Battle against Breast and Lung cancer


 USD $65,000


 USD $35,725

Campaign created by Yesenia Smith

Campaign funds will be received by Yesenia Smith

Battle against Breast and Lung cancer

My family and friends, it's hard to put into words all that I'm feeling and going through these days, I never thought I'd be in this position of fighting for my health and my life, but here I am.

Before I even begin to ask for donations, I want to share why I'm here, I want to share my story with you, and with that, I hope you will feel my heart and my desperation for treatment. 

Most of you know that back in 2019 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a mother of two and a wife, that's the hardest news I've ever received, it literally shook my world and threw me off. I couldn't believe it. So after a lumpectomy, I was told there was more cancer in my breast, and therefore they suggested a mastectomy of my right breast. I agreed and decided on a double mastectomy and thought that was going to be the end of that scary journey, but shortly after surgery, I noticed another lump on the upper portion of my chest, and tests revealed it was cancerous again. Another surgery was needed, and yet again I continued to have recurrences. In total I have endured 7 surgeries since 2019. I currently have active tumors on the right side of my chest wall and working alongside my oncologist here in Las Vegas, we decided that going on systemic therapy would be a great way to combat these tumors. I have been taking Tamoxifen daily, because the breast cancer is considered estrogen driven and fed, we felt this would be a great way to starve the tumors. After months of being on Tamoxifen, I agreed to a CT scan to see if there's been any changes, and was there changes? Yes, but not the changes we thought it would be. We noticed spots in my right lung now and my oncologist told me "It looks like the cancer has now gone to your lung." Definitely not the news I expected, another punch to my gut, another diagnosis of cancer. How can this be? What am I doing wrong? All the questions are overwhelming my mind. So our plan of action? My oncologist asked me to up my dosage of Tamoxifen in hopes that this would help, so I did what she asked of me. We decided we would do a PET scan after six weeks of upping my dosage of Tamoxifen and prayed that this would help and do what it should do. The PET scan came and went and it was time to meet with my oncologist for the results. This was on December 28th, 2023, I went in with lots of pain on the right side of my chest and back that day, which I've been experiencing for a few months now, but I just thought it was a pinched nerve issue. So when my oncologist walked into the room and I explained to her what I've been feeling, that's when she said "It's the cancer, It's growing, and now we're seeing it in your left lung as well, along with lymph nodes involved" Basically, the pain I've been experiencing is the growth from the tumors in my right lung and it's pressing on my nerves.

So here I am, with not only breast cancer, but now lung cancer with not one, but two lungs involved. I think I'm still in shock, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole diagnosis without losing my mind and my peace. Am I scared? YES! I'm only 38, I've been battling this disease for over four years, and at this point I'm just at a loss. I'm not ready to leave this earth yet, I'm not ready to leave my husband, my children, my family, my friends, my church! I'm not done doing more for God's kingdom. I know he still needs me here to bring hope, inspiration, joy, and faith to others. I have so much more to give in this life, my purpose hasn't been fulfilled yet, I want to live and not die! I'm not afraid of death because I know heaven will be more than I could ever imagine, but I believe my time isn't up yet, my story is still being written and It's going to be a great story, a story of healing, a story of miracles, a story that's going to bring people to their knees seeking God and his freedom.

This is where starting this fund comes in. As a family of four, with my husband being the only one bringing in income, we know the medical bills are going to start coming in and piling up. Unfortunately, insurance doesn't cover everything and we just aren't prepared for this kind of financial road ahead. 

So as of right now, I have a few options for treatment. Option one is receiving a monthly shot to shut down my ovaries completely in hopes that my body will stop producing estrogen, but that's the slower process. Next option is chemo, the chemo treatment is called Taxol, and would be administered to me one day a week for three weeks, with a week off and then we would start again until the tumors in my breast and lungs die off. Another option I'm considering is perhaps going out of the state or even out of the country for treatment, where I could possibly get treated as a whole person and not just treating the tumors, but truly finding the root cause of this disease and attacking it from all areas. If I go out of state, I'm looking into Hope4Cancer In Mexico, but that cost would be $50,000. I have heard about many healings that have happened at this center. Of course, we know neither option will guarantee my healing, only God knows what this journey will look like and how it will end. I'm praying for clarity, I'm praying for peace, I'm praying for God to reveal what option I should choose, I'm praying that I will live a long and healthy life with my family. I want to see my kids get married and be successful in their God given purpose, I want to see them have children. I want to be a grandma, I want to make cookies and hot chocolate for my grandkids. I wanna hold them and love on them and spoil them. I want to grow old with my husband, and see both of us get gray haired and wrinkled together. I'm not finished!

So if you find it in your heart to donate to myself and my family, and towards my healing, towards me living a long life with my family, I would be forever grateful. For we know God loves a cheerful giver, as it says in 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

If you choose to not donate, but offer a prayer instead, that too warms my heart and fills me with gratitude, because we know prayer is our most stongest weapon against all things of this world.

I will consistently update you all on my status, health and treatments. I have until January 8th to make a decison and speak with my oncologist. Truly, I don't have much time to waste, I need to take action ASAP and get my body ready for the long and tough journey ahead. I thank you! I appreciate you! I love you! My family is forever grateful! Please help me fight this cancer and stop it from coming back!

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

I believe! I believe! I believe!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
12 days ago

Continuing to pray for you, Yesenia! 🙏🏻

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
18 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
18 days ago

Yesi, my sister! I love you so much. I am here praying and fighting with you. -Natasha Austin

Esmeralda Rios
$ 200.00 USD
19 days ago

Prayers for you all, peace be with you guys.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying over your family constantly!

Yesenia Santana
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

God moves mountains. Stay strong beautiful, a miracle is coming

The Miller Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you!

Jessica Micheau
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

I’m praying for you! You are resilient and will get through this! Love you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

praying for you

Mario And Heather
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

We love you. We pray for you. You are in our thoughts daily. We pray you get well soon and continue to fight!

Kevin Martinez
$ 30.00 USD
1 month ago

Love you so much Yesi my sister in Christ ur gonna win this battle in the mighty name of Jesus.

MaryBeth Pagela
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

You prayed for me a year or so ago down front at CL, it was the most beautiful prayer. I’ll never forget it. Many prayers back to you for healing, comfort and peace. May God be with you.

Amanda Johnson
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Keep fighting my friend. You’ve got this! Love you lots

Jayzen Ramirez
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you sis, love you and the family so so so much! Fighting with you and Believing with you!

Smylie family
$ 75.00 USD
1 month ago

Though we don’t know you we know a lot about your story and we are praying for full healing.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

I do not know you personally and cannot relate to your diagnosis but I am a mom of two young kids and one of my life goals now are to see them grow and develop as adults. Health is wealth. I will pray for you mama and your recovery. ❤️‍🩹

The Kempen Family
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you and your family! Keep fighting, you’re so strong even when it’s tough. Sending all our love and support! We’re here if you need anything.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Lauren Turner
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago


Update #3

July 26th, 2024

Family, Friends and those of you that I've never met but have all been so generous and kind, It's been quite some time since I have updated you all. As you know from my last update, I was praying to make it out to Oasis of Hope again for my 2nd round of treatments and care. After so much prayer, the Lord came through just like he always does and made a way for me to make it back to Mexico. Not only was the cost of my next visit dropped once from $15,000 to $12,000, but God made a way again! After discussing our financial situation with the finance team in Mexico, I told them I still wouldn't be able to make it out at the cost of $12,000, since we're only a one income family, and at the time, we only had $9,300 saved, it just wouldn't be possible. I just remember praying and telling the Lord "This is all we've got, if you can make it work, if they can just drop the cost and make it close enough to what we've got, that would be amazing!" And sure enough, within hours of talking to the finance team on the phone, I received another call, and they gave me the news that if I could make it back within the month of May, they could drop my cost to $9,950!! YOU GUYS!!! I was rejoicing, I was praising, I was thanking God that once again, he came through, he heard my prayers and said it was a YES and AMEN!

So within a week, there I was back in Mexico, receiving treatments once again for 8 straight days! Since my last PET scan back in early May, the results showed that the cancer is stable, there has been no new growth, and no new spots have been detected! HALLELUJAH!!! That was the best news I could have ever received. For the last 5 years, all I've heard is "There's new spots, it's spreading, It's growing!" And for the very first time, I heard the words STABLE! WOW!! Just WOW! So that tells me treatments in Mexico are working, the meds and supplements they have me on are working, and that's all I could ever ask for. So what's the plan now!? Well, after my 2nd visit, they kept me on the same meds and supplements and I got a 2nd dose of the vaccine that goes on the mission to destroy and eradicate this cancer. 

Once I got home from my 8 day stay, I was exhausted and I was in a lot of pain for a few weeks. The exhaustion was from the vaccine that makes my body work hard and basically creates a war in my body to fight cancer, and the pain is from the inflammtion that is caused in the areas of cancer as my immune system fights. After a few weeks of excruciating pain, sleepless nights and feeling beat up, I woke up one day with a new pep in my step, a song in my spirit, and a body that felt like it has never been through what it just went through. I have been pain free since, I have been sleeping, I am no longer taking strong pain meds to help me get through the days and nights, I'm working out again and doing all the things I love to do, like cook for my family, spending time with my kids and friends, and making beautiful summer memories. The Lord has been so good to me despite all of the hard times, he just keeps showing up! 

As of right now, my home protocol meds have been treating me well, and I feel like I'm just in a great place, I can feel the cancer leaving my body, I feel like we are finally going our seperate ways, we are BREAKING UP!!!! And that's a great feeling. Stage 4 cancer has nothing on me!!

The plan is to have another scan at the end of August, and then depending on those results, my next visit to Oasis would be in September, as long as the funds are available. It's always about the funds, ugh!! But I believe that if this is where the Lord needs me, then he will provide, and he will make it more than enough. Given, that we are a one income family, my husband works extremely hard as his job to make sure he's making deals. As a wife, it breaks my heart because I see how hard he works, and he is doing everything possible so that every bonus he makes goes to me and my healing. So if I could make one prayer request to all of you reading this, It would be that you pray for my husband as well, pray for his heart, for his mind, for strength and energy, pray for his peace and that when stress tries to take over, that he would rest in our God and know that he will always provide and that his wife WILL be HEALED! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my update. Thank you all for being supportive and generous. We couldn't do this without all your prayers and love. 

God has the final word, and I will always rest in that. 

Update #2

May 17th, 2024

Family, Friends and those of you who have generously given who I've never met, It has been some time since I've updated you all on my health condition. First of all, thank you for your continued prayers, love and support during this uncertain time in my life. As most of you know, I was able to make it to Oasis of Hope in Mexico back in February. It was quite the experience, the treatments, the care, the support, the food, the daily worship and devotional time we had each day was so amazing. I spent a total of 2 weeks there. My husband and I met so many amazing people from all over the world. Australia, Saudi Arabia, Japan. People from all over the world come to Oasis to get top notch treatments that we just can't get here in the United States. It's so unfortunate that the medical system has failed us miserably. 

My experience as Oasis of Hope was unlike any other. You are truly cared for as a whole person, meeting with the Doctors, going over your history, going over scans and helping me understanding what I was looking at. Meeting with nutritionists and going over what day to day meals look like, eating habits, exercise habits. We had cooking classes to help us understand what foods work best for a cancer patient. Everyday we had worship and devotional time in the treatment room. My days were scheduled with many treatments each day. Lots of IV treatments, ozone therapy, hyperthermia treatments, eboo treatments, and lots and lots of rest. As much as these treatments were good for my body, It definitely wiped me out. I was exhausted at the end of each day. But it was so worth it. The best part of the 2 week stay was having the opportunity to receive a dendritic cell vaccine. Basically my own cancer fighting cells get extracted from my blood, which at the same time extracts circulating tumor cells within the blood. The cancer fighting cells are then grown in the lab to be big and strong and then they are then introduced to the cancerous cells and identify them as harmful. Once this happens, I am given a vaccine that contains my own fully grown and strong cancer fighting cells and sends them out to go on the hunt for cancer in my body to destroy it. This vaccine alone was $9,000. This is just something we cannot get in the US and it's so disheartening to know that this is being kept from us.

After returning from Mexico, I was exhausted, I took multiple naps daily and caught up on rest. I was also sent home with a medication and supplement protocol. Shortly after starting the home protocol, I began to feel fatigued, weak, and sick to my stomach. After some adjustments to the protocol, I was able to start feeling better. Pain is still a constant thing unfortunately. It went away for some time, but has returned, and it makes life very frustrating. As of right now, the plan was to return to Mexico for my 3 month followup on the 21st of May, but financially, we just aren't quite there to make it back yet. The cost was going to be another $15,000, which was going to include another dose of the vaccine. I am bummed about the fact that I can't make it back yet because I know the vaccine is working. When I left to Mexico, I had 2 tumors that were palpable on my chest wall, and I am happy to say that those tumors are gone! They are nowhere to be found on my chest. It is truly a miracle of GOD. This is why I'm so eager to return to Mexico, because I know this treatment works, I know God sent me there for a reason, I know he is going to keep healing me with every visit I make. But unfortunately the funds just aren't quite there yet. We initially took out a loan of $20,000 to cover the rest of the cost for my first visit. So I pray that you all will continue to lift me up in prayer as I also await my results of my current PET Scan, I will be receiving the results on the 23rd of May. I pray that there will be a change in my lung, I pray that all cancer is diminishing and gone, and that I will soon be pain free. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers as I navigate this season in hopes of returning back to Mexico sooner rather than later! 

Love you all soooooo much! God bless you!

Update! I'm going to Mexico!!

February 2nd, 2024

Family, friends and those of you i've never met! I just wanted to say "Thank you!" from the deepest place in my heart, THANK YOU!! I am headed to Mexico for treatment, Oasis of Hope to be exact!! And you have all made this possible. My husband and I will be flying out this Tuesday, Feb 6th. We fly into San Diego airport and from there a shuttle from Oasis of Hope will pick us up and drive us over to the facility, which is only 30 minutes from San Diego airport. You guys!!! I truly can't believe this is happening. I have wanted this type of alternative treatment since I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, and here I am, God DID IT!!! If I'm being raw and honest, I felt embarrased to start a fund for myself. Before I created the fund, I thought to myself "How could I ask for any help for this type of treatment, it's going to make me look like a beggar!" But I needed to get out of my own head and my own thoughts. Before I started this fund, many asked me if I had one, and I kept telling them no, because I honestly didn't think it would be possible to raise funds for this kind of thing. But here WE are! And I say WE because you have all been part of this journey with me. I'm going to Oasis of Hope because YOU chose to be generous and because YOU chose to invest in a life, in a life that you want to see thrive and continue. I've never met some of you, but you still chose to give, to pray, to support! I am forever grateful for this.

God has been so amazing in providing for me and my family during this time. We even got approved for a loan to cover the rest of the cost. And at first, I thought "How in the world are we going to even pay that loan off?" But you know what? That's where our heavenly father comes in. If this is his will for me and my family, he will provide, he will continue to bring in those funds, he will continue to show us his faithfulness and his love.

So in a few days, we will be flying out. My prayer request would be that you would keep me and my family prayed up, that this treatment will be everything my body was wanting and needing, and that the Lord will continue to give me his peace that surpasses all understanding. I know I am healed, and these next three weeks in Mexico are going to be for my continued healing, in Jesus name!

I will update you all while I'm there. And if you'd like to add me on instagram or facebook so you can watch my journey, please do! I will put my profile name at the bottom of this page! 

God bless you all!

IG yesi.smitty

Facebook Yesenia Smith

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