Carol's Cancer Journey: A Narrative From Her Kids


 USD $50,000


 USD $28,572

Campaign created by Melissa Moreland

Campaign funds will be received by Melissa Moreland

Carol's Cancer Journey: A Narrative From Her Kids


If you would like to support our family in this difficult time, please visit:

Thank you for your continued love, prayers, and support. We are deeply thankful for each of you and the impact you’ve had on Carol’s life.


As Dave and Carol walked through the halls of their brand-new dream home, they couldn’t help but think of all the seasons that brought them to this moment of celebration. Thirty-nine years of marriage, raising five children together, giving their lives to serving God and His people through missions, pastoring, along with Carol’s committed years of service as a nurse, including the past 15+ years as they become caretakers for their elderly parents in their home for many years. The seasons of their lives together had been full to the brim. For the first time in forever, they were stepping into a time of just the two of them. They were officially empty nesters, moving into their new home, as first-time homeowners. A long-awaited season of rest was finally happening, along with a new season of ministry together. Just as the dust was settling and so many long-awaited promises were being fulfilled, our beloved Carol (wife, mother, sister, daughter, grandma “Mimi”, and friend) received a shocking diagnosis. After seeing the doctor about some nagging stomach discomfort, we were shocked to learn that Carol has metastatic cancer in multiple organs.

While this news has been absolutely devastating to our family, we are leaning into our loving Heavenly Father and believing that “God (who is deeply concerned about us) causes ALL things to work together (as a plan) for GOOD for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose” (Romans 8:28). Carol has lived a life of service and has loved So many people SO well. We are seeing this season as an opportunity to honor and care for her as she has done for others her whole life. As easy as it would be to let this diagnosis overtake us and cause us to be consumed by fear and sadness, we are choosing to believe for Carol’s healing.

Upon receiving all of Carol’s test results, her primary doctor (who happens to be her boss, and who specializes in functional, integrative medicine) quickly put together a comprehensive treatment plan to jump-start Carol’s immune system, target the cancer, and slow down the spread. After putting in hours of research, leaning on the advice of Carol’s primary physician, meeting with specialists, speaking with other cancer survivors, and praying for God’s guidance, we believe we have found the best option for her care.

There is a new treatment currently being provided in Mexico (while also being aggressively researched by the FDA in the US) that is showing great success in treating cancer. After a comprehensive screening of all applicants, 20% are accepted into the program. For those accepted into the program, there is an 85% success rate in treating cancers. We applied.

We prayed, did a bit of breath-holding, and finally late last evening, we received a call that Carol was accepted into the program. This treatment consists of 6 weeks of treatment in Mexico where Carol will be overseen and treated by a team of doctors and medical professionals. Once the treatment is complete, she will then return to her home and be monitored closely by her local doctor and remotely by the medical team in Mexico. You can read more about this specific treatment by clicking on the links posted here:

Amid this unexpected journey, there are needs. First and foremost, we are asking for your fervent prayers. (Thank you for your prayers!) Secondly, the financial burden of this diagnosis is a real fact of life right now. For those who want to support Carol’s healing journey financially, we are posting this “Give, Send, Go” profile. Any funds that come in will go towards Carol’s cancer journey and will help to cover her life and healing expenses as she needs to take time away from her job to pursue this treatment in Mexico. (Thank you for any and all contributions!)

Dave and Carol adore their friends and family and are deeply grateful for your prayers and support during this difficult time. We truly believe God is carrying Carol and are praying and believing for total and complete healing. On this note, if you would like to watch Dave’s video message on healing and prayer, related to their need, click here: (where his message is publicly posted on their church’s YouTube channel).

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Just a little help for Carol’s memorial expenses.

Daniel Boughton
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Dear Brother Dave and Carol. May the Lord grant the power of the risen Christ to reverse and eliminate this disease and return full health and vigor in Jesus’ name.

Theresa Kordon
$ 145.00 USD
7 months ago

Love and prayers

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

God bless you! Hope to see you soon! Much love!

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
8 months ago

Praying for your complete healing and restoration of health.

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
8 months ago

Antioch DC
$ 2500.00 USD
8 months ago

Faleiros family
$ 300.00 USD
9 months ago

$ 500.00 USD
9 months ago

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
9 months ago

Harold and Adrienne
$ 1000.00 USD
10 months ago


Cousin Terri
$ 200.00 USD
10 months ago

Love and prayers from Terri and Elaine

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

<3 <3 <3 God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
10 months ago

God bless you and we love you!

$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Continuing in prayer for Carol💕🙏

Brian and Cheyenne
$ 500.00 USD
10 months ago

Praying for you and your family daily.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

By His stripes Carol is healed of cancer and all diseases in Jesus name (amen)

Megan Murray
$ 280.00 USD
11 months ago

Mark and Deb Hagemeister
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

We are praying for you Dave and Carol!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9. Love you, Pastora Carol!


Final update on our sweet Carol Lynn Owens

December 22nd, 2024

On the afternoon of December 20th, 2024, our sweet Carol Lynn was rushed to the hospital with some complications related to her cancer diagnosis. This was her third emergent hospitalization in the last three months. While in the hospital, Carol's body was unable to endure this setback and she passed away with her husband, Dave, and her children by her side. We lost our dear Carol Lynn to this present earthly existence that we enjoyed so beautifully with her. She fought hard to stay with us. She endured unspeakable pain. She, along with her family and many friends, longed for healing from this disease, for the Glory of God. We are deeply sorrowful in her departure from this earthly life. There would never have been a day where we felt prepared to say "goodbye for now" to our dear Carol. We wanted and believed for her miraculous healing until the very end. Now, in our grief, we find comfort in our faith that she is no longer suffering and is resting in the arms of the One she loved most. Carol was a woman of deep and unshakeable faith. She called on God til the very end and surrendered her life to Him. We miss her more than words, and honestly feel lost without her as she was the matriarch of our family and the axis around which our whole family revolved. 

We want to thank each person who has been a support to Carol Lynn and her family through this journey. We want to thank each person who loved Carol. She held each one of you close to her heart and longed for the day when she would feel well enough to see you and be with you. We cry together for her. We know we are not alone in our grief.

Over this year, many have given generously toward Carol's journey through cancer, and many are asking now how they can now support. Over the past year, Dave and Carol and their family have devoted all of their efforts and finances to the restoration of her health, rather than her passing. Therefore, one way to support is to utilize this GiveSendGo once again, this time toward final expenses. Another way to support, of course, is to pray for her family and other loved ones who must now carry on without her. 

For those who want details of her Memorial Service:

The location is:

Embassy Church: 3855 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington D.C. 20016

Date and Time: December 29th, 2024 (Carol and Dave's 40th wedding anniversary). Memorial Lunch at 1 pm. Memorial service at 2 pm

Thank you,

Carol's daughter, Melissa, and the entire Owens family. We love you. 

Update Final update on our sweet Carol Lynn Owens Image
Update #3

May 17th, 2024

Time for another update!

Yesterday, when Carol arrived at the clinic, her interventional radiologist who administers the Dendritic treatments said, "I wish I had a video from when you first arrived. It's like you are a different person!" Each person from the medical team has made similar remarks in this last week in Cancun.

On April 1st, when Carol first arrived for treatment, things were not looking good. She was having a lot of pain and needed to sleep most of the day. Due to the burden of tumors in her body, her heart was under a great deal of stress, which resulted in severe blood pressure. Carol hardly had enough strength to go up and down the stairs. She struggled with eating and being able to digest food. By all outward appearances, it seemed she was living on prayers. However, as a family, we really believed that God was directing our steps and guiding us to this Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy treatment. So, in faith, Carol put one foot in front of the other, trusting that God had a plan, even though it looked like her health was quickly declining.

Fast forward to now, Carol just received her third Dendritic Cell injection yesterday, and she is already showing significant signs of healing. All of her bloodwork is improving. Her blood pressure has improved significantly and her doctor has been able to majorly decrease her blood pressure medication. She has gone from sleeping all day, to hardly even needing a nap! She is eating well and her digestion is improving. AND we received an email today from the main Immunologist, stating that her most recent bloodwork shows that the cancer in her body is significantly decreasing! Hallelujah! 

We are awaiting further test results that will give us a better idea of exactly how things are improving, but we know enough at this point to feel confident that things are moving in the right direction. Carol has reflected on this journey and said, "It truly feels like I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and God was WITH me." While we are celebrating and dancing happy dances with these amazing signs of healing, one of the doctors also reminded us that this healing journey is not a sprint, but rather a marathon. The road ahead to healing is still long, but the doctors are telling us that things are finally moving in the right direction. We are thanking God, and thanking each person that has been praying and financially supporting Carol in this season.

Most of Carol's 6 weeks in Mexico have been spent resting, but as her energy has improved, we surprised her with an adventure for Mother's Day. We took her on a ferry ride to the island of Isla Mujeres, where we had arranged an experience for her to swim with a dolphin. Attached is a picture from that experience. She loved it! 

She will be returning home to Easton Maryland this Sunday, May 19th, where she will continue receiving treatment from a wonderful, local, integrative oncologist. 

Thanks again to all who have been a part of this journey. We honestly could not have done this without all the support! We will continue to post updates as this season unfolds. Much love to all! 


Update Update #3 Image
Carol officially receives treatment

April 25th, 2024

Hi friends and family,

We wanted to share an update on Carol's healing journey. The first two and a half weeks in Cancun were spent having tests and procedures to prepare for the Dendritic cell immunotherapy injection (the treatment). The team of healthcare professionals welcomed Carol with so much warmth and compassion. They have supported each and every step of this journey with kindness and thorough care. On April 18th, Carol received her first of three treatment injections. The procedure went very well. Her next treatment injection is May 2nd. 

Carol is handling the treatment well. Whether she is lying and watching Downton Abbey, reading, taking naps, or sitting on the porch in the sun, she is resting lots. 

A dear friend and cancer survivor wrote some healing affirmations for my mom, and I would like to share a few of them. If anyone feels called to include them in their prayers and meditations, we would be grateful. 

- "God is working to protect Carol and keep her safe on this healing journey. Carol is healing with His love and guidance."

"All parts of Carol, aware or not, know what to do to heal."

"Carol's body and Soul Self work in tandem and with the grace of God have the capacity to neutralize any illness."

"Carol's body, mind, and soul are profoundly self-healing."

"The dendritic cells are conquering and removing all that does not belong in Carol's body."

During this season, Carol's favorite Bible verses have been Psalm 23 and 91. She repeats them often, and they give her great peace and reassurance. 

Thank you ALL for your love and support. We could not do this without our family and friends. Please keep praying!

P.S. Attached is a picture of one of the doctors holding Carol's first dendritic cell injection right before she got it! It was a very happy moment! 

Update Carol officially receives treatment Image
Carol’s arrival to Mexico

April 3rd, 2024

Carol has officially arrived in Mexico to start the treatment for her cancer! We have SO much to be grateful for! We are especially thankful for all who have been a part of supporting this journey so far! Our family has been supported with meals, encouraging messages, money, prayers, etc.. We have friends taking communion for us daily and praying around the clock for Carol’s healing, and we are so deeply touched by each caring gesture. 

Carol is settled in an AirBnb in Cancun, Mexico with her husband, Dave, and her oldest daughter, Melissa. She will be receiving treatment over the course of 6 weeks. 

While Carol is very weak and tired, she is full of faith and feeling so loved by her family and friends. She wants each and every one of you to know how much she loves you. 

Please keep your prayers coming. We wish we could share all of the miracles (big and small) that have been a part of this season. God is in ALL the details and we feel His nearness. 

More updates to come! 

Update Carol’s arrival to Mexico Image

Prayer Requests

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