Caribbean Evangelical Mission Trip


 USD $7,000


 USD $5,655

Campaign created by Hugh Bennett

Campaign funds will be received by Hugh Bennett

Caribbean Evangelical Mission Trip

In February I will be making my 2nd Mission trip to the Caribbean.  The first trip was nothing short of amazing as we engaged a local Church population by supporting local House Churches, providing medical support to those in the House Churches, and helping people with an addiction recovery outreach. 

There have been times in my life where I have struggled to understand where God wants me to be in the mission field.  He has given me a clear understanding now.  I, through God's grace and mercy, have been sober for a little over 15 years.  I find no greater joy in life than to give away the gift He has given me!

Our Brothers and Sisters in the Caribbean have struggled greatly as of late.  In the past few months, they have had two major hurricanes as well as a very strong earthquake.  Medicine, food, electricity and water issues have caused a great deal of hardship.

I am challenged financially so some of the money raised here will be used to aid in my financial obligations for the trip.  Anything raised over and above those costs will be used to purchase and supply food, medicine, local general needs and some specific needs for those joining the addiction recovery efforts.  On the last trip we were able to provide equipment for a local school and help some who were in a very challenging situation providing for their families. To be clear, I am using personal funds to pay for part of the trip.

Any help that you would be willing to provide will be greatly appreciated. More than a financial contribution, I am asking for PRAYERS...prayers that I am able to meet others who are struggling with an addiction like I am and tell them how God rescued me from a hopeless state of mind. Blessings to you all!!! John 3:30

Recent Donations
Mark and Sharon
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago


Liz Smith
$ 25.00 USD
19 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
20 days ago

Praying blessings on this ministry!

$ 300.00 USD
26 days ago

Pray for God to go before you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1500.00 USD
28 days ago

The need is great and the worker's are few. May the Lord's face shine on the entire team. Speak Jesus to all who will listen. Dust off your shoes and move on from those who will not. Time is short. Be safe my friend.

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
30 days ago

This is for Hense Bennett

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

James Loveless
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Happy to support your cause Hense. God Bless.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 2500.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for everyone on the team. "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2. The need is great. Thank you all for bringing the Word of God into practical action. Be safe. Preach Jesus in action first, and then words. Always remember: John 3:30

Lee and Erin Hamilton
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

I can’t wait to hear about the adventure when you get back!

Kendrick jerry
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Blessings now & forward as you share the “ Good news” in February

Jason Miller
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Well done HB

Chris Sternberg
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers for a successful trip.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 months ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago


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