USD $60,000
USD $1,960
Campaign funds will be received by Joel Davis
The Davis family is an amazing family that served as missionaries in the Philippines and have now been serving here in Spokane, WA for 8 years as on-loan missionaries to Moody Aviation. Joel is a flight instructor and Missy works at the front desk and they love training up the next generation of missionary pilots being sent all over the world. Joel and Missy have two girls, Ryley-19 and Camryn-16.
Camryn has been struggling with chronic illness for 3-4 years now. Her symptoms include: chronic fatigue, nausea, dizzy spells, eye issues, headaches, insomnia, brain fog just to name a few... For the last few years, she has been to many doctors and naturopaths to chase down every lead trying to figure out what the root cause of her illness is to no avail. Camryn has been getting worse and worse and has missed most of the last school year. She is now doing all online because she couldn’t make it to school anymore.
In December 2024 she was tested for mold and she was positive. At the same time, the Davises were going to have insulation added to the attic and they found that their attic was full of mold from a bad roof job 7 years prior that wasn’t allowing the attic to ventilate properly. Insurance won’t cover it because they call it “bad workmanship”, which it absolutely was, and the roofing company won’t cover it because it has gone past the "warranty". The Davises are not only stuck with the house repairs out of pocket but their main priority is getting Camryn back to full health which will require lots of tests and treatments. As they dug into mold sickness, they realized that many of her symptoms point to mold.
In late December 2024, the Davises tested for mold in the main parts of the house and had positive hits on about 6 different types of mold and two that are black mold and extremely dangerous. They were advised by two separate mold specialists to leave their home immediately, so they found a place for a week thanks to a generous couple and looking for long term housing while they wait for winter weather to improve to do a complete roof tear off, mold remediation, and roof rebuild.
Between all the medical bills, tests, and upcoming treatments and the house repairs, mold remediation, and replacement of furniture (like all mattresses, couches, rugs etc…) they project it will cost up to $60,000. This is well beyond their ability to handle financially but not beyond God's ability…and they would really appreciate any gifts that could go toward these expenses to get Camryn healthy and keep her in a healthy environment with no more mold exposure. They are trusting the Lord for one step at a time and finding Him faithful for each step. Proverbs 3:5-6 has been an anchor for them in this time.
I hope this all turns around, and that you heal quickly!
Prayers as well!
We love you guys, and have been praying for you and your family. We trust God to provide for you! I wish we could help more.
I owe you a lot more than this for all the flight instruction you gave!
So sorry to hear what you’ve been going through!
We love you all. Jehovah Jireh!
We love you guys and are praying that you continue seeing the Lord's hand at work! There is nothing that can or will ever surprise our King. "He has given you everything you need for life and Godliness." (2 Peter 1:3) Rest in His perfect peace in the storm.
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