USD $15,000
USD $4,000
Campaign funds will be received by Marie Edwards
As some may have known, my mother started having mobility issues in 2022, and she continued to decline throughout that year. I was unable to work as I became her sole caregiver. Due to her financial situation and insurance, I was not able to be paid for it. She didn't qualify for a paid caregiver.
Between September 2022 and September 2024, my mom had been in/out of hospitals and skilled nursing for multiple health issues. On September 15, she had a fall in a SNF that resulted in an injury and needed surgery, she then suffered a stroke in October. Though NO ONE told me how bad it was. From 10/31 until the early morning of 11/9, she was on hospice – palliative care. She passed suddenly and without warning on 11/9. I was the one who discovered her lifeless body.
To be honest, when I was informed of the hospice decision, I was NEVER told by the hospital staff or the hospice people that my mother was within DAYS of dying. Her diagnoses (which I didn’t find out until 11/8) were Cerebral Infarction and Metabolic Encephalopathy. The second one caused significant brain damage (again, something I was NEVER told). From what the intake person said, this was JUST a 30-day initial evaluation to manage her pain so she could then participate in therapies related to her hip injury and stroke.
I haven’t been able to work because of being her caregiver. And, with no transportation, I’m also stuck at home. As she died without insurance, I now need help.
There are legal and financial issues with the lease. This is one that is a HUGE problem. Despite it being in her name, I am on the lease as well, and thereby the financial liability now falls to me. It ends 8/31/2025, and I CANNOT get out of it. There is NO legal way to get out of it. No – mom’s “death” would not be an exception to get me out of the lease. This is a corporation and not a person. Nevada is not a tenant friendly” state.
I did not expect this to happen ... I am in utter shock. I feel lied to, deceived, and just used. That's in addition to the utter and profound grief I am still experiencing.
I am in the middle of compiling a Q & A to address certain questions and/or issues that some have brought to my attention.
This is the best way to help. If you cannot donate, share the link. Please do not send links to resources. Do not send suggestions. This only creates more work for me, more time spent away from other tasks; and really causes more mental distress. I do not qualify for most of the programs. I have a master list of resources.
Here’s what I need. And, note it’s an estimate …
✳️ $1500 – Movers (8-hours; quoted in 2022). I have no car and can’t lift much. They can get my stuff to storage at least.
✳️ $2600 – about 12 months of storage; maybe secure another unit. Would also cover more moving supplies (boxes, tape, bubble wrap).
✳️ $10,500 – three month’s expenses (rent, utilities, food). This is to pack and get my dental work done. I really need these teeth pulled. I’m in severe pain. I can’t work and get my teeth done (FMLA wouldn’t apply to dental work; nor would I be elgible). I can’t work in pain that has been so bad I literally wanted to punch my own face. Pain so bad I’ve spent nights crying and screaming into my pillows. And, I’m hoping I can get a job so I can cover the remainder of the lease and fix my car. I would also need to rent a car for the day the movers take the stuff to storage as I need to be there to let them in. It is app-controlled access. And, I can’t give them access as they’re not on my account.
That’s around $14,600; so $15,000 for fees and incidentals.
The resources people think are out there – are not applicable to me. I’ve tried. I’ve begged.
And, for those thinking the ENTIRE amount has to come from one single person – uh, no it doesn’t. Nowhere does it say that. It’s a “GOAL” not a one-person requirement. It’s a goal for multiple people to contribute to. What helps is sharing the fundraiser. Share it on your social media accounts, groups you’re in where it is allowed, I can email fliers for your work or church. I know some people haven’t shared it, but sharing costs nothing. Sharing, adding something personal costs nothing.
That said – I am literally running out of time. I’m stressed, I’m also exhausted.
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