USD $10,000
USD $5,304
Campaign funds will be received by Covenant Homes and Resources
Gods vision is for family style, safe group homes for pregnant Mommas, especially near abortion facilities to walk women over to. They can stay 2 hours, 2 days or 2 years. We have a House Manager or mentor onsite 24/7. We teach them life skills such as cleaning, cooking/nutrition, budgeting, communication, parenting, etc so they will be successful after they leave. Our goal is generational transformation! We have others come in and teach hobbies, sewing, painting, etc. When you live in survival mode, you don't think about what you like to do. We have devotionals and bible studies as we believe Jesus is the only way to real life. We have a photography session when they come in and after they have their baby. We help Mommas who are going to parent or share their child with another family. We are collaborating with a christian adoption agency. We want every Momma and child to feel safe, loved and wanted. Our Founders back story: I started doing drugs at 13. At 17, on drugs and on the street, God showed me a vision of family type group homes. I needed one, but there weren't any. Being a young woman on the street, you probably can't even imagine what I lived through. I got clean at 30, became a single Mom of 2 at 37 and got saved at 40. At 41, I started my first nonprofit housing women and kids in family type group homes. Hundreds of women came to know the Lord and changed their families lives. In my prior nonprofit, we had a 19 year old with 2 kids and pregnant, who had never lived in a house. She had been basically kidnapped and raped, now we call it trafficked. We look forward to being a national organization with homes all over the country! We need prayer, funds to finish remodeling our first home, funds for monthly bills (mortgage, utilities, insurance, etc) for this and future homes and staff, volunteers and mentors, lawn care, etc. THANK YOU in advance!!
May God continue to bless you Karen.
May God continue to bless you Karen.
God Bless this ministry and Karen who makes it happen and impacts the lives of some of the people that need it the most at some of the most important times.
May God continue to bless you Karen.
December 3rd, 2024
"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18
WE are His hands and feet. We have a mandate from God to help stop abortion, by housing and helping pregnant Moms. He has commissioned that we open our homes near abortion facilities to walk women away from, which means also being on the sidewalk IN LOVE only.. taking care of the Mom.. not even talking about abortion or even the baby unless necessary.. We are about generational transformation!
I haven't updated in awhile! We have hired an AWESOME Office Manager. She has taken us to another level, and frees me up to do more community outreach and networking to get the word out about us. It's difficult as we are still not officially open to residents, as we have not found our Live in House Manager, if you know of anyone that might fit. Our main requirement is being SOLD OUT for God and LIFE!! Experience with mentoring, community living, teaching classes/bible studies, etc helps, but we really are looking for who is CALLED to this, a loving willing heart. Room and board and salary DOE
We always need volunteers: office, mentoring, classes, child care (when open), maintenance, grounds. etc.
August 21st, 2024
First of all I can't believe I haven't updated since March!! Yesterday we had 15 volunteers, including kids and famiilies, do yard work, sanding wood benches, sorting donations, etc!! Unfortunately, no one took pictures!! We are having more come on Thursday and Saturday, so I will make sure to post some pictures then!! Real life: We have hired 2 office staff that quit after 3 weeks. One hadn't worked full time in years and was driving 40 minutes one way. She was committed but just couldn't physically do it. The other was very ministry minded, but the office work just didn't suit her. HOWEVER, I belive we have found our House Manager who can do some office things until we find the right person, but we can GET OPEN!! I have 3 Moms right now waiting!! It's been SO heartbreaking to say no for now 4 years! Please if you can only pray for us, PLEASE pray for this woman to accept our position and for finances. Just our insurance is $800 a month, and we have a mortgage, utilities, staff, etc. THANK YOU!!!
March 30th, 2024
We are starting to plan our first BABY SHOWER!! We are helping and mentoring J, a 15 year old pregnant Momma determined to have and care for her baby girl. We can't house her as we aren't licensed for youth. Please pray for her to receive Jesus and for others to come around her and us to make this event spectacular for her!! Please let us know if you donate and want it to go specifically for her!
January 31st, 2024
We have interviewed several Mommas, but they are not ready to put down their current life.. YET!! I believe we will have our first Moms within the next 2 weeks. I am currently working with and mentoring a 15 year old pregnant Mom, who would LOVE to move in, but we can't house her as a minor. WA state is one of the toughest in the nation to house any youth!! The beautiful thing is that she is COMMITTED to have the baby!! We have gotten her into a new high school here that is only for pregnant and parenting teens. It's SO wonderful! I am working with a place who might be able to take her when she turns 16 in June. She is due in August. She is staying in a fairly safe, but not stable, place right now. In those situations, you never know when something or someone might erupt! I pray for her every night and text her most days if I'm not with her. We still need funds to hire staff. We are still all volunteers.Please consider being one of our partners, if only $20 a month. It all adds up!! THANK YOU!!!
November 14th, 2023
Do you know about Giving Tuesday? Its now like a National Holiday for giving!! Its SO exciting!! Its on November 28th. It is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world!! Will you participate? Many organizations you give to are being matched by other donors so your gift goes that much further!! And what if EVERY Tuesday was giving Tuesday!!?? Or at least once a month? Many nonprofits really depend on their monthly givers so they can budget more wisely and be good stewards of funds. Please consider giving monthly to your favorite!!
November 7th, 2023
WE ARE OPENING!! Our Open House for the public is Nov 19 from 2-6pm, if you can come Hear the Vision and See the House before we move Mommas in!! We have 2 pregnant Moms possibly moving in on the 20th. We wanted to push to get open to have our first Thanksgiving in the house!! Some of our Mommas will not have family to go to, so we wanted to be able to share this with them.. with their new family!! Here in Spokane, our temperatures have already changed, so we will need extra help with winter bills soon! THANK YOU to all who have donated and those who have prayed for us!! Our Mommas and babies will be so appreciative!!
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