Help for Mason Courson

Campaign created byĀ Angelica Rea

Campaign funds will be received by Angelica Rea

Help for Mason Courson

Mason was arrested on Dec 14, 2021 like many others for Jan 6th, however he like only a few was held without bond. He was sentenced to 57 months and this account is to help with his commissary and all other expenses throughout his incarceration at FCI Coleman Low in  Florida. We have had major life changing expenses from legal fees, commissary, phone, travel, and so forth that have debilitated us. Mason lost everything he had. His home, car, credit, time with his now 4 yr old son and family. He is labeled a terrorist and our concerns for what his life may be and the difficulty of him re-establishing himself because of this all consumes us. Like most J6ers, Mason went to listen to his president speak and the rest is history but his life has been ruined and his constitutional rights all taken away because of his views and beliefs in standing for freedom and democracy. Any help is beyond appreciated. Please view my pages on TRUTH and Twitter, I am @J6PatriotMom on both social media platforms. God Bless you and God Bless this beautiful nation of ours that is under so much attack from within. We need more prayer and change.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
5 days ago

Just heard Mason and Angie on The Michelle Moore Show. Praying the LORD comforts and leads you each day!! #Freedom #JesusisLord

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

1 month ago

Kathryn Schroeder
1 month ago

I pray that God pardons all of you!!!

Gaston Llaca
1 month ago

God bless you, Mason. Merry Christmas

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

God Bless you from these evil leftists. leftists are pure evil, never forget it. May God reign his judgement upon them all.

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Fellow Patriot
1 month ago

Almost free.

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Merry Christmas and God bless.

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

God loves you. Merry Christmas

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Our Prayers are with you.

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

My the new year be a truly blessed one for you. Godspeed to you and all the J6 political prisoners.

J F Ginart
1 month ago

Larry Pratt
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

My heart breaks foe you and the others. Thank God this nightmare is almost over. I know President Trump will do the right thing and pardon you and the others. Stay strong!

A Hatchwell
1 month ago

Nancy Lacore
1 month ago

We will NEVER begin to understand what all of you have been thru . . . but NEVER forget our Loving Father does and He has been with you EVERY day! Looking forward with great anticipation to the day all of you are pardoned and begin the next chapter of your Life Story! May God bless you and your family bunches in the New Year!

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

God Bless you and your Family! Never lose hope or Faith!


Long time, no update...

April 8th, 2024

I have to start by saying thank you to all of you that have not only donated to this givesendgo but for all of you that read about Mason and have followed his journey with us. I update on X often and we appreciate those follows as well for @J6PatriotMom because awareness is necessary especially in the state our country is in today. 

We have visited Mason several times at Coleman Low in Florida since he has been placed to serve the remaining of his time. His release date is 12/31/2025. We have been turned away due to visitations being cancelled 4 times now. No reasons given, no explanation. I understand that there could be good reasons for these visits being cancelled but what most do not understand is the emotional toll it takes on us, not to mention Mason, and all the inmates that look forward to their visits from loved ones. These visits are crucial to their mental well being. It is expensive to get up there and visits are only allowed every other weekend with a limit on days due to a point system they have in place. Time off of work is an issue, finances, other family members being able to go, all of it consumes us, especially me. All I think about, even on my best day is Masons well being.

We have a visit planned end of April and are praying we will be able to actual be with him this time. He is currently going through a phase where he feels not as positive as he usually is. He amazes me with his focus and his strength and always rebounds. In his on words, he will be better than he ever was before once he's home and settles in, and he was pretty great prior to this so his future hopefully will be brighter than ever. All of these men and women that have fallen in this category of making America great again supporters that have been targeted deserve an incredible future. They have suffered for us all. Been made examples of to instill fear. But, most of them are better and stronger because of it.

Stay strong fellow Patriots. Believe in our beautiful country, the people that love it, never lose faith, and remember, we believe in God and our God is an awesome God! Everything has a purpose and his timing is always perfect. 

Thank you everyone. I will update end of April after we see my boy! God bless.

Update #1

October 31st, 2023

Thank you so much for your support! I was able to visit Mason this past weekend with my daughter and my mom who is 82 years old. To say it was an emotional visit would be an understatement. Her biggest fear was not living long enough to see or hug Mason again, not to mention seeing him free. I am so grateful were able to spend time with him. At Coleman they allow 9am to 3 pm visits. We had some delays due to new changes to their clothing policies and my moms knee replacement that could not pass the metal detector but finally at 11am we were in. He seems as good as can be considering what he has been through, and Coleman is by far the best prison he has been at. I ask for continued prayers for us all please. I fight daily to stay positive as does Mason. If it were not for our faith in GOD and his purpose we would not have been able to sustain thus far. I will update as we are able to travel to visit him, and again am so humbled by the donations, thoughts, and prayers from all of you. God Bless! Angie

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