CAD $45,000
CAD $18,200
Campaign funds will be received by Johannes Krautter
Krautter Family in Need of our Financial Support
Elfi Krautter has been suffering greatly from Lyme disease for a number of years. The disease has taken a major toll on her body to the point where she struggles with much physical weakness, inflammation, and even some numbness among other ailments. She mothers a 3-month-old daughter and is unable to do much besides that. She has tried different things to get rid of her Lyme with little success, only to have it flare up again. Her desire is to be healthy again so she can be the wife and mother that her family needs.
Johannes and Elfi have explored many different ways to deal with it and have found treatments that will endeavor to cure her from the disease. This will mean leaving their home in Manitoba, Canada and flying to Germany for two months to get her treated for Lyme at a clinic and living in housing there at 2000€ (almost $3000 CAD) a month. The cost of going through this is very high, and they're unable to carry the financial load on their own. They will greatly need your help in order to pay for this.
Your financial support will help to pay for the costly Lyme treatments for Elfi, the time off work for Johannes, and their living expenses as they seek help for Elfi. They will be more than grateful to every one that shows them support in this way!
2 Corinthians 9:7 states: "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."
May the Lord bless every cheerful giver!
Familie Krautter braucht unsere finanzielle Unterstützung
Elfi Krautter (ehemals Wall) kämpft seit Jahren gegen die schweren Folgen der Lyme-Borreliose, einer Krankheit, die ihren Körper massiv geschädigt hat. Sie leidet unter starker körperlicher Schwäche, schmerzhaften Entzündungen und sogar Taubheitsgefühlen. Doch das ist nicht alles: Elfi ist eine hingebungsvolle Mutter einer erst drei Monate alten Tochter und möchte nichts sehnlicher, als die Mutter und Ehefrau sein zu können, die ihre Familie so dringend braucht.
Zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann Johannes hat Elfi unermüdlich nach einer Lösung gesucht. Nach vielen gescheiterten Behandlungsversuchen haben sie nun Hoffnung geschöpft: Eine vielversprechende Therapie in der CMC-Klinik in Rheinfelden, Deutschland, könnte Elfi die Chance auf Heilung geben. Doch diese Hoffnung hat ihren Preis.
Die Familie musste ihr Zuhause in Manitoba, Kanada, zurücklassen, um für die Dauer der Behandlung – etwa zwei Monate – nach Deutschland zu reisen. Die Therapie ist intensiv und erfordert wöchentliche Kosten von über 6.000 Euro, dazu kommen 2.000 Euro monatlich für eine Unterkunft. Insgesamt belaufen sich die Kosten auf eine Summe, die für die junge Familie unerreichbar ist. Seit dem 22. November 2024 befinden sich Johannes, Elfi und ihr Baby in Deutschland, doch ohne Ihre Unterstützung kann diese lebensverändernde Behandlung nicht fortgeführt werden.
Hier brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe!
Ihre Spende kann den entscheidenden Unterschied machen: Sie ermöglicht Elfi die dringend benötigte Behandlung, deckt die Lebenshaltungskosten der Familie und hilft Johannes, für seine Frau und Tochter da zu sein, während Elfi um ihre Gesundheit kämpft. Jeder Beitrag – egal wie groß oder klein – bedeutet Hoffnung und Heilung für eine Familie, die in einer verzweifelten Situation neuen Mut schöpft.
Elfi und Johannes sind zutiefst dankbar für jede Unterstützung.
In 2. Korinther 9:7 heißt es: „Jeder, wie er es in seinem Herzen vorhat, soll geben, nicht widerwillig oder aus Notwendigkeit; denn Gott liebt den fröhlichen Geber.“
Möge der Herr Sie reichlich segnen!
I have been thinking and praying for you.
May the Lord continue to bring healing to you! God bless you richly!
May the Lord bless and keep you !!!
With Love and Care
We are praying for you and hope you heal quickly.
May God be with you!
May The Lord grant you healing and protection.
January 8th, 2025
Elfi has a final one to one-and-a-half weeks of treatments to go through. It will cost them another approximately $15,000, which is a significant amount for them to cover. They do not yet have the funds to pay for it. We can help them cover these costs by any small or big donation. May the Lord add His blessing.
January 3rd, 2025
Johannes and Elfi have returned to the clinic in Rheinfelden for another week or two of treatments. They did a Lyme test and the results came back mostly negative! 🙏🏻 Now they need to do treatments to clear out the last of the symptoms in her body yet.
The funds they have received have covered their expenses so far, but they will need more to cover the last treatments.
Let's continue to support them through the remainder of their journey and pray for complete recovery for Elfi.
Thankyou again for the immense support you all have been showing through this time. It means a lot to them!
December 16th, 2024
We want to extend a big thankyou to all who have supported Johannes and Elfi by praying for them and helping them out with donations! The Lord is answering prayers, and their expenses have mostly been covered up until now.
Elfi's health has also improved a lot. Her numbness that she had is almost gone, and she's feeling quite a bit stronger already mentally and physically. She has one more week of treatments to go through, which they still need funds of about $10,000 for. That also includes housing and living expenses.
They will then have a break for one week, after which her doctor will reassess her on whether there are any more signs of Lyme and may potentially give her one more week of treatments.
Let's continue to show them support, pray for complete healing and the Lord's added blessings on them!
November 18th, 2024
Johannes & Elfi and their little one will be leaving for Germany for two months on November 22. The treatments are scheduled to start the following week, with the payments for the treatments going out every Friday. The daily cost is estimated to be an average of $2000.
This journey will not be an easy one for them, so let's continue to show them our support through this time.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.