USD $20,000
USD $5,275
Campaign funds will be received by Jessica Kirsh
Hi, and thanks for stopping by my car replacement fundraiser!
The AccidentOn December 4, 2024, I was involved in a car accident on my way to babysit for a dear friend of mine.
As I was making a left turn at a blinking yellow light intersection, I did not see any vehicles coming towards me in the oncoming lane of traffic, so I went ahead and committed to making my left turn.
As I was in the middle of my turn, a car very quickly came up on me and clipped the front right of my car, sending me spinning around 180 degrees, where I came to a stop in the oncoming traffic lane (facing backwards) and the other driver was able to come to a stop just off of the side of the road.
My steering wheel airbag deployed and it scared the bajeezies out of me with the smoke / dust that released from it. Besides whiplash, rib cage pain, a possible concussion, and some bruising, I seemed to be okay.
Airbags deployed in the other vehicle and from the Grace of God, all three people in the other car were able to get out, walk around, and talk to police before each one took an ambulance to a local hospital to be further evaluated.
Thankfully, there were NO life threatening injuries. God was definitely with us that day.
I was asked one question a the scene by the officer which was, "Do you believe she was speeding?"
I was so shaken up, I barely remember what I said to him, but yes, I do believe she driving in excess of the speed limit and came around a partially blind corner (hence why it appeared no one was coming when I went to make my turn); however, I have no way of proving her speed nor did the officer conduct a full investigation at the scene as they wanted to get the wreckage cleared as quickly as possibly.
I was cited at the scene for a "failure to yield." On January 8, 2025, I showed up at the Port Isabel courthouse to present some drawings I did based what I believe took place. I wanted to show them to the Judge; however, they had no record of my citation in their system. They asked me to try calling in a week or so to see if something changes, which tomorrow will be one week - so I will be calling again.
After reading the police report, I learned the other driver was driving without a license, driving without insurance, and driving a vehicle not owned by any of the three people in the vehicle. Whether or not she was speeding would be helpful to know just so I could have some closure as to why I started making my turn then all of the sudden was spinning around and facing the opposite direction of oncoming traffic, but I'm not sure I'll ever get that answer.
With the limited information they had to base their judgement off of, my insurance company deemed me 'liable,' which I guess I'll just have to accept. Thankfully, my insurance coverage was far above and beyond required limits (as recommended by Dave Ramsey in Financial Peace University) and my coverage will take care of replacing their vehicle and paying for any medical expenses for the other party.
My insurance determined my vehicle was a total loss and I've been going through the steps in order for them to provide the total loss payout to cover the value of my vehicle before the accident took place. They have determined it was worth $13,800, which I am very grateful will be coming my way soon.
With that said, as I search for a replacement vehicle, I am focusing my efforts on a pre-owned Tesla with Supervised Full Self Driving capabilities. Had I been driving a Tesla on that day, I can say with 99% certainty that accident wouldn't have happened. Tesla vehicles have been deemed the safest cars in the USA and Europe three years in a row and there are many reasons for why.
Speaking of why, my ideal vehicle to replace the KirshKona would be a Model Y (which is nearly equivalent in size to my Hyundai Kona, only a bit more spacious, electric, and has the ability to drive itself (supervised) in most driving conditions. I am also considering a Model 3, as it would be cheaper to insure and less expensive; however, it will not be suitable long term for my lifestyle and driving habits (ground clearance is important for me).
Helping when I can.
We believe in you, Never give up!
Hope this helps
Hope you reach your goal!
I enjoy watching your Starship coverage. I hope this helps!
Glad we can help You Jessica With your Kirsh Kona Replacement Fund Paul & Jocelyn
Praying for a safe and reliable vehicle for you
Glad to help.
I’m kind of broke, but all the haters convinced me lol, I’ve gotten quite a bit of hate too the past week.
lil here lil there goes a long ways
Good Luck Jess!! Praying! 🙏🙏🙏
Go get that Tesla. I know how it feels to drive one and overcome large challenges to get one. It is worth it.
I hope you're able to get into a Tesla 💖
January 24th, 2025
Here's a link to the NHTSA's safety scores for the Tesla Model Y AWD for model years 2020-2025: NHTSA Safety Scores - Tesla Model Y AWD (Model Years 2020-2025).
I am searching all over the internet to locate a vehicle that falls within my budget and specifications. Today, Tesla reduced prices on their 2025 Tesla Model Y inventory with the introduction of the Tesla Model Y Juniper refresh to the USA market.
Here's a link to Tesla's Model Y Long Range or Performance AWD inventory (new vehicles) with Tow Hitch: Tesla Model Y Long Range or Performance AWD Vehicles (New Inventory).
Here's a link to Tesla's Model Y Long Range or Performance AWD inventory (used vehicles) with Tow Hitch: Tesla Model Y Long Range or Performance AWD Vehicles (Used Inventory).
I'm also performing regular searches on sites such as AutoTrader.com and Facebook Marketplace | Tesla Model Y (new and used vehicles; no accidents reported; Carfax report included).
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