is deeply appreciated and goes towards a great cause, the ministry that God has called me to in this season. Anything beyond my needs allows me to support others as well. Most importantly, please take a moment to pray about whether supporting me financially is the right step for you, as God may have other ways for you to be involved.


Regardless of your decision, I’d love to keep you updated! If you’d like to receive my monthly newsletter, simply email me at, and I’ll add you to the list.

Thank you so much for your reading, I wish you a blessed day and continued joy wherever you are!

With love,


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
kr 400.00 NOK
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
kr 44000.00 NOK
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
kr 5550.00 NOK
3 months ago

Praying for you Josh! So excited to hear about your adventures


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