USD $30,000
USD $755
Campaign funds will be received by Adam Ziv
Shalom Friends,
My name is Tirza. I live in Southern Israel and I am a single mom to six children. I am writing on behalf of my daughter Avigail.
Avigail is 21 years old and was diagnosed with autism. Despite the diagnosis and the many challenges it took to get here, she has recently been able to finish two years of National Service, (as an alternative to military service) volunteering as a teacher’s assistant in a special needs kindergarten in our town. Against all odds, she completed her service with highest honors and has become an amazing, Godly young woman.
In addition to being on the spectrum, Avigail suffers from social anxiety and has difficulties with sensory regulation, especially in public places. For example, while going to the bank or post office is not hard for the average person, for Avigail it is an overwhelming flood of sounds, smells, lights, and strangers which all cause anxiety (and occasionally a complete meltdown). Until now, these types of public outings were done with the family (as we provided support in triggering situations). But moving forward, Avigail would like to become more independent, pursue higher education, and become all that she can be. For her to achieve these goals, obviously, she will need to be able to go out to the world and interact with others.
In taking time to research solutions, we discovered that a service dog could provide the much needed support she needs, and allow Avigail to achieve greater independence. We found a wonderful dog trainer who is willing to help us with this process. However, it takes about a year to a year and a half to certify a service dog and costs about $30,000 USD to match, train and certify him or her.
We are asking if you would consider donating to this important cause. Having a service dog as a companion and support would not only help Avigail improve her quality of life, but progress to the next step of independence.
Thank you for helping to make this life changing dream come true for my daughter.
If you would like more information, feel free to contact me via email (tznaturalborn@gmail.com)
Many blessings,
Tirza and Avigail
Blessings 🙌
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