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Hope for Estonia


 USD $15,000

Campaign created by Hope Goode

Hope for Estonia

Hello, my name is Hope Goode, and I am a disciple of Jesus. I have come to know and love a people who have a spiritual poverty in their nation and culture. This is Estonia. It is a beautiful country and people, but they do not know God. They do not suffer from a lack of healthy food or water, but instead from spiritual living water and the bread of life.
I moved to Estonia three and a half years ago and have been serving the Lord in Tartu Estonia by encouraging the believers and telling my nonbelieving friends about Jesus. I do ministry like Jesus in that it will be relationship based. I build up and encourage the existing Christians, and am in the process of equipping believers to share their faith. I make friends with people to build trust and report, and share Jesus with them through quality time and hospitality. I host Bible studies in my home, and share the gospel over coffee. I share the compassionate heart of Jesus through encouragement of God's promises, and his consistency in keeping them. 
Why partner with me? God has spent the last nine years training me for ministry. I have done missions in the states, and trips to other places including reservations, Detroit, Mexico, Honduras, and so on. I was trained in the Adventures in Missions program and have graduated with my Bachelor's studies in Bible and Missions. God has given me a heart for the lost and the broken, and opened a window of opportunity to serve him in Estonia.

I am so thankful to serve in a country that is a former Soviet state that is looking for it's identity. My prayer is that more and more will find their identity in Jesus. In a country where over half of the population does not believe in God, but many are searching for something more. Please pray for me as God continues to present opportunities for me to share about his son. Please prayerfully consider partnering with me financially in this work as I use the temporary to make an eternal impact for Christ.
Recent Donations
Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
4 days ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Aimee Tustin
$ 240.00 USD
7 months ago

This is for 2024! Sorry, I'm late. Finally got the funds to do this. Praying God's sovereign hand on you! Love you! Preach the word, sister!

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Kevin Huot
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Aimee Tustin
$ 120.00 USD
1 year ago

Look up! He's got you! Love you!


October 2021

October 26th, 2021

Helo there! October has been quite the month. We had our country wide church retreat with the theme, "The Greatest Commands," where we got to touch base with other Christians and encourage the youth. We made a trip to Rome, and had the amazing expirience of connecting with the history of our faith and seeing many evidences for the Bible and early church activity. I have been helping the congregation in Tallinn build there own managable website......and this week we are having a reopening event in a new coffee shop. We are excited to move right down town in a place where we will be the only congregation renting the space. Please pray for me and us in this time of transition.

Spring and Summer 2021

September 5th, 2021

The last nine months have been a time of challenge, prayer, and renewal. We went into complete lock down for a few months, reopened in May, and had our first summer intern in June. After what seemed like a very long time with no events, outreach, or meeting new people, we were full blast in ministry over the summer. We were involved in two summer camps over the summer, helping with crafts, serving as counselours, doing skits and teaching classes. We were part of local events and volunteering projects in a community garden. We taught conversation English from the Bible with the Let's Start talking program, hosted culture themed parties, and hosted our first Christian Day camp for Kids with the theme of Firm Foundation. I directed my first VBS and had a lot of fun doing it. It met up with friends over the summer and talked about faith, studied the bible with them, and took some time in between it all to have some fun. It gave the the opportunity to practice speaking the local language and grow in leadership and communication skills. This past month I have been in the US, reconnecting with my other home, family, and long time friends. It has been wonderful to be encouraged by so many Christians, eat familiar foods, and share what God has been doing in Estonia. I am so thankful for my time here and am preparing to return to Estonia to continue the work and what God has in store for me next. Please pray for me as we seek to find our own church building to rent and use for ministry and outreach opportunities. 

Facing a New year in Estonia

January 27th, 2021

The first month of 2021 is almost over and so many exciting things have happened this past year. We have started meeting in a Cafe on Sundays and have been working on developing outreaches in person and online. In person we do a lot of personal montoring, teaching, and discipleships. In addition to Sunday Services, we have mid week Bible studies. Online we have been developing resources for agnositcs who are curious about Jesus and why Christians believe it is true. I have started a Bible for book club who are reading the story of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke for the first time. We have continued in language learning and recently I had an opportunity to give a presentaiton on the work here in Estonia for a mission vision workshop. I am humbled and honored to see the work God is doing in, around, and through me, please keep me in your prayers. 
Update #11

November 21st, 2019

This last month has been an adventure! The pictures in Update 10 are of me and my friend Kriistina. She is another Christian here that desires to know more about God and his word in order to share it with others. We attended a Christian leadership conference together. I look forward to continueign to build a friendship with her and pass on some of the information that has been entrusted to me. The second photo is from my Estonian class. I finished my first Estonian class last week. I am happy to have met the amazing people in the class from France, Japan, Latvia, Indonesia, VIetnam, Pakistan, Russia, and so on. I look forward to keeping in touch especially with the ladies in the class that are married to Estonian men. I have continued sharing the historical account of the life of Jesus with some Estonian women that have never read it before. It has been amazing to see their reactions to the words and actions of Jesus. I have been volunteering at a college outreach where I help serving at the events and share about Jesus and the Bible as I have opportunity. God has given me opportunities to share about him in public schools here as well as I have spoken in some English classes. I am now looking into volunteering at an orphanage here in Tartu. Please pray for me as I do my best to keep my eyes open to the doors God is opening and to make the most of every opportunity. 
Update #10

November 21st, 2019

Update #9

October 28th, 2019

Pictured here is my friend Kaie and I making soup for the "Alpha Course." This is a class taught on the very basics of Jesus and Christianity in Estonian at a College outreach.
 This past month I was able to pick up several Bibles in Estonian for both children and adults. These will be useful as we continue to make contacts and expand our outreach to different age groups. 
The picture hee is from a spaghetti devotional night that some visiting missionaries that used to live here hosted. The women in this picture are all Christian Estonians. It was so good to catch us and grow closer as well as meet other Estonian women that do not yet believe in God. 
Update #8

August 1st, 2019

Below you can see pictures of some of the recent blessings God has placed in my life. I have been in Estonia for three and a half months now. God has brought many amazing poeple into my life...some who know him and some who do not. I have been meeting with about five friends here who have not yet made Jesus their Lord. Please pray for these young ladies as they get to know Him and for me as I tell them about him. I am also very pleased to annouce that I am now an official resident of Estonia! I have my ID card and can do many more things including getting internet for my apartment. I praise God for all of the open doors he has brung. As you can see pictured below, we had a baptism at camp this past month which is very exciting and refreshing for the believers here. This past week I had the opportunity to host the church in my home. It was a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me. This week I have been meeting with some of the Christians here to know them better and to build friendships with them as well. I pray that as we become a stronger congregation, we will be able to show the love of Christ together to the community around us. Thank you for your prayers and support! If you would like to know more about the Lord's work in Estonia feel free to email me at

Serving Him with you,

Hope Goode
July Pictures

August 1st, 2019

Update #6

June 26th, 2019

God has been tremendously faithful! I have been in Estonia for two months now. I have been learnign the language, culture, and the poeple. I have been anble to meet locals and witness to them abotu Jesus and the hope that Christians have in him. I have had opportunities to serve and make friends I hope will chose to become followers fo Jesus. Please continue to pray for here as I get established here and follow up with the contacts God has blessed me with. 
Update #4

April 18th, 2019

Hello! Tere!

I am pleased to announce that I am in Estonia! I arrived yesterday and it has been amazing! I have been able to spend time with the Russian speaking congregation here as well as some Estonian ladies I met last summer on my trip here. I am so thankful to all of you who have invested in the work God is doing here in Estonia. He is on the move and working in his people. I am thankful for hte oportunity to be part of it. Tommorow is Good Friday in the States, and Big Friday in Estonia. There will be a special worship service here at the church. This next week I will be working with a group from Canada to host a "Young Friends" event that will be teaching teenage Russian speakers English from the Bible. Thank you for keeping me and the people of Estonia in your prayers!

Serving Him with you,

Hope Goode
Update #4

April 18th, 2019

Hello! Tere!

I am pleased to announce that I am in Estonia! I arrived yesterday and it has been amazing! I have been able to spend time with the Russian speaking congregation here as well as some Estonian ladies I met last summer on my trip here. I am so thankful to all of you who have invested in the work God is doing here in Estonia. He is on the move and working in his people. I am thankful for hte oportunity to be part of it. Tommorow is Good Friday in the States, and Big Friday in Estonia. There will be a special worship service here at the church. This next week I will be working with a group from Canada to host a "Young Friends" event that will be teaching teenage Russian speakers English from the Bible. Thank you for keeping me and the people of Estonia in your prayers!

Serving Him with you,

Hope Goode
Update #3

March 8th, 2019

     It has come to my attention that it may appear that the goal amount of funds here is small compared a vision of a year long work in Estonia. Let me clarify. The majority of my funds go to my sponsoring church, who collect funds in a way that allows tax deductibility for my donors. This site was requested by sponsors who wished to have automatic monthly withdraws and the convenience of online giving.
     That being said, I am pleased to announce that I have the legal minimum amount of support required to apply for my year long residency visa! While I am still short of my budget goal, I can now qualify to be a legal temporary resident. Praise God!

If you would prefer to support the work in Estonia through my sponsoring congregation, you can send it to.

Westside Church of Christ
P.O. box 726
Seminole, TX

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support!

Serving Him with You,

Hope Goode
Update #2

March 1st, 2019

I am excited about what God is doing! I will be going to Estonia in just 6 and a half weeks! I am in the process of selling and donating everything but what will fit in a few suitcases. Once I am in Estonia, I will be applying for a one year Residency Visa. This visa will allow me to live in the country in order to serve God and the people there. I have been in touch with the local missionary and church members there, and am looking forward to working with them. Please continue to pray for me as I prepare to venture into the unknown, knowing that God is in it every step of the way. I will spend the next few weeks, travelling, speaking, teaching, and spending time with my friends, family, and supporters.
Update #1

February 20th, 2019

Hey Everyone!
I have purchased my plane ticket and will be going to Estonia April 16th! This was done in faith as I continue to seek people who want to financially partner in the work that God is doing in Estonia. I will be working in Tartu, Estonia with a missionary couple there who are presently involved in a house church work. Tartu has the largest college in Estonia with many young peole who do not yet know God. During the summer, I will be assisting in several church events including a Christian camp and teaching English from the Bible. In just 7 and a half weeks I will be moving there. Please continue to pray for the work in Estonia and for me as I prepare to join God's work there. 

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