Support the Jimison Family


 USD $75,000


 USD $29,315

Campaign created by Josiah Jimison

Campaign funds will be received by Josiah Jimison

Support the Jimison Family

In October of 2018, after several long months of back and forth with the California foster care system, our oldest daughter was placed in our care. We had driven to CA to visit her and were shocked to find out we would be returning to Arizona with her. Dozens of inter-state visits with her biological family, thousands of miles traveled, lots of tears cried, and nearly two years later we had the honor of adopting Beverley, March of 2020.

Just weeks before Beverley came home with us we also discovered we were pregnant. Having previously suffered two complicated miscarriages, we were cautiously optimistic. The first half of the pregnancy went smoothly. We found out we would have another daughter. Then at 19 weeks pregnant our doctors discovered what would be the first of many congenital anomalies. From that point we had weekly doctors' visits. These visits consisted of non stress tests, fetal echos, and many in depth ultrasounds. We did this all while making the 10 plus hour drive to CA almost every week until April of 2019.

May of 2019, Cordelia was born. A team had been assembled and was waiting to take Cordelia to the NICU directly after birth. At this point we did not know the extent or even the number of birth defects they would discover. Cordelia had anomalies with her esophagus, trachea, heart, ribs, spine, and kidneys. She spent the next five months at Phoenix Children’s Hospital because she had "long gap esophageal atresia and TE fistulas". To put it simply, her stomach and esophagus were not attached and they were not close enough to attach directly after birth. The small part of esophagus she did have was also attached to her trachea.

During her stay in the hospital, Cordelia underwent in depth genetic testing, scans, and multiple surgeries, beginning with a g-tube placement at just 3 days old. Then in August of 2019 came the highly invasive esophageal attachment surgery. The recovery was much harder than expected. She was sedated for 10 days and became septic. During this time the doctors were not even certain the surgery had been successful. Fortunately, to the surprise of us all, the surgery had been successful and after those 10 days Cordelia began to make progress and recover.

Cordelia finally came home September of 2019 and to this day her medical journey is still a very large part of our lives. Since coming home she has had over 20 procedures under anesthesia and continues to deal with challenges related to her esophagus. We also have regular appointments with many specialists for other congenital anomalies and have had multiple hospital stays. Next up for Cordelia will be open heart surgery. As of now there is no official date but her cardiologist has recommended surgery sometime between the ages of 3-5. She will be 4 this May.

These last four years have been scary, uncertain and lonely. We are eternally grateful for all that have come alongside us and blessed us with prayer, gifts, and financial help. We remember each one of you and are truly overwhelmed by your generosity and love. This is one reason we have waited so long to ask for the help... We truly have been given so much already.

But looking back, we have come to realize we should have asked for more help. Many continued to offer but due to the chaos of our lives we found it hard to accept or ask. We also felt immensely protective of both girls, not ready to share so openly all that was going on to protect their privacy as well as give us time to process the information. We were overwhelmed and only now, as things begin to calm down medically, have we been able to feel the full weight of the debt collected over the past 4 years. This debt is a combination of large medical bills, travel expenses from visitation in CA, and credit cards used to make ends meet during this time.

We are now asking for the help we should have asked for and accepted along the way. We want to provide our girls with a house, excellent education, and long term financial and medical stability. This debt is drastically delaying and currently preventing this. The thought of enduring another major medical procedure with this financial burden is also weighing heavily on us. We would like to be in a more stable position by the time Cordelia requires heart surgery, and as the girls start their schooling.

Please prayerfully consider helping. Our family would be immensely blessed by your financial help as well as your prayers. Thank you all.

Recent Donations
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

We are so very proud of you all. You have been so brave. We are thankful for the awesome outcome of Cordelia's surgery. Our God is so good.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
8 months ago

He will supply for all your needs.

Pat Hansen
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

You've been incredibly strong! Praying for you!

Al Lehman
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Paul Farrell
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Linda Pintarell
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Martha Ranson
$ 250.00 USD
9 months ago

Anne Bernstein
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Family Friends in DC
$ 150.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 225.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
1 year ago


Ken Jimison
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago


Judith Jones
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #2

July 24th, 2024

Thank you all so much for your support and prayers! Cordelia's open heart surgery was a big success and everything went exactly according to plan. She's been recovering beautifully over the past weeks and has now been cleared to return to all her normal and wild activities. God has blessed us all along the way and shown us His grace in so many ways. 

Update #1

May 24th, 2024

Hello everyone! Quite a lot has gone on since our initial post.

Before we get into all of it, we first want to say a huge thank you to all who have been praying for us and have generously supported us financially. Because of you we have been able to pay off two large bills! This has taken such a weight of us. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU.

Now for the update. At the end of July 2023 we were able to move from our 2 bedroom apartment into a 3 bedroom house with a yard! This has changed so much about our daily life for the better. We have even been blessed with absolutely amazing neighbors and community!

It terms of Cordelia's overall health, she has thrived this year. In the past she struggled with multiple hospital stays, usually caused by complications from colds, but this year she has barely been sick! We've kept up with her specialist appointments but other than that we've had no trips to the hospital. Truly a huge milestone for our entire family.

In January Cordelia received a cardiac MRI to get accurate measurements of her heart. In March we were told that based on the MRI her cardiologists were recommending surgery. Because of the heart defect, the right side of her heart is about double the size of her left. This is not sustainable. Although we do not currently notice any symptoms, without surgery the doctors believe risks heart failure and/or with pulmonary hypertension at some point. 

They have recommended we do the surgery while she is still young. We agree. This will be easier on Cordelia. She will not have to grow up with this surgery looming over her.

Although we knew this surgery was most likely on the horizon, we are still a bit shell shocked. We are scared, sad and frustrated at the thought of watching our daughter go through this. Both Cordelia and Beverley are incredibly strong and brave, but as parents we sometimes feel they've had to be too strong and brave. All that to say, please be praying over our family.

Cordelia will be having open heart surgery on Monday June 3rd. We were told to expect a 6 week recovery, with up to two of those weeks in hospital. Please be praying for a smooth surgery, free of complications. 

We will update you post surgery. Thank you all for you continued prayers and support.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.