I Trusted My Agent


 USD $5,920

Campaign created by Karl Fischer

Campaign funds will be received by Karl Fischer

I Trusted My Agent

Purchasing a new home should always be one of the happiest times of your life. And given its importance, it is always recommended that you acquire a licensed real estate agent to aid and protect you as the buyer.

I acquired that licensed real estate agent for the purchase of my home and since the close, I have learned that the property was consciously and grossly misrepresented to capitalize on the current market conditions, make a quick and substantial profit, unload a property in deplorable condition, and take full advantage an out-of-state buyer, relocating to the area for the first time.

Instead of purchasing a house that I was led to believe would need some minor repairs but be a great new home, in the end, I was sold a house that should have been without question, condemned.

Since purchase, the following items have been discovered with the house:

>  The house has sustained incredible structural damage as a direct result of both significant  long-term water intrusion and termite infestation. The damage is so significant that numerous floor joists, along with most of the sill plate and rim joist for the home, have rotted away. Additionally, several walls of the home will need to be replaced in their entirety, with others requiring substantial repair.

>  Both the heat pump and the furnace were taken from the house, prior to my purchase.

>  Of the four (4) doors on the house, only one, the front door, will open and close, due to the compromised structural integrity of the home. All need to be completely replaced.

>  Most, if not all the windows of the house also need to be replaced due to damage and/or rot.

>  The soffit and numerous roof rafters of the house have also sustained extensive damage.

>  The majority, if not all plumbing, wiring, and outlets in the house will need to be replaced due to age and condition.

In negotiations to buy the house, the removal of the home inspection was used by the Seller and Seller’s agent as a requirement to have my offer accepted. I trusted my agent and his response to my inquiry of the removal of this requirement and the condition of the home.

My agent also knew that I exerted myself financially to purchase this house. As a result, I do not have the money to fix my home. Additionally, with the house being uninhabitable, I have been forced to acquire alternative housing and pay for this housing as I work to both acquire the funds and find the people that can help me rebuild my home.

Thank you for any help and most importantly, prayers, in helping me save my home.

With hope and gratitude,


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

"I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." - Psalm 16:8

Mariah Daniel
$ 20.00 USD
2 years ago

Saw your sign on your home!! Keeping you in our prayers!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago

Merry Christmas!

$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago

Sending you prayers that God's blessings will shower upon you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5000.00 USD
3 years ago

Prayers and this donation are with you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 years ago

Hope this helps you rebuild your home!

$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago


Update #4

June 4th, 2023

If you know Bowling Green, Kentucky, you probably know and have seen the house shown in the photos of this campaign. It is located on the same road that takes you to historic Beech Bend Park.

The home has stood in the condition shown in these photos, along with the banner and American flag (lighted each and every night), for soon to be two (2) years.

Additionally, the home has stood visibly neglected, vacant, uninhabitable, disconnected from power, and rotting, for years prior to the way you see it today.

The home should have been condemned years ago, as reflected by the significant public records available on the home. Instead, employees of the racist, rotten, and corrupt City of Bowling Green, Kentucky, committed documented felony criminal fraud in “passing” multiple official inspections of the home.

Then in 2021, the home was allowed to fall into the hands of a local convicted felon and predator, with a long, admitted, and documented history of consciously and criminally exploiting both governments and private citizens; as part of her decades of felony criminal work.

This convicted felon and predator then partnered with her husband and numerous other known felony criminals to sell the home through a willing Kentucky-licensed real estate brokerage, as part of an organized and executed felony criminal conspiracy.

The home continues to stand to this day in the condition shown in the photos, due to the incredibly lawless and corrupt criminal justice system that exists in the State of Kentucky. This system has consciously and criminally protected the numerous known felony criminals, known criminal organizations, known sick and evil attorneys, and known rotten and corrupt “public servants”, who are all directly responsible for the incredibly sick and incredibly evil felony criminal matter involving this home.

We see and hear of examples almost every day of what is commonly referred to as a “two-tiered justice system”. This simply means that the ones with money and influence, are provided with more rights and more protection in the currently broken and corrupt justice system that exists in America, then those without money or influence. This home is an absolutely stunning example of this “two-tiered justice system”.

All of the evil souls that are directly responsible for the incredibly sick and incredibly evil felony criminal matter involving the home you see in the photos, are all of money and influence. Additionally, they are all Kentuckians and well-versed in the blatant corruption and criminal environment that has existed and thrived in State of Kentucky, for decades. It is one of the reasons why these Kentuckians committed the numerous felony crimes that they did, pertaining to the home. It is also the reason why the incredibly sick and incredibly evil felony criminal matter involving the home, is NOT an isolated incident.

With this said, know that any financial donation you make to this campaign is not only truly appreciated and very helpful, but directly supports a stand against this “two-tiered justice system” and the numerous felony criminals that it is consciously and criminally protecting.

Lastly and most importantly, if you are unable to make a financial donation to this campaign, know that your prayers and conversations with God and the Angels in support of justice in this horrific felony criminal matter, carries a light that cuts through the profound evil and utter darkness.

Update #3

January 10th, 2023

The main photo that you see of my home was taken on Christmas Day, 2022.

I purchased my home on June 1, 2021, using a Kentucky-licensed real estate agent, as part of my efforts to relocate to the State of Kentucky, to begin a new and positive chapter in my life, post-pandemic.

Since purchasing my home, I and others have learned that my home was consciously, maliciously, and grossly misrepresented, as part of an orchestrated criminal conspiracy, executed by multiple members of a well-known criminal syndicate.  Spearheading this orchestrated criminal conspiracy, was the wife of the couple from which I bought my home, who I and others have learned is a convicted felon, with a long, extensive, documented, and admitted history of criminal real estate fraud in both the State of Kentucky and other states as well.

I and others also learned that BOTH the Kentucky-licensed real estate broker and the Kentucky-licensed real estate agent that represented the seller/convicted felon, have a long and documented history of aiding and abetting this same convicted felon.  Additionally, the Kentucky-licensed real estate agent that I used to represent me in the purchase of my home not only consciously conspired with this same broker and the selling agent in the transaction, but also works for a "team" under the aforementioned broker, owned by another Kentucky-licensed real estate agent who also has a long and documented history of unethical and criminal behavior.

Along with the blatant felony criminal behavior of these real estate agents and broker, I and others have also learned that employees of the town in which the home is located, committed documented felony criminal fraud in "passing" inspections on my home, prior to my ownership.  This failure to condemn my home ultimately allowed it to fall into the hands of the aforementioned convicted felon.  This convicted felon then partnered with multiple other known criminals in an orchestrated criminal conspiracy, selling the home to me as an out-of-state buyer.

I obtained an attorney to take legal action in response to this unthinkable and incredibly traumatic experience.  I also filed a formal and lengthy written complaint with the Kentucky Real Estate Commission/Authority.  In response to these actions, all of the following has occurred:

1) My now former attorney and I were both consciously threatened multiple times by other attorneys.

2) My attorney withdrew from my case and stole several thousand dollars of my money in the process.

3) I have been consciously bullied by numerous representatives of the town in which my home is located, including elected officials.

4) I have been consciously bullied by the police department of the town in which my home is located.

5) I have been consciously bullied by numerous representatives of the county in which my home is located, including elected officials.

6) I have been consciously bullied by the sheriff's office of the county in which my home is located.

7) I have been consciously bullied by the Kentucky Real Estate Commission/Authority.

7) I have been consciously bullied by both the Office of the Attorney General and the Attorney General for the State of Kentucky.

8) I have been consciously bullied by the Office of the Governor for the State of Kentucky.

9) I have been consciously bullied by the Kentucky Bar Association.

10) I have learned of incredible corruption and of numerous criminals that control the State of Kentucky.

All of this while I remain displaced and my home sits vacant, uninhabitable, and rots, as it has done for over 18 months now, as the direct result of the numerous criminals and the significant corruption that exists in the State of Kentucky.

I share all of this with you, not for sympathy, but as an outright warning. 

STAY OUT of the State of Kentucky

It is an unlawful and unsafe place, controlled by criminals and corruption; and my home that you see in the photos and what has been allowed to be done to me, is blatant and documented proof.

Update #2

July 25th, 2021

I will never forget the first time I walked into my new home.  What I saw.  The smell.  I knew instantly that I had been greatly deceived.  It should have been a very happy day, but that was taken from me by the incredibly unethical and evil people that sold me the house.    It was a truly awful surprise.

But shortly after this, different surprises starting happening.  Great ones.  One after another, amazing souls started appearing in my life.  People I've never met before started answering my calls for help.  These great people have not only helped me in beginning the process of rebuilding my home, but assisted me with temporary housing and making me feel welcome in an unfamiliar place.  

These great surprises continue with the not one, but two incredible recent donations.  I am so thankful for these donations, as they are not just vital to saving my home, but of equal importance,  powerful statements against the evil that took place.  Thank you!!

As I continue my work to move forward and save my home, I will hold my optimisim that more great souls will continue to appear and together, we will save my home.

Update #1

July 15th, 2021

So appreciative of the first donation!  No matter how big or long the journey, you have to take that first step, and then many more after that.  I've taken a lot steps forward since this incredible set-back and have many more to take, but I know my own work combined with the help of others will be the only way this negative will become a positive.  I'm grateful for any help I receive along the way.  

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • I am grateful for any and all prayers for the right people to be brought into my life that can help me save my home.